Just curious, and this isn't at you specifically, but why are people acting like Steam won't cave like everyone else? Heck, they already have a bunch of turbo-progressive faggots all over their community teams, and Steam community mods can give Reddit mods a run for their money.
I like and use Steam, and have for decades, but it's not like they're not already cucked. Why wouldn't they cuck harder? Go along to get along, and all that.
Or do you just mean, like some other comments said, that this nonsense will further radicalize the big bad Gamers? Because yeah, that would be funny.
I don't think anyone expects Steam wouldn't cave. I think the expectation is that attacking Gamers' hobby / platform like this for such a stupid reason is guaranteed to make them notice things they'd otherwise not notice.
I might have an argument for that, and it's based on money.
Most gamers have thousands of dollars in games through steam, even if they only spent hundreds of dollars because they bought them all on sales.
Maybe they could get away with banning someone from their forums, but banning them from the ownership of their property? The first thing it would cause is a major class action lawsuit, but given the money involved it would be a good way to start causing real furor at a company that really hasn't involved itself in a culture war.
On a side note, if they did, it could be really helpful to re-push physical media as a result.
Dear ADL,
Please open this can of worms. I beg you.
Just curious, and this isn't at you specifically, but why are people acting like Steam won't cave like everyone else? Heck, they already have a bunch of turbo-progressive faggots all over their community teams, and Steam community mods can give Reddit mods a run for their money.
I like and use Steam, and have for decades, but it's not like they're not already cucked. Why wouldn't they cuck harder? Go along to get along, and all that.
Or do you just mean, like some other comments said, that this nonsense will further radicalize the big bad Gamers? Because yeah, that would be funny.
I don't think anyone expects Steam wouldn't cave. I think the expectation is that attacking Gamers' hobby / platform like this for such a stupid reason is guaranteed to make them notice things they'd otherwise not notice.
Steam will cave, but its user base will radicalize even more, worldwide even. This is a bad move all around.
I might have an argument for that, and it's based on money.
Most gamers have thousands of dollars in games through steam, even if they only spent hundreds of dollars because they bought them all on sales.
Maybe they could get away with banning someone from their forums, but banning them from the ownership of their property? The first thing it would cause is a major class action lawsuit, but given the money involved it would be a good way to start causing real furor at a company that really hasn't involved itself in a culture war.
On a side note, if they did, it could be really helpful to re-push physical media as a result.
I'm talking about increased censorship, not outright banning of accounts, though.
That they can get away with, yes.