Obama was the guy who after the Flint, Michigan water crisis began, held a speech there and joked "Can I get a glass of water?!"
It took more than two years for Obama to actually visit Flint and it wasn't until 7 months after in December of 2016 when Obama signed a bill to get adequate Federal funding for fixing the issue. Obama's presidency was truly full of complete and utter failures, but nobody cared enough to do anything about it. Republicans pretended to bitch and moan, but they never took actual action against any of the scandals and Obama's corrupt appointees were never punished (such as Eric Holder). They betrayed Trump, and while I hope the Republican's lose the Senate out of spite... I think Republicans truly want the country to be run by Democrats.
I’m curious if the game criticizes the hyper-sexualization of society in any way? It sounds like it doesn’t, but I thought the dystopia was the extreme degeneracy that plagues the setting, or at least, that was the intent of the cyberpunk setting. It’s disturbing (but unsurprising) that people are genuinely excited by the degenerate sexuality.
And CDPR will continue to cuck to the trannies. They will quadruple down by hiring women who are so untalented that they are unable to do anything but bitch, moan, and write "stories" at an elementary school level.
The fact that the media tried to portray Michelle as a hero back when she was first rejected by Harvard is sickening but not surprising at all. I highly doubt she has a hint of remorse for killing her son, especially since she never revealed where she buried the body of her son.
Because of decades of illegal immigration that is turning the US into a Latino ethnostate that overwhelming supports Democrats and leftists who have been so insulated from the harsh reality of nature that they never recognize the failures of their of own policies or ideas.... Not that conservatives (especially neocons) are any better in recognizing the failures of their own ideas. You can also blame hyper-individualism that has wiped out the support structures of the family and of larger homogenous communities to the point where we as individuals have nobody to rely on except for daddy government.
It had some text in Chinese on a random object that basically said “Xi Jinping is Winnie the Pooh”