Last I heard, he's not technically in prison, but he's still utterly boned. Can't leave the country, can't earn money. They've basically sentenced him to homelessness in a country that literally calls him a loot goblin and encourages kicking his ass and filming it.
He's alive if only because they would leap at the chance to have an actual excuse to replace not only joe, but kamala as well. They'd also get a lot of sympathy for joe being dead and if combined with a good dark horse candidate, could actually keep the presidency.
Legend of Dragoon is one of those rare games that actually got better with age. At the time, I remember being pretty disapointed in the game after the hype for it, found a lot of it to be pretty boring and cliche. The big unique thing about it, the active timed hits, was done in mario rpg. But then I played it again recently, and all the cliches just felt like a nice nostalgia blanket, same with the voice acting. The annoying hype has long-since died and I could enjoy the game just as a game. And the villians being called Winglies always makes me laugh, I don't know why. Great game for an RPG gamer.
Arcanum: of steamworks and magica obscura. Combat is a lot like the first two fallout games, but set in a magical world where tech is starting to establish itself. Gog has a version that still works on modern computers.
The argument is flawed at its core. It assumes characters are either supermodels or fugly, with no room in between. Gamers' gripe isn't about characters that are normal, it's about the butt-ugly monstrosities that are plaguing modern gaming.
That's the same "logic" used to attack violet video games, comics, and movies. If you can't tell reality from a story, that's a you problem.