Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

sorta related but double top buns means more sesame so that's what I want.

That said, regular burger, bun made from the same thing, a top and a bottom, with a piece of meat in the middle. It doesn't get more metaphorically gayer than that.

Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

Years share same dates and you can look up what previous years share the same dates as current or next year and buy sexy beer or nudie calendars from 70s-90s back when men could be men. Makes great presents for dude bros for Xmas.

It's such good shit.

Jack 5 points ago +6 / -1

Bret Hart enters this thread: "Did someone whisper Goldberg's name on the third floor of the apartment building across the street? Because fuck that guy"

Also MJF isn't today's Roddy Piper, if anything he's more of a Ric Flair. But to be honest he's neither because those guys wrestle more than a dozen times a year. Probably a dozen times a in 10 days back in those days.

Jack 18 points ago +19 / -1

2024 will be a battle of wills between the not trump vs the not biden crowd and imo we're one big bank failure away from not biden edging out. So they're gonna keep the party going with that money printing machine.

Jack 7 points ago +8 / -1

I get why you have to say that, but seriously, if I have your notoriety around this here parts I'd embrace it, and if someone accuse me of shilling for myself, I'd troll them. Fuck them, and fuck you 57% of the time.

Jack 18 points ago +19 / -1

Every once in a while, a dark part of my soul speaks to me and whispers "that handsome roguish devil Imp with the big dick is right about everything"

Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

I for one welcome our new overlords from the planet Amazonia.

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not a fancy lad, no heated seats for me, I have the sub $30 turn and squirt. Only thing I can bitch about is the water temp, it's not... pleasant during the winter. But I'm not trusting my browneye to one that shoots warm water, what if it malfunctions?

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

Which the film also predicted. The great toilet paper shortage of 2020.

Got a bidet, never looked back.

by folx
Jack 10 points ago +11 / -1

Women gets free rideshare from bars and clubs thru money funneling charity programs.

Men gets ambushed and stabbed to death for their pocket change as they stumble their drunk ass back home.

:jazz hands: Equality!

Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

I remember playing as a female avatar in UO and the amount of "my lady"'s I get was staggering. I would get free shit and random help in dungeons (was tamer bard for grinding) And one time this guy asked me if I wanted to be his rp gf after one brief conversation. I outright told him I'm a guy, and he says that's fine, just rp as a girl.

That was in the 90's, some things never change.

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

I brew my own beer, it's easier than you think. And cheap to start if you have like basic kitchen equipment and tools.

Beer is life and no fucking corporate kowtow is going to change that.

Summer is coming. I'm gonna brew a batch, when ready I'm gonna give out some and the rest I won't even bottle, just gonna ladle my cup into the bucket like it's 1499.

Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

I can list all the things AEW gotten right, I won't, I'll just mention one:

Watching 62 years-old Sting diving off the balcony, I remember I had this smile on my face, I felt like a kid again watching my hero Sting do his business. It's silly and marky but I was lost in that moment, and I felt like that kid again. It's moments like that that made me love wrestling.

Well, that and Jon Moxley and Adam Page beating the ever-loving shit out of each other at Revolution.

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

Quick question in case the right person comes along and sees this:

Anyone know where I can find old original WCW and WWF shows? Like the ones people used to use for those 24/7 wrestling streams?

They're low quality but unedited by the WWE and that's a worthy tradeoff.

Jack 4 points ago +4 / -0

That sucks, honestly I don't even think I'm going to resubscribe when they offer those $20-$25 dollar for the year deals. Don't really want to give them money.

Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm from the south so I started off on WCW (THE MOTHERSHIP!), New Japan tape rentals, Smoky Mountain and some ECW (which I thought was mostly bad), I stopped watching weekly when Nitro went to shits, got back in during the golden era TNA which at the time week to week was putting out better stuff than WWE. Then there was those Lucha Underground episodes that scratched my wrestling itch.

Now I watch AEW and AEW adjacent stuff. It's not perfect, but it's as close to rasslin' as I'm going to find in 2023. I tune in to WWE but if I only have time to watch one show a week it'll be Dynamite.

I accidently made c/wrestling a few years ago. I was testing this site's features and hit the confirm button by accident. Sadly, it's a dead sub, I'm not the kind of user to post and feed kindling to grow a sub. Would love a place to rant about bad wrestling and you will never find a more wretched hive of troons and female wrestling fetish enthusiast than r squarecircle. Maybe one day this place get enough folks and we can try again, the fact that c/sports gets a handful of posts a week doesn't inspire much hope.

Also, Xfinity internet service comes with peacock included.

Jack 5 points ago +5 / -0

To be fair Nancy learned about the justice system through Phoenix Wright.

Jack 16 points ago +16 / -0

A MCAT of 25 is like 500 on the new scale, that is like in the high 40s to low 50s percentile. That is not ideal. Don't let the national average applicant score fool you, those include the... handicapped... students such as the ones on that chart above. For applicants by race asians 509 whites 508 blacks 497 hispanics 500 (source)

The more time goes by the more this stops being a funny joke and starts being sound advice.

Jack 7 points ago +7 / -0

in a shtf situation you aint gonna see many girls in uniform, they'll all be back home in dresses.

See: the sharp increase in pregnancies within an Army company right after deployment announcements.

Jack 18 points ago +18 / -0

Oh man, if he gets fired by Disney over this, then one can literally say he was Kangz and he dindu nuffin.

by lines
Jack 14 points ago +14 / -0

If only there are civil liberties organizations, American if you will, that bands together, kind of like an union, I know far fetched, that work to fight against these kind of infringement and government overreach instead of collaborating with them.

Impossible I know but wow would that be amazing.

Jack 12 points ago +12 / -0

"Sir you're going back to jail for breaching the condition of your bail."

"Which was?"

"Being within 200 feet of a gay man"

"So I'm going to jail."


"To jail"


"To jail."

"ye, oh I get it, it's ironic. But yes you're going back to jail."

Jack 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nothing a little mod can't fix. NSFW last time I'm linking this I swear.

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