KekistanPM 2 points ago +2 / -0

This reminds me of a YouTuber who made a bunch of videos poking fun at Steven Seagal's recent line of awful movies. I went through maybe 8 or 9 of them so far; and I remember that in all but maybe one of those movies, Steven's character was never hurt. Never took battle damage of any kind. People would shoot at him from short distances, fight him with knives, fists or whatever was around...and Steven didn't get so much as a bruise. And to me that's one of the reasons they were awful; I just couldn't get invested in an invincible character in an action movie.

KekistanPM 3 points ago +3 / -0

We shouldn't underestimate the power they have at local levels. I never dreamed that drag queen pedophiles would be tolerated in a small town until I read the story that one of them did a story hour in rural Texas.

KekistanPM 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some dude: "I think I'll play a little Pokemon and then smoke some weed to relax."

The establishment: "NOOOOO that's two gateways! You're going to become a penniless loser with a mile long rap sheet!!!"

Some dude: "I run my own successful business and I have a loving family but ok whatever you say."

KekistanPM 23 points ago +23 / -0

The judge was probably "I don't want to hear anything about the 1st amendment in my courtroom!"

KekistanPM 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't logged into reddit since shortly after they took down TheDonald. I was somewhat active there; only got banned once ever for writing "Eric Ciaramella" and it was for two days (the mods warned us but I didn't care, plus I had an alt anyway).

I wouldn't be surprised if I tried to log in again and find my account was deleted, or at least unable to even go to half the boards.

KekistanPM 6 points ago +6 / -0

Polling doesn't exist to gauge public opinion, it exists to sway public opinion. Dishonesty in polling has been going on for a long time.

"We sampled 1000 Michigan voters..." You sampled almost entirely Democrat-heavy districts! "We sampled 1000 voters; half in Democrat and half in Republican districts..." You cherry-picked the areas of Republican districts that have high concentrations of Democrats!

KekistanPM 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not to mention platforms filtering on comments you should see, all the while telling you it's for your own good because "There are many comments for this content; so we've picked the ones you'd be interested in!"

KekistanPM 3 points ago +3 / -0

For me it was Richard Garriott (Lord British) in the Ultima 7 Part 2 intro.

"'Stand! Back! Tis my worst fear! I must send the Avatar to the Serpent Isle!"

KekistanPM 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't mind being called weird by the type of people who do it. At least I can sleep soundly at night with a clear conscience and without taking any meds. And for all my faults I'll answer to God, not a preddit hivemind or a bunch of anons on Twitter.

KekistanPM 5 points ago +5 / -0

drove Chandler to find god

Makes me wonder: Are they finding god to serve Him, or to just hide behind Him?

KekistanPM 17 points ago +17 / -0

There are so many flavors to revisionism, too: Bold-faced lies, lies in the details, lies by omission, misdirection, sweeping and inaccurate generalizations...and the icing on the cake is that not only did the liars taint history books, they wrote all manner of books not taught in school that try to make things even worse.

I think I read one many years ago that painted the early American settlers as even more brutal and savage and the Indians more peaceful and harmless than in my history books. I also read a homework assignment that made all the Nazis look like demon spawn from hell; and anything positive about them was propaganda they made up.

KekistanPM 11 points ago +11 / -0

I remember back when they rolled out a program to give shopping carts to the homeless. Yeah real compassionate there...

KekistanPM 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wasn't even planning to get this game

Yet game studios continue to pander to them.

KekistanPM 2 points ago +2 / -0

My hunch is they'll be strong-armed into putting that cash into the campaign if they haven't been already.

"My PAC has 90 million dollars so you'll listen to me."

"Well I have friends in powerful places and the phone number to someone who knows someone who gets things done, so you'll STFU and do what I say."

KekistanPM 5 points ago +5 / -0

They have, but a lot of NPC's really believed it. Soon they will be reprogrammed with "Joe has always been completely capable and lucid and he will be up until 11:59pm on Dec 31st; but one second after that he will lose his cognitive capabilities and no longer be fit to serve.

KekistanPM 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw a post somewhere citing it was okay for the driver to kick off a BSOD loop if the config file was malformed.

Sounds like a masochistic BOFH: "If you screw up the config file then you'll have to enter recovery mode; because heaven forbid you just alert the user that the service isn't working and let them work while waiting on IT. Also good luck if you stored your Bitlocker keys on another affected machine."

KekistanPM 1 point ago +1 / -0


(galloping cavalry goes through the line)


KekistanPM 4 points ago +4 / -0

That sounds exactly like the meme of the guy making cardboard cutouts of monsters and then curling up on the floor in fear.

When somebody spends a lot of time thinking about putting people on lists to censor them, dox them, harass them, hurt them and murder them; it's no surprise they suspect their enemies do the same thing. At least when they self-censor for whatever reason, the world is still the better for it.

KekistanPM 1 point ago +1 / -0

"The K-Chris sensors aren't flying! We just can't get them to work!....wait a minute, I have a solution!"

(Gets a magic marker and writes "tine" next to all the sensor names so they're named K-Christine)

"Look! They're working now! They're flying! They're flying!"

KekistanPM 3 points ago +3 / -0

Reminds me of a parody commercial where a guy was soliciting advice from a so-called financial guru.

"Do you think I should put my money into the stock market right now?"

"Well if you buy stocks now now then unexpected events can cause your stock to go down over time...but if you don't then you could miss an opportunity to have your personal portfolio increase in value over time. I don't subscribe to the market being either bullish or bearish; it just has ups and downs."


KekistanPM 14 points ago +14 / -0

Nothing is really free; you're still paying in time which is a finite resource.

KekistanPM 7 points ago +7 / -0

Even if he had it, he would just say "WeLl ThAt'S nOt CrEdIbLe In My BoOk!"

These people accuse the right of being full of conspiracy theorists while they themselves are just being "analytical" and meeting "healthy skepticism."

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