Pareidolia doesn't seem to be limited to faces, so I guess it would still apply:
The View bosses ‘desperately hunting for pro-Trump panelists’ after woke stars all backed loser Kamala
Like, with guns?
Seriously though, there are only so many token conservatives like Liz Cheney to go around for these shows.
Don't know much about Korean politics but the biggest party (DPK) appears to be some center-left progressive liberal party. Sounds like the typical globalist club members.
Oh no I agree: it is White people's fault. They voted for these politicians. They agreed to open the borders. They attacked anyone who dissented as "evil far-right extremists".
The Arabs are just doing what they do. They never even pretended otherwise. Most White people just refused to listen.
Basically he only saw the light because some of the "women" involved were men, not because journos are an incestuous, corrupt group of liars, including the actual women who were involved.
Baby steps but not exactly the reason why Gamergate was right. Then again, everyone has their own reasons why they realize journos are full of shit when it affects their particular slice of the world.
Maybe diversity isn't our strength? Maybe multiculturalism failed? Maybe open borders are a threat? Maybe the "wrong" people were right all along? Maybe mass deportations are the only things that can save Europe?
Nah, I'm sure they're already planning protests against the right all over Western Europe and jewish lobbying groups and leftists governments are preparing statements like "yea, this is bad but the real problem is the right".
Fun fact: Amsterdam is being run by a left-wing/greens government.
Boll got money because Germany had a system to get tax credits if you invest in movies. He got his money from investors who used it as a tax write-off.
These days companies get money straight from the government to produce propaganda and conform to their ideology. Amusing anecdote: in Germany if you want government money for cultural/media projects one of the requirements to qualify is that you have to use recycled toilet paper.
I don't think people understand how far the rot has gone up the chain.
A Vice President Executive Producer at Ubisoft doubled down a few days ago with the most harebrained nonsense imaginable:
This is the best time for them to double down ... for us ... because there's currently a growing backlash against this crap. If they keep pushing now, which I think they will (Ubisoft just did a few days ago), they'll alienate even more players.
Gaming isn't funded by the government,
It is in Europe. Big corporations get subsidies and some smaller games solely exist because of government grants. That hilariously bad game from IIRC Norway where your superpowers are literally to get triggered and yell "RACISM!!1" comes to mind.
It's immensely funny to me that the party of "democracy" had their candidate installed top-down, while the party of "oppression and dictatorship" had their candidate democratically elected by the people against the preference of large parts of the establishment.
Freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength in the leftist utopia.
I doubt it. They're the kind of people who live online on social media in their echo chambers all day.
On a somewhat related note, I occasionally watch It's some guy who invests in trading cards (mostly Magic, Pokemon) professionally. He stays out of politics and only talks business.
He frequently talks about how Hasbro doesn't know much much about brick and mortar card stores or even gives a shit. For example, Hasbro dumped a ton of product below cost on Amazon which killed a bunch of TCG stores and caused many others to shun their products. Basically, these people are terminally online and the execs know nothing about trading cards as the hop from unrelated industry to industry.