Kienan 29 points ago +30 / -1

That is one of the worst articles I've ever read.

Cringe aside - and there's plenty - it's just terribly fucking written.

The White House, law enforcement and legal affairs

Where do they find these untalented retards?


Hamill also lent his voice to “Air Alert” — a downloadable app linked to Ukraine’s air defense system. His voice urges people to take cover whenever Russia unleashes another aerial bombardment on Ukraine.

What in the actually fuck? Hamill may actually be peak retard.

Kienan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, I'll at least be checking it out. They've got Mori which is cool, and the trailer looked sort of interesting and, most importantly, not obnoxiously Western given the context.

Kienan 42 points ago +42 / -0

The US now hosts more child sexual abuse material online than any other country

But enough about the FBI...

Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

A fair number of people go missing in forests without a trace...

Largely national forests, as I recall. Hardly your average hike, but I take your point.

...women listen to too many truecrime podcasts.

It's not the true crime podcasts. They find the serial killers hot. It's the feminism, where they convince themselves all men are disgusting, evil, oppressive, and responsible for all their own failures in life. No one, literally no one, hates men because "serial killers."

In any event no one, especially women, should go hiking alone anyways, you're more likely to die by simply being unprepared than by a serial killer or even a wild animal.

Men can go hiking alone within reason. Even women can go hiking alone in many areas, but your point's a good one. Caution is key, regardless of sex. There are plenty of trails neither men nor women should venture out on without a companion. There are plenty of ways to get completely fucked up on your own.

This whole discourse has revealed more than anything just how shockingly ignorant so many sheltered urbanites are of nature.

I don't think nature is the point, but yes, agreed. Feminists are retarded. I'm glad they continue to prove it centuries later.

...devils advocacy aside, I'm sure makes up the vast majority of people who go missing in forests...made the mistake of not respecting nature, getting lost, and dying of starvation, dehydration, disease, and/or hypothermia.

Lost is the big one, all the others lead from that. You're not going to go out in the forest and starve...you're going to go out and get lost and then starve.

Personally, I suspect it's a combination of lost and injured...which leads to the same problem; not being able to get back to where you want to go. Unprepared people do stupid shit and can't get back to where they they need to be.

Kienan 10 points ago +10 / -0

'Our' kids is over. Take care of 'your'(self) kids and realize that if you don't, you failed.

Yes, and also no. "Our kids" is literally the bedrock of civilization. It's not some collectivist crap, outside of that a nation should be a common people, and those people should be reproducing and carrying on. Everyone pays taxes. You're paying for public schools.

You're paying for transing kids right now. You don't have a choice. The government will come and threaten you if you don't. But we have to talk about 'our kids.' It's vitally important. It's not about getting in anyone's way, it's not about shutting down individualism or individual responsibility, it's just reality.

Yes, everyone should be taking care of their own kids. Obviously. But, as they say, we live in a society (bottom text), and we should try to make sure the society we (involuntarily) contribute to isn't doing unspeakable evil to children.

This communal "kids are sacred" only made any sense when the majority believed in it.

That's not what I was saying, exactly. Kids should be protected, though, and when evil is being done to even other people's kids, that should be called out. Or we've already lost.

We should call out people doing evil shit to kids. Because, it's evil.

Or ya know, don't have kids and let your genes go extinct. At least you'll last longer than the Transathots.

I'm not going to base my life philosophy on the failure of my retarded enemies, outside of trying not to do that.

Kienan 7 points ago +7 / -0

It is annoying though how they play that shit non-stop at airports, gyms, and some office buildings.

I go to none of those places, so I wouldn't know.

I should probably go to the gym.

Kienan 26 points ago +26 / -0

This trial is the worst of the bunch in that respect.

I think the 'no victims but the state brought the case anyway, and the alleged victims testified on Trump's behalf' "business fraud" case takes the case on that front, personally.

Although I'll give you the 'his lawyer paid someone, and we say that should have been a campaign finance payment, when we've literally charged people for campaign finance fraud for doing what we're saying he should have done' case is also...REALLY FUCKING BAD.

Seriously, think about it in those terms. The GOVERNMENT is claiming President Trump should have PAID A PORNSTAR hush money with CAMPAIGN FUNDS...and is trying to fuck him over for not doing that. I believe they fined OBAMA for not doing what they're now trying to destroy Trump for.

"Joke" doesn't even begin to describe it.

Also, I have no clue about why I'm formatting it like this, but I'm just going to roll with it. Some is ITALICS, some is caps, deal with it.

Kienan 11 points ago +11 / -0

I'll just quote myself here:

And they're doing it to our kids, too. It would be one thing if it was only self destruction...

Kienan 25 points ago +25 / -0

Sad part is, I know some people who, although I don't talk politics with, are almost certainly glued to the news and crowing about how The Walls Are Finally Closing In On Orange Man. They were raving about the "Jan 6 committee" show trial too. Some people are deranged.

But I'm glad that, if you believe the polling here, it's a minority. All these Trump cases are absolutely absurd, especially when you compare it to what we know other politicians and/or businessmen are doing. Trump's a narcissist, a grifter, a bit of a buffoon (an extremely charismatic and likeable one), and I'm sure he's done some underhanded stuff, but he seems squeaky clean compared to his peers.

Even if Trump did bad stuff...two things; what they're accusing him of they've got no evidence of and he almost certainly didn't do, and everyone else has done worse. So even if he's 100% guilty of what he's charged with, it's still a witch hunt due to unequal enforcement.

Kienan 9 points ago +9 / -0

lots of serial killers prowl hiking trails

There aren't lots of serial killers period. It's a tiny, tiny percentage of the population, and I think statistically most of them are in cities anyway. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but chances are, even if it's really remote, if you run into a dude on a hiking trail, he's not a serial killer.

Kienan 24 points ago +24 / -0

No, the pro-Palestine "protesters" are mostly just chaos agents that don't give a shit about anything and just want to scream and yell, and also destroy stuff when they get a chance.

Look, I've said before, they're lefty retards. No argument. But there are plenty of instances of false flags, including Jews going in and shouting anti-Jew stuff. They keep getting caught being silly.

This is not saying I support how these people are protesting, but I will say this actually literally is a mostly peaceful protest. Rowdy, obnoxious, disruptive, but not violent. Despite all the conservative talking heads having on all these victimized people to whine about antisemitism, I haven't heard of a single Jew being hurt in these campus protests.

Kienan 15 points ago +16 / -1

says the primary reason he was there is because he is a Jew there "first and foremost for our country of Israel."


Kienan 16 points ago +16 / -0

It didn't have to come to this...but here we fucking are. Too much hutzpah.

Kienan 6 points ago +6 / -0

Oh, I'm not giving them credit. I'm not trying to outline their thought process, just my own, because I found the whole "bearpill" debate hilarious, so ended up thinking it over.

Kienan 17 points ago +17 / -0

I know going up against one [bear] would be suicidal.

So would going up against a man, though, if you're a woman. And a man might be more determined, and less likely to be scared off. I don't think that's the argument though. The average man is less likely to attack than the average bear. It doesn't really matter which one is more dangerous in a fight, or what they'll do to you if you win, the man has a near zero chance of attacking you.

Even if men were more dangerous than bears (and they absolutely can be, thanks to technology), running into a man is still safer than running into a bear, because the man will probably just nod and say "howdy."

Kienan 16 points ago +16 / -0

The most simple and common scenario, the man is completely the correct choice, and these women are retarded. That's a given.

But for the sake of autistic argument, it is a very much more context-dependent question than it first seems, with a lot of inbuilt assumptions.

Are you on a hiking trail, where people are expected? Again, seems the most likely. Are you trespassing on someone else's land? Are you in an area where drug labs/farms might be set up? Are you in black bear country, or grizzly? Are there cubs nearby?

If it's just your average man versus your average bear, which I think is a fair assumption, the man is the correct choice, every time. But, again, just for the sake of argument, there are scenarios where I'd be totally correct to pick the bear. I'd rather run into a black bear than a pot farming gang member illegal.

But I'm giving this way more thought than these feminists did.

Kienan 47 points ago +47 / -0

This is one of the cruelest fucking things I've seen in a while.

"LMAO," as they say. Fucking brutal.

As funny as it is, it's also sad. These fuckers need help. And they're doing it to our kids, too. It would be one thing if it was only self destruction...

Kienan 10 points ago +10 / -0

I didn't really get into the second season personally, but the first season is excellent, and hilarious.

by btbw
Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Gotcha. Well, nice find. Very important context.

by btbw
Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0


by btbw
Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

The guy you responded to deleted the comment, so I'll have to give you credit.

Nice find; from 2018, the day of a mass shooting at a synagogue.

Context is important!

Kienan 6 points ago +6 / -0

If only there was a way to meet even more in the middle. Unfortunately I can't think of a way to have enough of said religious folk to strip women of power, without also having enough of them to stop any attempts to deport said religious folk afterward.

It seems like for now we're stuck with a choice between Western women in power, and Muslims...and so get both. Also, when it comes to contemplating the choice, it's much closer than it has any right to be.

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