I really hate the cutesy "Americanizations." Firstly, because it's so out of place. Secondly, because it's fucking embarrassing that "Americanization" is a good term for it. I don't want to be associated with that garbage.
You should probably include yourself in that, such a stupid post, trying to shame someone that's clearly right. If you had any intelligence you'd be embarrassed.
I wasn't trying to shame you...
I will say, though, I don't think you're an example of a white person being supreme, if you spend all your time obsessing about the inferior races and interracial relationships. There's some shaming for you.
I wish there was only one problem.
It's more like the last panel 4X, with slight variations, nowadays.
"I'm the programmer, I can use Unreal...sort of...I'm gay."
"I'm the artist, I do art, but my real passion is gay furries. I'm trans."
"I'm the composer. I'm nonbinary."
"I'm the writer...*drools and spaces out*...what was I saying? Oh, I'm gay and neurodivergent."
‘kintsugi’, quite literally meaning ‘golden repair’.
Oh fuck right off. LOL.
For every ‘follow this guy’ mission, there’s a jaw-dropping set-piece on par with (or better) than anything else in the series.
"So, why do you like Assassin's Creed?"
"Gorgeous set-pieces, my man!"
The imperfections - cluttered UI, map screen icon vomit, clunky parkour, clutzy combat - are all present and accounted for, but it feels like Ubisoft isn’t trying to hide them or tuck them away
When the fuck were they trying to hide them?!
This could just be "Assassin's Creed still sucks, 5/5."
Tourists need to be forcibly ejected from all our hobbies, preferably into the sun.
I'm mixed. I like sports, I like young people having a chance to get in the game. But, yeah, it's clearly replaced education now, instead of supplementing it.
I'm with you, student athletes should be both athletes and students.
It's fun we have two massive failures to laugh at at the same time.
Just checked: AC Shadows is still stuck at 60k Steam peak players. Didn't even get much of a weekend bump. Climbed from 40k to 60k gradually, was 60k Saturday, Sunday, and so far today.
We might see another bump if there's a big patch and sale or something, and it's too soon to say definitively, but it seems stuck so far. At less than Veilguard numbers. Owch.
And, yes, I do think Ubi's launcher is more used than EA's, so it's not apples and apples, but still.
calling people subhuman
I will say, while some of those people mean it, it can also just be shorthand for behavior.
A subhuman isn't necessarily inherently lesser - which I think is what you have an issue with - but through various factors has ended up or chosen to behave in ways that make them like a subhuman.
Just like in your example, calling someone retarded doesn't mean they are retarded, and I don't think people are in favor of bullying the actually "differently abled."
So, sure, some of the hardcore racialists and the like do go too far and paint with a broad brush, but I'll absolutely defend the insult "subhuman."
Act like a subhuman, get called a subhuman. Act like a retard, get called a retard. And so on. That's just my take, at least.
There might not be actual, literal subhuman humans out there, but there are absolutely people who the insult/term "subhuman" accurately describe.
evolutionary arguments...and there's no evolution.
We don't even have to get into that. Are races different? Obviously yes. Is it only skin color, and outward characteristics like facial shape? Clearly not; there are things like disease propensity, nutrient handling, and so much more. It would be more surprising if there weren't differences in characteristics like average intelligence. It's an uncomfortable yet obvious truth most people (myself included generally, it's not something I focus on or talk about, unless it's very relevant) can't accept.
People are different, and that's going to result in different averages among distinct groups. Just how it works.
I'll take the middle ground; I don't think he went there to physically start a fight, but you're correct that stirring up shit can get you hurt or killed out of nowhere, no matter how capable you are. That guy who got brained by Bike Lock Dude comes to mind. Thankfully he was alright, as far as I know, but head injuries can take you out permanently, pretty damn quick.
But, in this video when it did get physical, he kept things going, which I'm not impressed with. It was hilarious that he said something like 'martial artists don't start fights,' when he was obviously itching to go. Personally I would have liked to see a bit of a shove before the collar grab, then go ham if he keeps advancing on you. Getting slapped, slapping in return, and then into immediately pulling and grappling isn't super classy. At least give him a chance to think better of it and walk away, even if he was the initial aggressor.
Minor nitpick: Dude's funny, but needs to level up his knowledge.
So she's obviously an example of a super sweet, enlightened protester.
That's the manager. Literally taxpayer funded (professor, probably USAID or similar via the school too), wouldn't be shocked to see some good ol' Soros/Open Societies money either.
The nice, polite, educated older female protesters that come up for a Conversation are the ones you have to be most wary of. They're the ones that try to dox and fire you. Trannies and male feminists might start some physical shit, but it's these women - usually with some history of teaching or otherwise managing a crowd, or community organizing - that are there to manage things.
I hate it. Not out of any hatred of blacks, but just because it feels (not feels, is) like the West as a whole got cheated, robbed.
You look at other country's sports teams, and it's representative of their homogeneous or majority people and culture.
Meanwhile, you see a bunch of black people, and it's either Africa or some white majority Western country. It just really, really rubs me the wrong way.
No, Canadians are not nationalistic in any coherent sense of the word.
Correct, I should have clarified. I meant verbally. They won't do shit for their country, many can't even define what "Canada" is, but if someone - especially the US, good point - says some shit, Canadians freak the fuck out and then suddenly act like caricatures of nationalists.
But, yeah, they're not nationalist in any actually useful sense. Which is sad.
Canadians are only able to define themselves in opposition to the United States
Yup, that's a big part of it, and why Pierre and others have to behave in such ways.
Also, it's just not true. He's young and a student. Literally his direction is to learn, and he's learning something relevant to his future at the moment.
"Oh, no, I have a taught understanding of business, however will I apply this useless knowledge?" - No one. Ever.
Fucking sad. (Pic)
And Iran is next on the menu.
Nitter, for those without accounts.
Here was the tweet it was responding to. Syria, before and after.
Shit infuriates me. They ruined another country, and are acting like it's a good thing.
Evil, evil people.
The everything is computer line is obvious just a excited utterance with Trump just forgetting an a.
I'll go a step further. It's, I believe, technically grammatically correct. If you're talking about a singular computer system or concept. It's not worth arguing semantics, and I don't know for sure, but it's not wrong like they want to act; everyone knows exactly what Trump meant, it just sounds a little funny.
I think "everything is computer" sounds better than "everything is a computer," personally. The former has more character, and instantly became a meme. It's got impact.
Trump is 78.
And the article itself says: "Trump is notoriously technophobic, reportedly not using a computer or email."
So how the fuck is an old dude having a funny opinion on tech article-worthy. I know plenty of old people who can't turn on a computer, who cares?
Also, I know they have no consistency or standards, but it would still be nice...prove to me Biden even knows what a laptop is...or even a computer. Trump getting outsmarted in the tech field by a (possibly genius) nineteen year old is nothing special.
His outbursts about technology are often incomprehensible, like when he ducked into a Tesla recently and exclaimed that "everything is computer."
But...but...but...everything is computer.
That's pretty far from "incomprehensible." What a bunch of retards.
Were this any other father attempting to brag about his directionless young adult son, his latest rejoinder might be relatable.
I wish I was as directionless as Barron. Dude's going places.
Also...now nineteen is an adult? But not for gun stats. Or women. Or DOGE employees. Or...the list goes on.
"Young adult." While completely true, we have to go back to standards and consistency. Pffft, "directionless young adult." Hilarious. Fuck you, schmucks.
It's pretty funny; Piers has been wrong about almost everything, often comes around to things later, and acts like he hasn't been wrong about everything.
I have nothing wrong with people changing their opinions - we all do it - but when you've been wrong as much and as significantly as Piers...you'd think you'd at least be a little less confident in your positions.
Tommy Man Bad, though.
It's funny, Piers is empty, and a retard on plenty, and I don't like him per se, but I think he's somewhat enjoyable. And he's at least willing to talk to people, to his credit. Piers is, as mentioned, wrong about a ton, but he seems sort of alright.
There's a difference between advocating for your interests and being a dumbass. Canadians often fall into the latter camp.
It would be smarter to sit down and talk it out with Trump. I get you have to put up some fight, optically if nothing else, as you can't just cave and do what some other country wants, even if it benefits you, as it just makes you look weaker in the long run. But Canadians take it to a ridiculous degree.
As the government got more and more involved. I'm not saying pure libertarianism is necessarily the answer, but it's very, very true we don't currently have an actually free market. Everything the government touches turns to shit, and the government touches the economy and private business repeatedly and without consent.
We don't have a free market. Look up Marx's ten pillars of communism...we actually meet most of the criteria of a communist system. Specifically the heavy centralization; credit via central bank, communication and transport, and, most importantly, education. Also, phony fiat currency.
No one but the most retarded neocon would argue for capitalism and hold up our current system as a positive example. Our whole system is fake, and built on oppression and lies. Not concepts of free exchange.
We have fake money controlled by the Fed. Every transaction is taxed at least four different ways on all ends. Government loans and grants are in nearly every sector, and massive regulatory bloat controls what everyone can do. This is not a free market.