And they said Trump was the worst president ever
This loser is so fucking annoying calling everybody he disagrees with a Russian bot and if anything he's a fucking bot posting the same shit over and over
Jesus fucking Christ is this dude even in the same reality as everybody else
Ohhh that's a banger maybe the biggest banger of all time
Of course he will
This is probably true for the psychos that are treating the kungflu like some killer Hollywood like virus cause I had a kid during this farce and it hasn't stopped me from doing anything with my kid
Who the fuck wouldn't believe woman terrorists are real when they have child suicide bombers
What happened? I haven't heard of this
Please don't block people. Blocking is for weak faggots
Poor tom Clancy he's rolling so hard in his grave right now
Lies that guy looks like he has to pee and he's trying to find a place to go
I'm looking forward to seeing how much more they can ruin starwars
The rich are immune to the Kung flu
Jesus Christ they would blame Trump if it rained on a day that's supposed to be sunny
LMFAO at this retard saying she would gladly take refugees into her house if she could like she would be gang raped and murdered so fast
I'd be more surprised if they told me some celebrity was not a pedo
I thought their job was to get the beaners out
Is "Jewish" a skin color now cause all the retards in the thread are saying she's not white she's Jewish lul
I'd rather be a terrorist then be apart of the retard hive mind
I would love to see these retards faces if communism was achieved and they realize it's not what they thought it was
How weak are people that they get upset and depressed over this shit
I hate self hating whites
Yikes yikes yikarino let's unpack this
When are they gonna give up on these unneeded vaxxes cause they obviously don't work and the Kung flu isn't any worse then the common cold unless your fatty or old