Gundam has become too popular. It WILL turn to shit.
Look at the Gundam reddit: half of it is leftists whining about not having their gender extremism acknowledged.
Better be prepared to move on. It's only a matter of time until these locusts destroy the franchise.
Flashgitz made a relevant video:
These days it has to be a sub-saharan African child.
Like that kid who invented a miraculous energy generator that harvested people's footsteps in sidewalks to power houses. Even got awards from the usual European NGOs and governments. Green energy for free!!1
Except when some racist, far-right extremist conspiracy theorist Nazis wanted to actually see this miracle technology it suddenly didn't exist anymore. "Sorry the two test installations no longer exist."
Back on topic:
EEVBlog did a video. Not really all that much substance but he did notice their main video supposedly displaying the magical new material is a total fail and suggests they don't even know physics:
Except they and their ilk know before you. By the time the public gets to know what they're sending to the Ukies, the politicians and bankers have already bought all the cheap shares.
You might get to make a few pennies on their dollars. That is until the EU goes ahead and increases the fees for small stock buyers.
Now now, let's not be too hasty. Equal pay in soccer might be worth exploring.
Either men get paid less (they are pathetic leftists activists and teams don't represent the countries they play for anymore). Or the women's cup becomes a massive loss event for FIFA. Seems like a win-win.
Oh no, you misunderstand: only businesses get tax relief.
You will have to pick up the tab.
Same shit in Germany:
Eco-nutjobs drive energy prices through the roof, which causes businesses to leave.
The solution? Special electricity prices for businesses, basically giving it to them for free. The people will still have to pay through the nose to keep their houses warm, put food on the table AND pay for the electricity used by businesses.
Climate change at it again!
No, that's bad. That means it's gotten too popular and leftist subversion is imminent.
Better be prepared to move on. Kotobukiya has tons of great mecha kits too ( and the Chinese are on the cutting edge of Gundam-style kits these days (e.g. Motor Nuclear, In Era+).