It'll take more than a woman's bare ass to get me to watch that show. If they surprise us by substituting the live-action Bisque Doll show for whatever they've filmed ... that might be enough. Or just 12 episodes of non-stop scissoring.
It seems to be available here
I've seen a long running argument on twitter over the past few days after someone said a scene in "He's Back" was wrong because Hitler kicked a dog (or something). Naturally retards read that as supporting him or something and it escalated from there.
My brother claimed Civ 7 was going to have a mechanic in which you choose a different civ at the start of each age. He claimed another Civ clone had the same mechanic. I don't know whether to believe him. Regardless that doesn't sound like something I want to play, not that I would unless available DRM free.
[EDIT] I should add that I haven't played anything newer than the release version of Civ 5 and even that only for a few hours at most.
My rule of thumb regarding whether to watch something has a scale with "yes" being things before and including Return Of The King in 2003 or Revenge Of The Sith in 2005 falling to "no" with either Obama's first or second term down to "absolutely not" with Gamergate or the 2016 US election.
God I hope not. You already have "normies" trying to police the artwork of vtubers to ensure they're not lolis and various other social media shenanigans. Making it more mainstream and more popular will just make it worse, just like anime. As South Park put it jokingly "make it lame and gay" but this time seriously.
Yeah a surly, not-cute girl, who's brown, is going to go over well in Japan. At least they are hiding the side shave.