Ironically, Disney became a worse version of what he bemoaned the anime industry of. You can't look at the movies they make today and claim those writers know how real people act
Eva is more obfuscated than than deep. It's surprising the amount of people who don't know what Eva is really about
Good for you, I'm more of a Gurren Lagann guy, Eva got me into psychology at least, so that's fun.
I just wish it didn't spawn a wave of pseudo-intellectual anitubers who think all anime is secretly satire
It's not that it isn't weird anymore, it's because troons and feminists are deciding what's acceptable. They'd push "My Cute Little Sister's 7th Grade Gooning Adventure" if it was yurifag or trap shit
Evangelion is kinda trash tho. It's literally Ano venting about his personal issues, the symbolism goes nowhere and the freudian psychoanalysis themes didn't age the best, if it wasn't for the incidental bait and switch it made, it wouldn't have been as popular. Also, Ideon existed before.
Its biggest mistake was spawining a bunch of pseudo-intellectual redditors who think they are better than the rest of anime watchers because muh media literacy™
The rebuilds are the best example, they exist in a quantum state of being trash Ano made to own the coomers by selling more merch yet again and achkyually being 2deep4u masterpieces because Shinji finally touched grass and got himself a gf
Not really, you missed the decades when every show tried to be Gundam, so you had generic identical space mecha number 3638579, instead
Wish it had a worse rep, so cunts like that would keep themselves away from it
Bitch propably doesn't even know Watanabe also made Space Dandy
Sucking off Ghibli is the most basic bitch shit ever. Even Hosoda mocks Miyazaki.
Also they are the ones bitching how Faye is gooning material. Look at the CB Netflix series
Nah, it's fraud. They do they same to east-asians for the same reason
Thinking Japan, Korea and China are the same culturally is blatantly ignorant. So, why is thinking Italians, British and Swedes are the same socially accepted?
Hispanics too, they got real mad their "latinx" allies didn't vote for Kamala
They believe their own propaganda. No, Marvel movies aren't real and I wonder where they reached they point where thinking that villainizing half of the country and the other main political party was socially acceptable
If they really believe that, what's their solution?
Replace white with jewish and you'll get a visit from the ADL
Worse. He's saying "trans women are biological women" and he doesn't care about actual biological definitions
Hey, at least he nailed that BDP thousand cock stare
Are you talking about refugees and asylum seekers or?
So, are you ok with muslim immigrants in Europe as long as they're legal?
According to Wikipedia the PS5 has sold less units that the fucking 3DS
You can't exclude something that doesn't exist
Plot twist: the hate speech is black Twitter calling eachother the n-word
With throngs of people leaving, “Black Twitter” may become a thing of the past as more users move to alternative text-based social media apps.
Where's the downside?...
It has played a key role in movements such as #SayHerName, #BlackLivesMatter and #OscarsSoWhite.
Where's the downside?
Troons existence is self-contradictory. If they were actual women they wouldn't need to make the "trans" dinstinction
Another four years of hatred
Good thing troons, feminists and the like weren't hateable under Biden
leaning us
NPC update: Glumpf isn't turbo Hitler, but he's bringing us closer to one!
It's so tiresome
a world that will force her to have a baby she doesn't want
Tell your daughter to stop hoeing around, it won't be so funny when the world "forces" her to carry an STD
to wax poetic
I hate theater kids
this loss
This isn't a movie and you are not a hero
May Trump supporters and Trump voters and Trump himself never know peace
Trump suffered two assassinations attempts. You will never have to experience something like that. Being hysteric because your life is so mundane you have to ascribe some faux morality to it will be your punishment
They’ll vote for and align themselves with anything for a taste of power and control that makes them feel a little less helpless.
Written by a troon, btw
This is just the ugly consequence of the already present reality in this country that we all just despise each other. There is no solidarity and there is no love. Trump being in office or not doesn’t change the fact that America is a breeding ground for violent hatred.
but then
We can’t count on the government for literally even a shred of progress or hope so just keep up the good fight in your own personal lives. That’s literally the only thing to be done at this point. Stay safe out there. Maybe buy a gun.
I hate them so much
Even then, "more violent" is a misnomer. Men are more confrontational, women will send the state after you and will try to destroy you economically and socially