OldBullLee 4 points ago +4 / -0

It began after WWII with the well-intended GI Bill of Rights, which in part granted tuition and housing $ to veterans, "democratizing" higher ed, but not yet compromising admissions criteria.

Around 1980, higher ed changed from the monastic to the "corporate" model--colleges catering to students as if they are consuming an education like any other commodity by constructing posh student activities facilities and housing, providing the consumer advocate service of "evaluating instructor effectiveness," and, of course, lowering admissions standards to allow entry of dumbasses who've been told all their lives that only losers don't attend college.

All this is on top of the affirmative action fiasco that lowered standards even further in pursuit of "Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity."

OldBullLee 17 points ago +17 / -0

The West has been feminized. Chris Rufo's mini documentary "The Cluster B Society" makes this point in a discussion of higher ed and illustrates it well, with a link to a pseudonymous essay entitled "The Longhouse," which argues convincingly that there has been a

remarkable overcorrection of the last two generations toward social norms centering feminine needs and feminine methods for controlling, directing, and modeling behavior [. . . .] Female approaches to conflict and competition have become normative among the professional class.

OldBullLee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sucking up is what all politicians do on the campaign trail. You think he wants to alienate the Jewish vote?

OldBullLee 2 points ago +2 / -0

The more, the merrier.

This ought to give the ZPG people a big thrill.

Once again I take the opportunity to flog the greatest invention known to man that has been under-advertised and mostly unacknowledged by our gallant free press.

Behold, the Sarcopod: https://www.exitinternational.net/sarco/

OldBullLee 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is his point here:

On my first day back in office, I will terminate every open borders policy of the Biden administration and immediately restore the full set of strong Trump border policies.

His use of first and third-person is appropriate. In office he has a staff and a cabinet. He does not act alone. He can't, really.

The OJT line is pretty obviously aimed at other contenders for the R nomination.

OldBullLee 2 points ago +2 / -0

It looks like Trump's remarks a few weeks ago increased his support

Happens every time. It's a natural reaction to the years-long campaign of lies belched out in the effort to railroad him into the klink.

OldBullLee 3 points ago +3 / -0

The more his opponents go over the top in their condemnations, the greater his support grows.

It's fascinating to watch these serial LIARS say precisely the same things at the same time about the Teflon Don.

I just answered a Gallup poll in which one of the questions is, "Would you vote for a convicted felon?"

OldBullLee 3 points ago +4 / -1

If this is true, I have to give Trump more credit than I was previously willing to.

Not only is he paying lip service to one of the agencies that he KNOWS tried to boot him out of office, he may even be getting a cut of the bill for the new building he wants to put them in.

Can you imagine Trump owning the FBI headquarters building? There's a weird irony in that, and I don't think he and the FBI will be playing nice anytime soon, despite the appearance of cooperation

OldBullLee 8 points ago +10 / -2

Ike was the soul man. Tina was just eye candy with the rest of the Ikettes.

OldBullLee 4 points ago +5 / -1

You are ignoring the growing support for Trump. Demographics that rejected him last time are getting on board. He will win over the monolithic minority bloc the Ds have relied on for so many years.

His opponents are incumbents everywhere, single yuppie women, and collegiate asshats, and I predict they will not muster the numbers to beat him,

I predict a Nixon or Reagan-like landslide if he makes it to the election without being murdered or imprisoned.

OldBullLee 0 points ago +1 / -1

What are you gonna do? Vote for one of these in the primary only to vote Trump in the general election?

Why bother, when Haley is a retarded neocon and DeSantis should keep his job as Governor, since his good performance in that office gave some the impression he'd make a good President. Ramaswamy should gear up for 2028.

OldBullLee 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can also ask who has done more to advance Western progress, and it ain't Muslims.

OldBullLee 0 points ago +1 / -1

"Jewish" Communism?

Because most of the original commies were Jews, Communism is a "Jewish problem?"

OldBullLee 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know about "genocidal" (the word has been overused and abused). They're only boosting Islam to denigrate the Evil Jews.

OldBullLee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Naturally the Imams would claim that Jesus and the Prophets were Muslims despite the time problem pointed out by the cartoon. It's a PR struggle, as always.

OldBullLee 5 points ago +5 / -0

A lame excuse for the absence of any rational voting bloc up there.

OldBullLee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some are unimprovable. Until we predict before birth who will be too dim to work at anything that pays a living wage, UBI might be useful.

OldBullLee 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, how much is it? If average rent is thrown into the amount, it ought to be pretty hefty.

As long as you deny it to non-citizens, this may very well be the only solution to economies that starve their unskilled workers and might be preferable to slaving away from the neck down until you're worn out and put on the trash heap. Speaking from the US perspective, It makes far more sense than piecing off the dense and unskilled poor with welfare and food stamps.

Something has to be done to take care of the terminally stupid, and I always knew that the IQ problem everyone likes to deny would return to bite us in the collective ass.

OldBullLee 5 points ago +5 / -0

Merry Christmas to you, Mr. Smith, and to the entire Basket of Deplorables!

OldBullLee 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’ve never understood the excuse making or the “victim of circumstance” defense.

It's the Curly Howard defense: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XawB78Z9SvA

OldBullLee 2 points ago +2 / -0

That was the case the last time I paid attention to what the Polacks were up to. I wonder how this came about.

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