Kienan 15 points ago +15 / -0

Yup. I actually side with Hunter on that one, and hope he goes hard on arguing on 2A grounds. Not only do I support that, but it's hilarious if he says he has a completely inalienable right to guns, while his daddy is trying to take all ours. I don't care if he gets off on breaking established law...if it sets precedent that that law is bullshit.

Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

I guess I missed that bit of drama. I enjoy his content on occasional, but don't keep up with all the minutia.

What kind of car did he crash, and what were the circumstances?

Kienan 11 points ago +11 / -0

Gameplay is not for normies though. Is not Bayo or DMC. Can't just smash button. Even on Story Mode is not as easy as it seems.

That's actually a huge plus, as I'm not a fan of that genre generally, so if it spices things up I'm more likely to be interested.

as long there is no blatant faggotry (subtle hints of lesbianism)

Yeah, but you said they're all hot, so it's fine.

Kienan 18 points ago +18 / -0



I will say, it looks like the gun charges (not a lawyer, but based on language) are potentially only because of the drugs. We'll just have to wait and see how it shakes out. He had guns, that was well known. Once you get busted for the drugs I guess you're a prohibited gun owner, though.

And, yeah, as someone else said, his wife is looking roooough. I'd only see pictures like once or twice, but she looks completely different...and much, much worse.

I wish them the best (unless there was more nefarious shit, of course), and we'll just have to see what's what as more information gets out. He's got a lot of enemies, so it's not out of the realm of possibility that someone sicced the authorities on him over some minor bullshit but, again, as mentioned, his wife looking so rough makes me suspect there were some hard drugs going around.

I wonder how they got caught, too. It will be an interesting story, I'm sure. One way or the other.

Kienan 22 points ago +22 / -0

Not just 'good guy with a gun,' but outright vigilante. They're not the cops, and they're not acting defensively. They go out looking for bad people, or to stop bad things. They take it upon themselves to go out and stop troublemakers, and protect what they care about. And, although not universal, they largely reject the existing power structure. They're all about responsibility, sacrifice, and self improvement.

On the one hand, it's very odd that some outright Marxists appreciate that. On the other hand...maybe it isn't. I think, deep down, a lot of leftists still have the same drives, but just suppress them because it's easier than striving to be better. So, it seems contradictory, until you remember how fucking miserable a lot of leftists are, and how they're not fulfilled by their current lives, reality, or ideology.

Kienan 7 points ago +7 / -0

Northern California is really nice. Shame the rest of the state's politics injects so much nonsense.

Kienan 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think any of the people listed would be an improvement if added as an additional mod.

Kienan 17 points ago +17 / -0

Based. I wish it included my county but still...BASED.

Kienan 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think you'd do fine, but noted. I'll take you off my personal list, but feel free to throw your hat back into the ring if you ever think it's necessary.

Kienan 6 points ago +6 / -0

...it's so that the wealthy can have a serf class they can shuffle around the country doing jobs for them for pennies and fucking over everybody else.

Even that's a bit too small scale. They want to beat everyone else down into that serf class. They don't care about saving a few bucks on cheap labor. They want to replace us, and humiliate the survivors. Whether that's along racial, ethnic, class, or whatever other lines you want to perceive things upon, this issue isn't the new people...it's getting rid of the old group. Everything else is a fringe benefit for them.

Kienan 7 points ago +7 / -0

The needless deaths here are going to be some genuinely innocent folk looking to migrate away from war torn areas being killed, the retaliations of those deaths and then the back and forth as deaths accumulate on each side when it is the politicians in Europe who are ultimately to blame for the whole lot of it.

Agreed, and was kind of my point. The deaths are needless, but the truly sad and wasteful part is that the "elites" didn't have to do this to us.

Kienan 23 points ago +23 / -0

I don't like needless deaths

I absolutely agree.

But "needless" is what needs defining here, of course. It was unnecessary what they did to the Irish people. It's unnecessary what they did to us. But are any potential retaliatory deaths really "needless?" If someone hates you and is trying to destroy you, some things that are certainly needless in the broader sense suddenly become at the very least understandable.

Just let us all live in peace, you freaks.

Kienan 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't know who that is

Child bride. He's just confirming he's the alleged "pedo pajeet" troll. He's obsessed with her, among others.

Kienan 39 points ago +39 / -0

(Imagine betraying your country for minimum wage)

Imagine betraying your country/people for anything.

Kienan 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dom is mostly interested in targeting people he dislikes.

I'm not sure I'd go quite that far, but he's certainly repeatedly dropping the ball.

I've reach out to him multiple times about this too, and never received an answer.

Kienan 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a nice list and I'd add to it evilplushie

Seconded. My search was brief, and he slipped through the cracks. Seems a solid choice.

Kienan 6 points ago +6 / -0

but couldn't a moderation level be given which keeps moderation action choices banked and able to be undone should corruption and bad decisions be shown to have been made?

Almost certainly, yes.

I personally support a decision which stops here being 'caught' by some sneaky journalist looking to emulate their colleagues of the recent past and try and paint this community as something which it is not.

I care less about that (hit pieces are hilarious and just mean we're based and pissing off the right people), and case more about just a deteriorating experience here resulting in bleeding and diminishing the userbase.

Journos gonna journo, I don't give a damn. I care about KiA2 being nice for KiA2 users.

Out of curiosity, I was looking through who's been here a while (and is still active.) You (not interested), me, u/Adamrises (not interested), u/bamboozler1, u/ShadistIsACuck, u/BandageBandolier (who's already said he'd mod), and a few others. There are plenty of good choices, just to keep things running smoothly. If you've been over here this long (and many were even from half-KiA), you're probably not going to shit up the place. Almost certainly not worse than inaction would do. I hate to say it, since everyone knows mods are faggots, but we need another mod or two, since we're currently under attack. EDIT: Add u/evilplushie to the list, as pointed out below.

u/DomitiusOfMassilia, if you ever decide to give us more mods, something along that list (assuming any of them want it) would be more than acceptable.

Kienan 6 points ago +6 / -0

Dom really needs to mod someone. Someone who's been here for ages and is trustworthy, and swears to primarily go after handshakes and the like. This is an easy problem to solve.

Kienan 11 points ago +11 / -0

I only upgrade once every decade or so, so don't have much to compare to, but I'm quite happy with my AMD card, and it was hundreds of dollars cheaper than the Nvidia comparable card (which I never would have gotten due to the price.)

That said, considering you mentioned rendering, I think Nvidia is still the big standout there, as I recall. AMD is good for getting the same gaming experience for much cheaper, but Nvidia still has some bells and whistles for the professionals.

Kienan 39 points ago +39 / -0

That's if they decide to do their job. I'm so suspicious of all these fed fuckers, I wouldn't put it past them to do Trump in themselves. When we see how the FBI, CIA, ATF, EPA, IRS, BLM, ad nauseum, behave, the idea that the Secret Service holds themselves to some holy impartial standard is a pretty absurd concept.

Don't get me wrong, I like the myth. I like the idea of warriors sworn to their duty, who uphold that no matter who they're defending. But, it's sadly just that, a myth. If Trump (or anyone under SS protection) gets got, the SS will likely be complicit.

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