Need stickers and flags that say, "Support School Choice. Give your kids the same opportunity as the rich." A voucher system that allows you to send your kid(s) to a school of your choice ends this as it will force the government schools to compete with private schools and increasingly online schools for pupils. A lot of their shit ends when this happens.
Drone strike only work when the operators are 5000 miles away from their targets. When that person you just struck has friends or families that might be 50 miles away or hell, even 5 miles away that can retaliate against you and your family it changes the equation.
If you want a read on how this plays out read Unintended Consequences by John Ross. I watched the second half of that book play out in real life in the later half of the 2000's in Iraq.
Our county reimposed mask mandates a month ago with one of the dems flipping to approve it on the council. None of the businesses around here are enforcing and more than half aren’t wearing masks anymore. Earlier in the week the county exec said “hopefully we’ll be able to lift the mask mandates by the end of the year”. That asshole needs to get out of Clayton and realize the rest of the county ain’t doing it.
Yes. Happened several times during Bush when he had the same medical procedure.