He didn't find his brain when marrying his kids to certain people, so...
Many good decisions, many shitty decisions.
Better than 99% shitty decisions up to 2 days ago.
Find your brain and cut funding to Israel and Ukraine.
The absolute evil of claiming there are ''gay lesbian and trans children''.
Children don't have a sexual orientation. Children don't believe they are the wrong sex unless brainwashed into it.
All illegal immigrants are criminals : the comited a crime by entering the country illegally.
Depressing the wages of the citizens of the country with mass-migration and open borders for illegals, and letting illegals stay, is MORALLY WRONG.
Where is your compassion for the people and families of people who lost their jobs because their employer replaced them with immigrants? Where is your compassion for the people in great dispair because they no-longer recognize their town or city due to mass-migration? For the people and families of those attacked, mugged, raped and killed by illegals that were let free by woke judges, woke lawmakers and open borders? ( some of those were deported but hopped right back into the country because the border is not secure ).
Fake Christian. Woke activist.
I don't care one of the richest man on the planet pays other people to level his characters or get items in videogames.
I care that he lies about it to ''how do you do fellow gamers'' PR political bullshit.
That alone wouldn't be much to bitch about. But his support for mass-importing foreing workers ( H1b visas, immigration ) is a much larger concern and will taint my perception of the ''pretend gamer'' stuff.
I hope he isn't allowed anywhere other than firing useless federal employees with DOGE.
The problem is Trump also wants high immigration. ''But legally!''
Also Vavra : ''There were no black people in Medieval Bohemia, period.''
Make sure to torrent the game ( when it's modded ), don't give money to people who hate Whites.
Maby he did try to hire a hitman.
Maby the fed set him up.
Maby the fed didn't have to groom him at all to do so and it was all his own idea.
I don't know. And neither did the judge, who didn't rule on that at all, but instead on, in comparaison, small stuff, to slap two life sentences + 40 years on the guy's ass.
Absurdly high, and motivated by an Intersectional Race Marxist judge with ''Privilege'' theory, plus behind-the-scene stuff we don't know yet. Or maby the judge really was this batshit crazy and there is nothing else that motivated her.
Did he tough?
unprosecuted allegations of planning murder-for-hire that much of the media amplified through inaccurate and sensationalized reporting. The allegations were never charged at trial, never proven, never submitted to, or ruled on by, a jury, and eventually dismissed with prejudice.
''No no he really did''
~Some fed who had already decided the guy had to go down no matter how but the accusation fell apart.
Can I get a summary of Ross William's character and what he was jailed for?
I don't want the ''mainstream media''s opinion.
Found this : https://freeross.org/
What exactly made the feds go absolutely apeshit on him?
Ross Ulbricht is condemned to die in prison for creating an anonymous e-commerce website called Silk Road. An entrepreneur passionate about free markets and privacy, he was 26 when he made the site. He was never prosecuted for causing harm or bodily injury and no victim was named at trial.
Users of Silk Road chose to exchange a variety of goods, both legal and illegal, including drugs (most commonly small amounts of cannabis1). Prohibited was anything involuntary that could harm a third party.
Ross was not convicted of selling drugs or illegal items himself, but was held responsible for what others sold on the site.
In prison since 2013 First-time offender All non-violent convictions Two life sentences + 40 years without parole
Clown justice system.
Trump did another good deed by freeing him ( Ross asked clemency sentence reduction to time served, Trump gave him unconditional pardon ).
According to Public Religion Research Institute, it was
79% Harris 21% Trump.
NBC exit poll is just 1 percetage point different.
And for all the gay pride-flag waving and black pandering Republicans and Trump did, they got less than 15% of those votes.
Jews voted 80% for Kamala Harris by the way. If there are ''tons of right-wing ones'', they don't break the 20%.
Which is strange considering how pro-Israel Trump is. To the point most of his kids are married to jews.
They have to go back. All of them. The free gibs have to stop. Jobs going to immigrants, has to stop.
The USA has millions of unemployed people.
Pakistani men gang-raping White Britsh girls by the tens of thousands -> BBC : ''I sleep.''
White native Brits badmouting the invaders raping their youth -> BBC : ''DANGEROUS FAR RIGHT.''
The people who ''we beat the nazis'' would be called nazis by leftists today.
Massively practicing Christians.
They overwhelmingly didn't want non-White immigration ( and there were strict racial quotas to preserve the USA's White 90% majority at the time ).¸
They overwhelmingly opposed desegregation.
Near-unanimously opposed gay marriage.
''Trans'' wasen't a thing they considered nor would they accept it.
So I unironically want that back ''too''. Just in absolutely antithetical way the leftist want as they try to appropriate WWII.
He sacrifices his own father to The Cult. And The Cult portrays this piece of shit as a brave noble young man.
He deserves whatever happens to him.
Same with N word.
Why don't you write nigger then, nigger?
Canada does too. With the same disastrous consequences.
I expected this to drag for weeks. There are people who did nothing but walk into an open building, kept in jail for 4 years by the Clown Biden administration.
A politician kept a promiss that actually matters. I'll give full credit to Trump for doing this immediately after taking office.
I wish Elon isn't allowed anywhere other than DOGE firing useless federal government employees.
But he's going to ask for favors and some of those will be granted.
VIvek is sad because he had a list of 100 000 Indians to hire on H1B visas for that department.
Oh I see you aren't familiar with the ''Montreal Gazette style photos''. It's basically a default strategy from them here.
They use those cameras that take several pictures per second of a member of a political party they don't like while that person is waving at the crowd, and pick the picture that looks the most like a no-no-salute.
Except in this case Musk did do a weird gesture looking like a roman salute with the pharse ''my heart goes out to you'', not a mere wave at crowd. Still weird as fuck. Trolling? Autist move ''giving his heart'' expression?
''History was a whitewash''
~Doctor Woke, visiting 1800 London full of blacks.
And tryabrain.com links to the comedian's website.