But if you shoot corrupt people in power, the leftists win!
Is Dom mind reading again? Meanwhile the post calling him filthy kike is still up after 3 days
We are all the same human beans!
Makes sure to accept interviews with them and bring it up every chance
It's worse, he's black
very influence
blasians are the saddest
Lol coerced, they'd do it for free
They don't understand temporal and causal relationship
200 years of scientific and medical advancements so this nigger blob can stay alive to sing trash on stage. Thank you ypipo.
why are they still on his case for antisemitism
this is the most Jewish thing ever
But they are already exempted from insider tradings
He's not European, he just just lives there
She should get her tats removed and rest of her covered up
but it's always white men this and white men that, meanwhile their women are murder/raped by their men
reminds me of that show/documentary about native American forest ranger talking about how she learned from her hunter ancestors, proceeds to use tracking tools and techniques developed by whites
orania, south Africa
I'll bet the Japanese Americans didn't even consider it a slur until Jewish grifters got angry on their behalf
this is Maga country! as he proceeded to maga all over her face
jap is the mildest racial slur ever
Sweeeeee Sweeeeee sweeee
"you'll never be a woman"
Elon musk can't keep getting away with it!