RipleywasRightLV426 7 points ago +7 / -0

I agree but more than than just the engine, all the original developers have probably moved onto other things. Any HL3 would be made by new people who have the "idea" what HL3 should be and not the spark that gave us Half-Life 2.

Even with the original team, the "Epistle Three" as originally outlined would have led to another massive cliff hanger and people would be clamoring for a HL4 that'd take another 15+ years.

RipleywasRightLV426 1 point ago +1 / -0

I disagree that to win you have to become a cold, caring monster. There are women attracted to that and the "dark personality traits" but most just want a fit, confident mate at the end of the day. To "win", just go to the gym and fix your diet and confidence does follow when you get to a level of fitness and healthier eating.

Not just from the increased attraction you will recieve, but being a stronger physical person not subsiding on junk food helps bring it out.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

I very much agree with this and hate how women and society keeps telling men the opposite.

It's completely understandable that a woman wouldn't want to fuck you if you're a chubby out of shape piece of shit. When you break it down to base animal kingdom level scrubbing away all the human social norms, you're showing that you're a bad potential mate with poor impulse control and no desire to improve. That's really the crux of it, like if you don't want to be in the friend-zone (And this applies to all social human relationships) go to the gym and cut down on the calories you consume.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

True but I hope this pushes more people of Project64 just from the news of this. Project64 has always been "baby's first emulator" and never has been especially accurate. There are far more accurate emulators out there more than deserve the support and downloads.

RipleywasRightLV426 1 point ago +1 / -0

The movies are interesting because they really don't fit in the timeline and never did. I've watched retrospectives and they pretty much their own DBZ timeline with recurring characters like Icarus. So while they added to, it never fucked with the main series like all this new bullshit has.

It really comes down to Toyotarou who started this. He was reopening the series when he wrote Dragon Ball AF and then he made all his fan stuff canon when he took on Super. Did we all really need Xicor to be canon? It's such a mess at this there really is no "canon" to follow.

It's very similar to how they handled the Aliens movie series. There's so many spinoffs, novels that are canon or not depending on the week, the rpg which canonizes some of the comics and unfilmed scripts. videogame timelines etc. At the end of the day I just ignore it and pick and choose what I like.

RipleywasRightLV426 21 points ago +21 / -0

Not suprising, Project64 has been always pretty shit. I remember they added a toolbar/malware that auto installed back in the day and never announced it.

When people found out and complained they whined and were like "We didn't think anyone would notice".

RipleywasRightLV426 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah it's not a conspiracy movie "illuminati" just a bunch of greedy petty rich people who act like children.

Weirdly enough Anthony Bourdain of all people wrote about it in one of his books when he shacked up with a very powerful person's daughter after his marriages dissolved. The standout thing I remembered was how one of his chef friends was selling plates of <$1 canned beans for an absurd amount of money to these people and they were eating it up because the "status" of it. Pretty much the American Psycho scene with the business cards with how petty they wete with each other.

RipleywasRightLV426 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sadly I don't think Hard Candy is what broke Ellen Page, she probably was assaulted multiple times in the Hollywood backrooms.

I remember a story I read a long while ago when she was at her peak about a fan who met her at like a meet & greet and she was visibly shaken and recoiled when any of the male fans came to meet her. It wasn't a "I'm better than you" thing more the response you'd expect from an assault victim.

RipleywasRightLV426 9 points ago +10 / -1

Eh I disagree, Iran isn't early 90s/00s Iraq. It's a extremely mountainous country with likely nuclear weapons and a very advanced drone program that has been battle tested in Ukraine.

Add in that Israel already has their hands tied with Gaza and are publicly saying they will enter Lebanon, we might be seeing mushroom clouds over the desert once this goes regional.

RipleywasRightLV426 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean at this point I think you can just pick what you like and just ignore the rest because clearly they don't know what they're doing. The offical "canon" is a complete mess right now and as someone who religiously watched every episode during its original broadcast run I couldn't tell you what actually is and isn't anymore.

The chronology is super weird now with the manga going in a different direction than the anime, the movie chronologies that are now being cherry picked, the semi canonization of the time fuckery of the Xenoverse games, the introduction of mangas and animes of the Dragon Ball Heroes and Super Dragon Ball Heroes, parallel "Xeno" universes where GT is canon, it's a complete fucking mess and makes me miss the days when people just argued over GT and made SSJ5 fanart.

RipleywasRightLV426 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yup. As someone who followed the Maidan coup closely, I knew immediately that we were going to be involved in Ukraine as soon as Biden was sworn in.

It's ironic because the diplomatic cable leaks years back warned about this and the consensus among the foreign intelligence community was that the US had to stop fucking around in Russia's backyard because eventually they were going to find out.

RipleywasRightLV426 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean is anyone suprised? Toriyama's protogé and Super's creator Toyotarou literally got his his start ripping off and writing Dragon Ball fanfiction.

Hell even Super is a hodgepodge of that same fanfiction. Goku Black is literally Xicor from Dragonball AF, Ultra Instinct is SSJ5, etc. Other than a few original ideas it's just fanfiction made canon.

RipleywasRightLV426 4 points ago +4 / -0

Iirc that was the original plan by Toriyama. The Cell Games were the end of the series and like you said it completed Gohan's journey just as Dragon Ball completed Goku's. However the editors and money people didn't want their most lucrative franchise to end so we got the Buu Saga and everything after.

It makes sense in hindsight because that whole saga is so unfocused and goes in so many directions til about Super Buu-Kid Buu. He told the story he wanted to tell and didn't know where to go next.

RipleywasRightLV426 4 points ago +4 / -0

A bit different from some posted here, but I believe HG Wells or a close associate of his was an actual time traveler.

The man's writing was decades ahead of the curve and suprisingly would inspire the things he wrote about. He wrote of atom bombs in 1910s and the first actual nuclear scientist said he was directly inspired by the writings. Some world changing rocket scientists, technicians, chemists all said they got their ideas from reading Wells work. Wells also predicted the second world war, the rise of communism, hell even a "cold war precipitated by submarine launched wmds" all in the early 1900s before anyone else even thought of it. He's even directly responsible for all current wargaming and rpgs, since D&D and it's predecessor Chainmail were based on a wargame he made.

The man literally changed the course of human history and also coincidentally wrote the Time Machine.

RipleywasRightLV426 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'd agree there I just find it the most apt comparison fan wise to a female singer of that level of popularity wise.

And yes if the evidence I've seen is believed, she was a 4chan shitposter earlier in career and was pretty wholesome/had based opinions. Not sure when the change happened but she wasn't always so promiscuous/left leaning.

RipleywasRightLV426 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do see them screw up again but I don't see them ever going full woke because like I said they sell toy soldiers at the end of the day and it's where they make all their money. They can't push away that audience because they'd go out of business if they do.

None of these social justice warriors will pay $50 for a single model, spend 10s of hours painting just for use in an autistic wargame. Every interview with former Games Workshop staff supports this and they're pretty open about it.

RipleywasRightLV426 7 points ago +7 / -0

So basically Madonna? I know people think she's an outlier in her popularity but she's pretty much the Madonna of this women's generation.

You could probably go back 30-40 years and find the same things being said about her.

RipleywasRightLV426 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's some evidence that she's a former 4chan autist who used post on there alot until she really made big.

Would explain how she never can keep a boyfriend and goes along with whatever is put in front of her.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

I disagree here only because usually "the one who got away" was pushed away was because of a character fault of the man. Drank too much, partied too much, other women, laziness in the relationship/life.

Even if that person came back into a man's life, they would still carry that baggage or the man could still be doing whatever it was that pushed them away in the first place. A sex robot though wouldn't care though you drink too much or spend all your time playing xbox.

The Futurama episode years back dealt with the subject and came to a similar conclusion even though it was played for laughs.

RipleywasRightLV426 4 points ago +4 / -0

They have been. At the end of the day Games Workshop (The creator of Warhammer) knows who their market is and their not keen to piss off those players. Their bread and butter is the models they sell at the end of the day and they know that.

The barrier to entry is also a repellent. It costs hundreds of dollars to buy an army and then hundreds of hours to paint them.

RipleywasRightLV426 4 points ago +4 / -0

There's actually three seperate ones

Warhammer Fantasy - The original Lotr races with crazy science rat people, lizards and the like. Eventually removed from production because of low sales and stifling creativity. Soon to be relaunched as Warhamer The Old World.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar - Replaced Fantasy More heroic wow style fantasy. Super magical armies clashing in different planes of existence. Hated at first but has quite a bit of lore built up.

Warhammer 40k - Originally fantasy in space. The poster child and biggest wargame played currently in the world. Horus Heresy is a spinoff wargame/book series set 10,000 years before.

RipleywasRightLV426 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't think even normal woman will be getting into relationships. Almost every guy I know has that "one that got away", imagine having that person in sex robot form without whatever baggage it was that ended that relationship. You could just chase that high til you died.

It would upset a lot of things but I personally believe we'll be involved in several shattering wars before it gets to that point technologically.

RipleywasRightLV426 19 points ago +19 / -0

This. Patricia Hernandez of Kotaku (in)famy had a meltdown like this years back and published an article about it. Literally was like "My mom saysI'm fat and when is she getting grandkids, and all my lesbian relationships are failing horribly".

Like then how are men your problem?

RipleywasRightLV426 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think they're just desperate. Ukraine poured all their manpower into Bakhmut and into the Russian defensive lines this summer and burned up an incredible amount. They've lost this war and all the propaganda won't change the writing on the wall at this point. Especially now that Russia is leading a offensive of their own in all directions and steamrolling them.

There's really no other option other than NATO troops to change the equation at this point, I don't know if they're stupid enough to try though.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was just pointing out how it's realistic because that's how Grand Theft Auto has always been. It's always been a mirror to specific decades of American culture magnified.

Grand Theft Auto V is a perfect time capsule of American/California culture circe early '10s just as IV was a perfect encapsulation of '00s culture.

Is it appealing to me personally? Not really but I do gotta hand it to them for capturing '20s culture.

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