Well, finally some good news about American youth.
It's redundant. On the political spectrum Anarchism is the farthest right, to the right of Libertarianism, Communism the farthest left. I've always understood the method of ranking to be from most state control on the left to least state control on the right.
Sounds like a new way to disparage Libertarianism, since "far-right" is being used in the press to connote something like "Nazi."
Nazism is, of course, on the left of the political spectrum, as much as the left likes to deny it..
If she's not actually fucking other men, she's got him on a leash and he does her bidding. I hated watching him turn gay under his wife's influence.
True. I stopped enjoying Burr's jokes once he shit on Anthony Cumia because his wife told him to.
So somebody sent 1984 to the Ministry of Information and had it re-written. Holy Jesus, Isn't this a copyright violation? Or, god forbid, does this hack have permission from the Orwell estate?
Newman hasn’t proved herself a worthy successor to Orwell; she’s outclassed him,
Demonstrating once again that critics are envious narcissists with shit for brains and can't write themselves out of a paper bag.
how the fuck is it still a professor after saying something like that?
In today's college climate, he's a freaking hero and probably up for some sort of prize for his evil vaporings.
"Trans men" is one of the most colossally stupid constructions I have ever seen.
"Trans men" = women.
2 words guaranteed to bum you out and/or lose an erection: Hannah Gadsby.
This must enrage real comics readers.
Does anyone actually buy this shit more than once?
Heroin is so 2000, my dear. Fentanyl is king now and is dirt cheap and more lethal with a shorter high than heroin.
No matter where, the consumer gets the shaft over and over again.
I tell ya, there's a potential gold mine up there.
Once again, behold the Sarcopod! https://www.exitinternational.net/sarco/
Get the Canadian franchise and you'll get rich quick! I can see the Canadian government subsidizing them. "A chicken in every pot"? Fuck that. "A Sarcopod in every garage!"
My god, you're right!
How fucking insidiously evil!
Holy shit! It won't be long until Canada simply makes euthanasia freely available to anyone for any reason.
A Sarcopod for every Canadian! Keep it next to your snow machine!
Wait a minute--Israel just had a 9/11. Are there enough 9/11s to go around?
Once I heard that this tendency was caused by pellagra, common in the South for quite a while.
Anyway, I am reminded of this lost classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbUwneis34E
Wasn't a "furry" affinity once called "bestiality"?
I guess it's different because it looks like an animal head (a cow?) grafted onto a sexy woman's body.
And is he eating sushi off of her back?.
do you think politically incorrect sentiments can be virtue signals?
Yes, but they're not as frequent as leftist ones because, as you point out, those are protected by the establishment.
For example, in order to score points with some conservatives, I could denounce Jews as the rulers of everything bent on enslaving everyone, something I don't really believe.
Generally, virtue signaling or the purity spiral refers to broadcasting an opinion in order to get praise or positive strokes..
The declaration makes the standard argument for free speech, but the fact that only the US has a constitutional guarantee that the government will not restrict speech makes it unlikely that those nations which don't will pay any attention to this symbolic declaration. It's also unlikely that those NGOs raking in the dollars for concocting ways to avoid that pesky First Amendment will consider this as anything but a sign that they're succeeding.
In short, this is a sort of virtue signal, but I suppose these days it helps to declare which side you're on.
Chickenshits and hypocrites. It's good that this has exposed them.
Well, you'd better go kill yourself then, you histrionic person of undetermined sex.
The "white people have no culture" thing really activates my almonds.
It reveals the concept of race as secondary to ethnicity. In other words, you need to make a distinction between genetic lineages and the cultures inhabited by the various races. For example, you can talk about the cultures of the various European nations, nations whose natives are white skinned, but that's about all they have in common. Language (obviously), art, religious inclinations, the various reformations of Christianity unique to Europe, etc. all highlight the variations of cultures evolving among white-skinned people.
Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, St. Nicholas, Krampus, etc are adapted from Northern European mythology.
This blackwashing is getting pretty absurd.
What's next, black Vikings?
Wokeness today is not at root a set of ideas or doctrines, but a style of social interaction that serves to enforce conformity and compliance.
It's both. Did the 'style of social interaction" just pop up without rhyme or reason?
I suppose the neo-Marxist ideology may have been grafted onto this "style" but we do not have one without the other.
I agree.