Only 3 spaces lul
What about super straight they didn't seem to like that
How do you even pronounce "Mx"
Typical black guy
I'm a literal psychopath and I feel like this isn't something a psychopath would do but maybe that's just me
Sounds about right my wife gets into a fight with her lifelong best friend every couple years then they stop talking for a year or two then one of them gets drunk and calls,texts then they friends again for another year or two
I didn't expect it to be any better then the last one when it comes to faggotry
I need tranny privilege instead of this White privilege cause I would be thrown in jail if I said something like this dude
Why are they still trying haven't they heard Putin cured the Kung flu
I'm around 3/4 white supremacist
Fucking groomers
More like every girl
Hmmm I wonder how it could have died
I can't read alien
Applebee's is fucking disgusting idk how anybody can eat there I went once ate one bite and said never again
I don't know why anybody would want to have a kid now like I have an 18 month old and I fear for her future and my old lady wants another and I keep telling her this timeline were in sucks and it's only getting suckier so no kid for you
Twitter does allow free speech but only if your a tranny lover or a tranny
Yea I'm king of the Illuminati and freemasons
No I've seen worse and I like being grossed out
The fuck are they even shooting at
Not that I'm loving elden ring but I'd rather have more Bloodborne
Yea that shits sad