Kienan 38 points ago +40 / -2

The headline:

French boys charged with rape of 12-year-old Jewish girl

Firstly, this is terrible, no matter who did it. Nail these fuckers to the wall.

But let's talk about framing. And, no, I'm not talking about "French boys," that's been done to death already.

I'm talking about the second part. "Jewish girl." When it comes to victims, you'll see headlines saying "Jewish girl," you'll see "Black X," you'll even see "Asian Y." You know what you never see? "White Z."

You never see, "Youth shoots White child in the head." You'll never see "Teenager rapes and stabs White girl."

Kienan 11 points ago +11 / -0

It's way too on the nose. He calls Muslims 'tunnellers' and stuff, and that started right after the whole weird 'NY Jews in the sewers' thing. It's 100% intentional.

He's said Hitler got what he deserved for trying to oust bankers. Hahahaha.

He says politicians pay lip service, but always do the right thing and support Israel.

He says antisemites hate Soros, but he's actually secretly on the side of our greatest ally Israel.

Or, how about this doozy

Pallys never existed, its just a bunch of rootless parasites that moved onto Israeli land and tried to claim they always lived there.

He laughs at kids getting bombed, he laughs at white countries getting 'diversified,' he laughs at Japan. He laughs at assassinations and attempted assassinations, because they deserved it because they secretly hate Israel.

He also accused others of being "stormfags running interference to try and make jews look bad."

Again, it's just too much irony. I know Zionists can be pretty twisted, but there's no way at all that's not intentional. Once you realize, it's actually pretty funny.

Kienan 13 points ago +13 / -0

He does this too often. He's a troll. A sort of entertaining one, and at least he's not preaching the really gross stuff like our other retarded but, yeah, he's just posting bait.

He pretends he's a hardcore Zionist, but keeps dropping stuff like that. As I said, as far as trolls go, we've had much worse. I'm glad he's back; we've had quantity of trolling more than covered recently, but lacked quality in a big way. This is at least a step in the right direction.

Kienan 17 points ago +17 / -0

I know you're a troll, but you've heard of 'terrorist math,' yes?

If you have twenty terrorists, and you kill half of them, how many terrorists do you have? Around fifty, since you've pissed off everyone else.

All this bullshit Israel does with US backing, or the US does at Israel's request, just creates more animosity toward the US, more terrorists, and less safety.

Kienan 22 points ago +22 / -0

Oh, yeah, she blends.

Kienan 11 points ago +11 / -0

Gingers are men. If you're a woman, you're a redhead. That's infinitely classier.

Kienan 52 points ago +52 / -0

"Great replacement theory" is like 200% real, and their coping, seething, and gaslighting will never change that.

Kienan 4 points ago +6 / -2

The retard I understand, but I expect better from you.

It is normal male sexuality.

No, it's not normal to be attracted to children. Puberty or not, there's nothing 'sexy' about a ten year old, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, etc.

Look, if you're sixteen, and find a fourteen year old hot, sure, that's one thing. But all these fuckers saying how 'normal' it is are usually in their twenties...at the earliest, usually seemingly much older. If you're attracted to children at that age, there's something very wrong with you. "Jewish age of consent laws" or no.

Miss me with that fucking bullshit.

Kienan 30 points ago +30 / -0

That's a man, baby!

Well, first image is. Second...not even sure that's human.

Kienan 6 points ago +6 / -0

you're a bigot if you don't share!

Luckily for them, I'm not in charge of those decisions.

Kienan 21 points ago +22 / -1

just how many of these arseholes are obviously living in gated communities or majority white communities.

I think (almost) literally all of them. There's probably one or two exceptions, but it's basically all of them. It's absurd.

Kienan 44 points ago +45 / -1

I can not stand these fuckers.

Here's the nitter, by the way. Gives Lindsay context too, as that one tweet just makes him sound like a retard, when it's the opposite of what he's saying.

Let everybody pour in...It shouldn't be so great here...it's a weird thing to sequester a certain group of people, and try to keep upping the lifespan and lifestyle.

Two things.

I wonder how this freak feels about Israel. He's a leftist, so it could go either way, but the singling out of America is still obnoxious.

Access to white people is not a human right.


Let folks pour in...then things will be different...what will really happen, will they just come with knives and start killing everybody? I don't think so.

Uhm. Firstly, they're already killing people. Secondly...this happens in tons of less developed countries. Take away all that security and civilization he rails against and, yes, there might be mass murder mobs out to purge the undesirables. Happens over, and over, and over, and over throughout history.

What a fucking retard. Evil, but a retard. And he'd probably enjoy it if murder mobs did happen? It's the classic 'it's not happening, oh now it's happening but it's good thing' scenario.

Kienan 8 points ago +8 / -0

If they were both "players" dude would be absolutely responsible for his actions. What a crock of shit.

Yeah, it is pretty absurd.

"I thought I was playing a game, so I had no control over my actions," says man who has never played a video game.

Kienan 22 points ago +22 / -0

contact sport

Literally f(l)ag football, though. Because the concept of gay football just wasn't gay enough.

Kienan 36 points ago +36 / -0

Isn't that redundant, when there's already the NFL?

Kienan 23 points ago +23 / -0

Link to article.

Probably, but I'm more annoyed that that defense worked. I also saw a headline of someone (Muslim I think) being let off because he didn't know rape was illegal. Then we have sexual emergencies, and all the other bullshit. It's amazing the shit you can get away with if you're a protected class; rape, murder, terrorism, theft, the list goes on and on.


Khateebulla Mirza.

...the 38-year-old truly believed he was being programmed to commit offences.

No comment.

Appearing as a witness for the prosecution, Professor David Greenberg told the court Mirza thought the incident in which he raped the woman was part of 'the game', that they were both players in it, and he had no control over his actions.

Also no comment.

I will say, not to make light of the rape...I'm glad he wasn't 'compelled' to do anything worse. Break into a room with a meat-cleaver...? That can go much worse, and I'm glad it didn't. Scary shit. And stupid justice system. Not that I expect anything else, out of Australia or anywhere else.

Kienan 5 points ago +5 / -0

He's wrong.

I think so as well.

The left isn't that clever.

Correct, but you could argue they're not the ones at the very tippy top, pulling the strings. It's conceivable that something nefarious and Machiavellian like that could happen. But I agree, and the left is so inept they likely would have leaked it at some point anyway, even if they weren't in charge.

These q-tards are addicted to seeing secret plans everywhere.

And blackpills, don't forget the blackpills.

Kienan 24 points ago +24 / -0

The only correct response by developers from now on when it comes to any journalist shit stirring is to tell them to fuck off

Preferably in the most funny, colorful, and attention-grabbing way possible, for free press. People like to say we don't/can't hate journos enough, and that's probably true...but we do hate journos, and that has to count for something.

Seriously, I can't think of a single instance of someone telling a journo to go fuck themselves, and it working out any worse for them. If you're already in their sights, the worst you can do is play their game. Tell them to get bent in a funny manner, and you'll generally at worst break even, but you have the potential to go viral too.

Always. Tell. Journos. To. Fuck. Themselves.

Kienan 13 points ago +13 / -0

I hope you're wrong, but it's certainly a possibility.

I like Trump, I think he was, grading on a curve of the last decade or two, a great president. But there's no question he's also supremely disappointing on a lot and, despite me liking him, it's still depressing that...these are our choices.

Where's Rand Paul? Where's Massie? Heck, on the other side, for our lefties, where's even Bernie (pretending for a second he isn't also a total shill)? But, no, we've got Trump, Biden...and then RFK...who is also a shill liar, with the 'no way in hell he can win' cherry on top.

And with how they're treating/presenting Biden, you could be right it's all just playing to the audience, and it's all planned out.

Question: In your scenario, if Trump's a plant...does he know? Is he in on it, or just being used by those around him?

Kienan 6 points ago +6 / -0

For what purpose? Is it all a psyop?

Kienan 46 points ago +46 / -0

Actually what the fuck are they doing?

Is this theater? I know things have been absurd, but this is something else. Coupled with Biden's increasing incoherence, and the legacy media's willingness to report on this, is this actual sabotage against Biden? Or is this just full mask-off lunacy?

I really don't get it. Is it really what it says on the tin? Or is there more going on?

This aligns with broader efforts to address the status of undocumented immigrants who have established deep roots in their communities .

The status is that you're in the wrong fucking country. You have to go back.

aims to provide a pathway to citizenship

Because of fucking course it does.

In the vaguest and least fed-y way possible...when are we taking our country back? This is absurd.

by Lethn
Kienan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah, I was wondering. Looked like it was formatted for the dev one. Whoopsies.

by Lethn
Kienan 2 points ago +2 / -0

This one isn't relevant to my current goals, but I did want to let you know I just posted over in your dev community, and have been watching some of the tutorials you've posted and the like. Good stuff.

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