MK-13 4 points ago +4 / -0

Fucking hell these bitches are retarded. No shit you don't get hired for characters that you don't look alike.

MK-13 36 points ago +36 / -0

I have a couple of nephews, both teenagers... the whole feminist bullshit is creating the opposite of what they tried to do, these kids openly talk about most girls being a bunch of "dumb whores", even in front of teachers.

One female teacher from the "sexual education" class, a black woman, quit her job because boys were kinda wild during the classes, shouting out about "troons", "transvestites", "faggots", "whores", "pedos", "fat femiorcs", etc... shit was getting really crazy.

The "sexual education" classes (Homosexual Indoctrination), are there in the paper, but are completly ignored by the school, because every time they tried to calm down shit, the boys just start to scream the most fucked up shit on class and they can't control it. Every classroom is getting like that, and the younger ones (12 to 15 years old), apparently are the worst, they actually have a "meme mindset" going on when they try to talk them into some woke bullshit and they react with absolute crazy rejection against anything woke.

But i imagine that's what the football team talks about them, they behave like whores, and they get called out because of that. And problably some random "i would fuck that whore" and shit that teenagers talk, random bullshit.

That's what i know about the schools here.

MK-13 10 points ago +10 / -0

hahaha, the old dude just wrecking these dumb bitches left and right, he need to use a pink wig like Mike Tyson on that scary movie.

The female player, who does not want to be identified for a variety of reasons — including not wanting to hurt anybody’s feelings and being labelled a bigot — is not against anybody who is transitioning or any trans person. In fact, it is the opposite.

Keep getting stomped, no sympathy for these woke bitches.

MK-13 4 points ago +4 / -0

He's probably mocking someone, it's Trump.

MK-13 18 points ago +18 / -0

Why do NO muslim countries criticize China’s concentration camps for Muslims?

Where do you think these rich jeques go do to get their transplants when they and their families get sick?.

It's all business, Muslim leaders don't give a fuck about their people, just like the ccp doesn't give a fuck about the Chinese people, they look at them as useful human cattle, nothing more.

If they are willing to do evil against those who are their enemies, what stops them from using that lack of morality against their own people?, simple as that.

MK-13 19 points ago +19 / -0

Some relevant cuotes from the article.

Four children living in squalid conditions while being hidden from first responders were found in an apartment filled with “alcohol, drugs, sex toys” and a dead man, according to an incident report and outraged officials.

“The apartment was in extremely unsanitary conditions. Approximately 6 adults, who appeared to be males, were seen in the apartment,” they wrote, saying they subsequently found “four children in the back bedroom being hidden by an adult male from first responders.”

“All of the adult parties were being uncooperative and did not provide helpful information. All adults present denied having children inside the apartment,

Multiple sources tell the Herald some of the adults were dressed as women when first responders arrived at the scene.

So yeah, a bunch of homosexual pederasts doing what they always do, raping kids.

MK-13 8 points ago +8 / -0

A "wildfire pandemic" is what happens when people leave fucking morons in charge of the government and and they let them make laws about "not harming the environment".

So now, because of these fucking retards, the fire is spreading everywhere, instead of stopping in places that before with old laws and practices, were stopped at burned strategically places to avoid shit like this to happen.

So yeah, i would disagree with the title, we have a "evil leftioid retardation pandemic" more than anything.

MK-13 28 points ago +28 / -0

Did anyone have any doubts about that?

That was the intention from the beginning, again, if you notice the pattern, that what they have been doing from decades and decades now.

When the normies start to notice, they will change it to White dudes with mixed black women,

Just wait and see, if they have not already started.

MK-13 54 points ago +54 / -0

What part of Peter Parker being a failure of a man in the first movie wasn't an indication that they were destroying his character?

White male, unemployed, doesn't bathe, lazy, fat, sleeps on the floor like a hobo, doesn't cook for himself, has bad manners for everything, is cynical, arrogant, selfish, failed his wife, has no will to change, does nothing to be a better man than he is, just lets the dirty environment consume his existence.

See what i'm talking about?.

Peter Parker, no matter what universe you put him in, no matter how hard life gets for him, he's a winner, a genius, he would never let himself get put in that position...that "no matter what you do nothing is going to change" mentality, that's the real point they really want to get across with his character, that message is for you. (particularly white young men)

You are presented with the black boy woke symbolized in a positive light, and you are presented with the old white man as everything that is wrong... even in the way the lighting is used in Miles and Peter's homes, everything was calculated to feel disgusted with Peter.

So for me, I don't see anything surprising in this movie, it's what they have been doing not only to his character, but to all the characters that defended western values and morals in America.

MK-13 30 points ago +30 / -0

Shadowbanning... only people that follows you can see that "sensitive" content... you don't reach new people.

Same shit Youtube does with some youtubers.

Said it before, i don't trust this guy, it's a pussy.

MK-13 9 points ago +9 / -0

You don't even need to wait for them to out themselves.

Someone is in charge of dealing with this things, what you do in these situations, is putting that person on line, force them to take care of their own ass... make them report to you who did it, and if they refuse to do it, you kick him/she out... simple as that.

Whatever happens, one traitor is out, one less to get rid off... if the entire employe staff revolts, just make them all sign a "formal complain", and let them get what they want for now, giving them the illusion that you can be influenced by them... and keep the names, so you know whom you have to replace in the next few months and year.

People need to understand that there's no middle ground with these commie bastards... but what i really think, is people like Elon Musk has no political will to do what it takes, or he's also part of the problem... I say, it is the latter.

MK-13 6 points ago +6 / -0

Quick search. Apparently a jewish woman. Not surprised.

MK-13 8 points ago +8 / -0

No idea, but i just googled the game... main poster, white woman on front, mixed mexican dude on the back close to her (oh, how subtle, but don't worry, they are starting to make white dudes with black women because that shit getting resisted too much)... googleed the company that made this game, and they are a "diversity and inclusion" circle jerking mess, openly bragging about it and all.

it's a clear cut woke trash, no doubt. (and the shills are sucking it hard, so more confirmation i think.)

Also, this is the company that made Fortnite, that when the fucking floyd overdosed, they put that commie bastard martin luther king on the middle of the online event talking all his commie trash on a video, so every kid gets indoctrinated... and don't even start about all the effemenite male characters, transvestite characters, and all that shit... so is logical that they make woke trash games with feminism on it, they probably did before.

My aproach to shit like this is... check the company social media, check the ads, check the interviews, check who is in charge, producers, actors, etc... and if it quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

MK-13 22 points ago +22 / -0

Every society built on lies, by logic, is going to be inferior to another society that was built on truth.

Technology does not escape from this, in fact, it is a clear reflection of it, as you have well noted.

MK-13 18 points ago +19 / -1

"I should note that I do personally use someone’s preferred pronouns, just as I use someone’s preferred name, simply from the standpoint of good manners. "

So... "good manners" is being a liar now... not surprised coming from Elon.

But anyway, what pussified man... like the other comment said, he paid 44 billions, and he can't even make the employes to follow his orders, just kick them out, easy... but what i think, and which is more logical, is that he doesn't wants a real free speech plataform.

He knows that any real free speech is not "Advertiser-friendly" (meaning; ESG advertisers friendly), and he only wants more money, nothing more... which is another pathetic excuse, put an "nsfw" or something like that on the tweets that are "hateful", and let everyone say whatever fuck they want... they allow all kind of degeneracy on twitter, it's disgusting, but someone saying "a woman, is an adult female human" it's too much?

Fuck these people, Elon included, there's no mistakes these days and they were never mistakes, they were and still are cowards bending the knee.

MK-13 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most of those women that complain about this pervert using their bathrooms, are probably a bunch of liberal commies.

MK-13 14 points ago +14 / -0

A troon abused one girl and then, after a couple of months, raped another girl.

The school board hid what happened and all.

How i'm making shit up?.

MK-13 8 points ago +8 / -0

How do you prevent a bunch of horny teenagers messing around in a "shared gender" bathroom?.

By design, it's gonna be a fucking mess... and knowing that, they still want to implement it... especially because they know boys are gonna be falsely accused of rape, by girls that after behaving like whores and fearing that their parents will find out about what they are doing, are going to cover their asses by saying they were raped.

it even seems planned for that to happen.

MK-13 20 points ago +20 / -0

"Groomers" = "We hate LGBT+ people and don't want them to have representation"

Groomer is used for lgbt pedos, so complaining about that while generalizing that that term for the entire "community", they are admitting that the entire movement is, in fact, a pedo movement.

The devil is in the details... there was another post here that pointed out something similar, about some "queer" shit on twitter, worried about pedophiles getting the death sentence in Florida and how that new law affected the "queer community"... "queer" is the same as pedophile under that logic, same here.

Fucking idiots.

MK-13 21 points ago +21 / -0

And several panels before the first one, should be school teachers and online weirdos indoctrinating the kid for months.

by folx
MK-13 14 points ago +14 / -0

They openly promote ideological indoctrination of children, forced pharmaceutical abuse of life-altering hormones on children, and the abuse and rape of children, every day, non-stop.

Why any reasonable human being would think that they would stop fantasizing and promoting killing the people that are against that?.

The tyrannical states we live in, supports them, and all who oppose them are publicly shamed, fired from their jobs, their bank accounts closed, censored at every level. Even worse, the entire media runs manipulated information campaigns to presents these freaks as victims even when they are shooting little kids at schools, like they did with this last one shooting at Nashville.

So killing is on the table... I'd be surprised if they stopped this shit... because they are having the time of their lives right now, everything that they have been wishing for decades, it's becoming reality.

MK-13 7 points ago +7 / -0

What a bunch of disgusting low tier retarded whores.

Also, that is not prision, that's a luxury hotel for criminals from what i read... prisions are what is happening in El Salvador right know... that's what a real prisions look like, what prision was in europe before.

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