I suppose that's fair. Can't engage in righteous anger over something you never knew existed.
I've tried telling him this before. It doesn't work.
Why do you think he uses so many of them in every post?
Yeah, it's not like Muslim rape gangs in the UK are some novel development, so where was his outrage earlier?
I'm still waiting for something that will top Creatures 2. That game was decades ahead of its time.
Needs something to back its authenticity, otherwise it's safe to assume it was AI generated and is just agitprop being circulated to sow discord.
props to u/m0r1arty for doing the work that OP would have done if they weren't a .jpg posting subhuman.
If true: genuine approval.
If you watch enough anime you eventually run into that problem in Japanese too, it's just significantly less frequent.
The 1 year of HRT is a year's worth of pharmacy bills, it's part of the grift so I don't see why they would drop that if it's about the money.
Your actions speak so much louder than your rhetorical gymnasium of word walls.
Everyone involved should be flogged for cultural vandalism. This is open warfare as far as I'm concerned.
He's anti-White but insists he isn't.
Personally, I don't have an issue with people coming over in small numbers
3,000 each year seems like plenty to me.
Where is the option for "reverse the growth by throwing them all out"?
Such carveouts only work in a relatively homogenous society where the vast majority can agree on what would fall under that heading.
I look forward to the return of dialog boxes and silent protagonists.
Finally, some common ground.
No, most of the population are unthinking animals that simply respond to stimuli. I have no misconceptions about that, save for just how large a section of the population that actually is.
The most eloquent and well reasoned analyses are coming from the strangest of places lately.
Most of mine have been over Discord or Google Hangouts back when that was still a thing, but it's always been with people I've known for years prior to ever rolling up a character.
I'm vaguely aware of WINE, but I've also heard plenty of horror stories with getting it to work properly, same as any other venture with getting Windows based games to run in Linux. The only positive gaming experience I ever had with Linux was Knytt.
Fair enough. I share many of those complaints myself and it's part of why I'm seriously concerned about the long term viability of Microsoft. There's always been some legit grievances to levy against them but in the last 10 years or so it's gone from annoyance to genuine cause for concern.
With Windows being a full fledged gaming platform I fear for the long term preservation of a great many games if Microsoft manages to well and truly shit the bed. That was one of the big strengths of the PC platform over consoles. Yeah you have to fiddle with some config settings but at a base level you can just sort of play old games forever. If the Windows platform straight up dies or changes too drastically...well we could lose practically everything. Yeah you can do a lot with virtual machines, but at some point you're going to hit a wall with drivers and interaction between VM and host platforms that just sort of gums up the works and stalls out your ability to replicate the original experience(CRT monitors notwithstanding). The inevitably death of GOG isn't making me optimistic for the future either.
AI, or LLMs more specifically since that's the most visible variant, are basically just doing a whole bunch of math to predict the next symbol in a sequence of symbols based on probabilistic weights. So when you give it the input:
It takes a whole bunch of training data and sees that numerical symbols bunched together are often paired with operator symbols. This is determined by frequency of symbol patterns occurring in the training data. The vast majority of the time a set of numbers and operators ends with an equals sign(=) followed by another number. But sometimes it's a variable. The model itself has no actual knowledge of the symbols, they're just a pattern determined by frequency of occurrence and a big ol' hunk of math plus a pseudo-random seed used to simulate variance of response. So you can get a response that 2+2=4, or you could get a response of 2+2=5(because that's a symbol sequence that shows up a lot as an example of absurd claims during discourse on the internet which is what makes up most of the training data). However you can also get something like 2+2=x, because that's something that'll show up as a math exercise from some textbook that got fed into the training data. The seed is what will ultimately determine what kind of response comes out.
AI is basically a very advanced RNG-based spellcheck.
It has no knowledge and it cannot reason. It's all just weighted probabilities + some randomized variance.
Yeah, the flaming bags of dogshit need to be left on Microsoft's doorstep. They have been dropping the ball so fucking hard for the last decade and not getting any flak for it. Light them the fuck up over this and shine a light on just how badly the Windows operating system is being mismanaged. It is nothing short of criminal.