Do yourself a favor and read his short stories. I especially recommend "Big Two-Hearted River" parts 1 and 2. "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" is the best story about death I've ever read. Get this edition:
Nothing can ruin a good book or short story more thoroughly than a "teacher."
Hemingway has been out of favor with fag-worshipping academics for at least 40 years.
Dumb fucking Atlanta hipster. I know the type all too well, having lived among them for 12 years.
Institutionally enforced faggotry.
It's a combination of peer pressure, virtue-signaling and fear of cancel culture.
Which is to say that, these days, homosexuality is very fashionable with so-called "generation Zit"--appealing to adolescent girls, especially. It's simple for them to declare themselves homo to score persecuted minority points then have heterosex privately: the only costume necessary might be a crew cut, maybe a strategically placed tattoo or two, a purple dye job, and voila! Men need to make a bit more of a personal investment, having to act like a fag to publicly pass as homo. It does gen zit no good to merely BE homo--in fact their actual sex preference is beside the point when appearance is everything--they need to wear a stereotypical fag costume for public display.
It's the exact opposite of persecution. They are a lionized minority now, completely "liberated" except for their remaining agenda item--normalized sex with children--and appearance is just about enough to gain entry.
Regarding this comparison, I would only add the fact that England can fit into the borders of Alabama with some space left over. The US sits on a comparatively huge land mass and holds more than 4 times the English population.
A lot of people in the world know something screwy is going on but just need to hear someone with a platform articulate the counter-arguments. We win the culture war by giving normal people the courage and confidence to call wokeism what it is.
100%. I think in time the reality of the horrors of critical Marxist wokeness will sink in more generally, but only if people keep hammering away at it and confronting it at every opportunity--the larger the audience the better.
Platforming a propagandist
Careful. Deploying this leftist trope suggests that you actually believe in this "deplatforming" nonsense as a political tactic (denying someone an opportunity to speak publicly because of his political position). The left uses this method because their positions are morally indefensible and frequently irrational, as the Pool podcast discussion shows in no uncertain terms.
Also, debates between woke Marxists and non-revolutionaries can inform a larger section of the public about critical Marxist nonsense and the danger it poses. The more people see the way the left lies and obfuscates reality and truth, the better.
"It seems unwise to give an unelected and largely privately-funded supranational body power over sovereignty and individual rights with seemingly no oversight."
Understatement of the century.
Try your local farmer's markets for free-range chickens and eggs.
"I watched Superman fly away/You've got a busy day today/Go save the world/ I'll be around" -- Taylor Swift
Why would a "globalist" acknowledge citizenship at all?
What's all this "blood and soil" bullshit, anyway? And why are so many here so vehemently anti-Jewish? I mean, who gives a shit if someone's Jewish or not?
I'll settle for North Dakota.
Soldiers and gangsters are the only people that can wear tattoos properly. I think they make otherwise attractive women ugly and make otherwise normal looking civilian men appear ridiculous
100%. Last game I went to was done in under two hours!
The whole point of going to a baseball game is to while away an entire day. It's the fault of the zero-attention-span generations created by the portable internet nodes in everyone's pockets.
Baseball went sideways when they made us pay twice for a doubleheader.
Like every other textbook publisher.
Of course it does. This is not news.
Remember when "scientists" believed that neo-Marxism wouldn't infiltrate their disciplines?
God, Comiskey was great.
Reminds me of the dime beer promotion in Cleveland..
Not to mention the pitch clock and the fact that home plate umpires will be replaced by video or some such bullshit gadget.
If by "without" you mean out of public life, it's just common sense. Keep em barefoot and pregnant.
Look what's happened as a result of their "emancipation": feminism--the root of all our social evils.
We are well and truly fucked.
You're welcome!