Fuck nintendont. It's also not plagiarism to make capture monster games, there are plenty of em. I dont like this game and will not buy it because 1. It looks lame as fuck and 2. I was never interested in Pokemon to begin with. With that in mind, I still have no qualms with this games presence as it is emulating another IP without copying that IPs exact materials (there is no pikachu for example). Nintendont doesn't own duel monsters as an idea. If you fail to fill a niche, someone else will. I've been enjoying watching the nintendo fanboys tryign to claim this is copyright infringement and defend fucking nintendonts "honour."
I vow to maintain pollution levels at "I don't give a fuck" and increase my garbage production for every initiative they create to counter it. Now excuse me while I run 3x the average household in power, then do some charcoal griping.
From the people ive heard who played it and have thicker skin than most of the people around here, it sounds great. No one I know gives a shit about the sex scenes, they just avoid them and that's it, who gives a fuck? But honestly if you want a cRPG, I've heard Rogue trader is even better.
Well good thing don't support Microsoft or blizzard, they both should die and take all their IPs with them, into oblivion.