Not only nuking China, but taking care of the homeless in the US and enforcing very strict immigration control. While nowhere near the contributor to pollution as China, the homeless and illegal aliens pollute our waterways, leave trash everywhere, and defecate wherever they please. Plastic straws and plastic bags are banned, yet they have no qualms about the piles of trash and feces being left on the streets and in the less developed parts of the US.
It’s hard to prevent gaslighting when people instantly dismiss Project Veritas either because it isn’t a big corporate entity, or because the big corporate entities have dismissed Project Veritas as some fringe group.
This is the first mRNA vaccine to ever be released, so we don't fully know the potential effects of this technology long-term. This alongside the fact that the vaccines were developed at such a rapid pace that we don't know what kind of shortcuts were taken and how many regulations were relaxed for these vaccines. Do not get your children this vaccine. They definitely don't need it since they are so young, and I don't believe there was much testing done for children with the vaccines.
I work with a women who is one of the worst workaholics I have ever seen. She has a family and yet she is spending 80+ hours a week working. Our boss rewards her with exceptional performance reviews each year, but all I am thinking is, "bitch, don't you have a family to spend time with?"
Find a doctor or nurse who will falsify documentation related to the vaccine. You may be hard-pressed to find someone who would do that since a lot of people in the medical field are cucked, but it might not be impossible.
That's true, though deploying troops can only last for so long if we keep on borrowing in order to do so. Our economy is becoming increasingly dependent on the military both as a stable source of jobs for the average citizen and as a stable source of revenue via military contractors. I don't expect real estate market values to fall as long as Chinese nationals continue purchasing properties as a means of getting their money out of China.
I still think the solution for our declining economy and job loss is greater regulation, but that regulation is antithetical to what the left wants.