Lmao did some guy say he had a weapon after he broke his sign I can't hear it's loud in my workplace
What a fucking joke
Lul me three
Wtf am I looking at
For real I'm not very nice to fucks that tell me I need to wear a mask in the liberal shit hole I live in
Hell no I'm poor as shit
Suck it transvestite freak
Damn that is bad how could anybody think that's funny
Shits hopeless, people are to brainwashed and I feel like the only thing all us normal people can do is just wait it out until it blows over but I doubt it will ever happen cause everybody is getting more retarded by the second
They been putting guns on flying drones for awhile now so I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner
That was the slowest run I ever seen I walk faster then that lul
I'd rather have a game show like administration then the circus we have now
"World's largest gaming forum"? Didn't they ban like half their users not to long ago plus tons of people everyday for dumb shit
So if only black males hate Halloween and free candy is it the opposite for black females?
I hate to use this word but that kid is badass
Anomaly came out years ago dude
It's every stalker game world put together into 1 with a completely different storyline and tons of new game mechanics
Why the fuck does this small time shitty booze maker care about what the schools are doing
"Our rating mechanism has detected unusual voting activity on this title. To preserve the reliability of our rating system, an alternate weighting calculation has been applied."
No there's nothing unusual the movie is shit propaganda
He says he's not offended but is trying to cancel Dave lmfao
You just gotta laugh at how dumb everything has become and why the fuck are your pets dying so fast are you poisoning them or something
How did true detective go to shit cause I'm a few episodes in and want to know if it turns into a woke fest or some shit
Yea that isn't sketchy at all
It was pretty obvious when they announced that the main dude was gay and then reminded you that he's gay a thousand times