Archery is fun.
ATV/Dirtbikes are great.
Camping in more secluded places.
Shooting ranges.
Wood-burning and calligraphy. Those aren't as excited but are fun on a rainy day or when you don't have much energy.
Playing 'Go' again has been fun but is pretty time consuming.
Trail Hiking.
Panning for gold. I wanna try mining for it a bit but I feel like it'd be more of a waste of time, you know?
Whittling (which I'm shit at and need more practice)
Sculpting with clay. (same but easier)
Teaching myself piano.
I want to try car restoration because I had an Uncle when I was young who rebuilt cars and it was always cool to help.
Photography — which I wanna try film instead of digital soon.
Starting your own food garden in case things ever get rough you have some knowledge.
Learning Psychology/body language
Gym/Exercise/playing some sports (mostly just shooting hoops.)
Those are just some. I'm sure in the last 5 or 6 years I've done a few other things here and there. It's been a lot of fun. I feel like I've grown more as a person trying a bunch of new hobbies than I ever did just staring at a screen.
Even as trust has reached all-time lows because of their very apparent and consistent dishonesty, these retards genuinely see themselves as "guardians" of information, instead of seeing themselves as the propaganda pushers that they are.
These people have no concept of truth. As much as they project their promulgation of misinformation onto others, it's more than apparent that they're the actual villains. It's painfully clear that they're ideologically obsessed prevaricators who's partisan zealotry is literally helping to facilitate the destruction of western society. They're not trying to "protect people from harmful content," but rather, trying to make it so that people can't call out their lies and bullshit. Essentially, they're trying to make their own job easier so they can post their propaganda with impunity. As long as people question them, they have to actually spend time putting effort in, instead of just surfing social media and writing stories based on tweets and shit that they don't even bother to verify — you know, things like that Rolling Stone article about Ivermectin overdoses filling up hospitals that ended up being completely fabricated? The "journalist" would have known that had he taken literally five minutes to call them, but these days that's just too much effort. He desperately wanted the story to be true because it matches his hate boner beliefs about those he disagrees with, so he just ran with it.
They loathe that people constantly call them out and expose their lies. How are they supposed to push their partisan agenda if people are allowed to question what they deem the truth? This is exactly why every single news organization has removed their comment sections from their website — while citing the reason was "trolls." With a comment section there, people were able to point out the never-ending inaccuracies and straight-up lies present in all of their content. It was basically like a very public fact-check on every single piece.
Regardless of the thin veneer of virtue they use to cover-up their real intent, they care more about pushing their political agenda than anything even remotely resembling the truth — which is obvious to anyone who pays attention. These apparatchik retards do not care about the truth. They only care about helping their party gain more power. They can chant their shibboleths of "muh threat to democracy!" but a lot ofpeople saw through their bullshit long ago.
Corporate Journalists are the enemy of the people.
They're the greatest threat to western society, our democracies, our health, and our freedoms.
Calling them "journalists" is an insult to actual journalists who came before them. These people are political activists masquerading as journalists and using their platforms to push their pernicious agendas.
On the bright side, I've found so many cool new hobbies, have gone back and played so many old games I grew up with (I can't find anymore Metroidvanias damnit!) have been saving a shit ton more money because I'm not wasting it on pointless consumer products that are just going to piss me off because of the social messaging in it, and so much more.
Besides, I've always been a book person as well. So now that I have a reason to read more books, it's been refreshing. If there's one thing the world will never be short on it's decent books. Thankfully there's a massive back catalog of hundreds of years — thousands in some cases.
I'm definitely much happier than I was.
This is exactly why people shouldn't trust shit from their Governments.
They're corrupt as hell at every conceivable level.
Not only have the become bogged down in partisan bureaucracy, they also have countless assholes who only care about achieving their own ambitions to gain more power and wealth. Concern for a country and "greater good" does not exist anymore.
The rare people within Governments who are actually good people slowly get purged out by the corrupt ones or they get crushed down and silenced so they have no effectiveness in doing any good for their fellow citizens who they're trying to serve.
The biggest problem of all is that so many of them have ego's that are so exceedingly out of control that they really do feel like they're serving the best interests of the people. That their own vision of what's best is what everyone should absolutely follow. It never actually dawns on these stupid assholes that that's a trait concomitant to some of the worst tyrants throughout history.
Pretty much sums up everything people need to know about this bullshit. At this point, it's all about the narrative in order to continue to promulgate fear and amass more power. As I've said, this is their golden ticket to their socialist/communist revolution.
There's no way they're going to let go of the power they have over people. This is literally what they've always wanted. Covid has been the single largest redistribution of wealth that we've ever seen. They're the only ones benefiting from this while everyone else suffers hardship and misery.
To date, the rich and elites haven't had to sacrifice a single damn thing — but it hasn't stopped them from telling us that we need to sacrifice more.
This is a sneak peek of what their future hellhole utopia will look like.
Cool. So people can look forward to terrible shit writing with the same exact story line that's full of insane plot holes happening over and over with different flavors until it's inevitably driven into the ground and destroyed.
I'll gleefully pass. Thanks.
Try wearing eye-protective goggles that have that nose part.
Problem solved.
It doesn't protect your identity and they can't deem it a mask; however, it will protect you from their stupid foam.
Either way, screw these assholes. If the court systems aren't completely screwed to shit — which I know they partially are but I'm not sure how bad — ask a Judge explicitly how you're supposed to comply with both. If he says you can't other than not protesting, then sue them from violating your civil rights using shitty duplicitous communist legal tactics.
Carrot on a stick for the drooling retards. They hear "return to normal" and they're genuinely stupid enough to believe it's going to happen.
You mean a pharma CEO is now somehow a prophet and he his solution includes his own product?
But it won't stop the idiots from clapping along and continuing to chase the carrot because their brains are so cucked from consumerism that all they know how to do these days is obey.
I love the fake outrage and the complete non-answer because she knows that it truly is a kafka trap that can be used against them of their own creating.
Guess they should have thought of this shit before they went and began using communist subversion tactics for power, huh?
Here, allow me help this gasping retard woman: "No. It is not transphobic to recognize that women exist, just as they always have. If this upsets trannies, well too damn bad. Just because you toss on a shit ton of makeup and a dress doesn't mean you're an actual woman. It just means you're a mentally ill brainwashed man practicing an extreme form of cosplay. Transphobia isn't a thing because no one is actually afraid of trans people — they simply don't like them due to their behavior, which is a tumor on society as a whole. The proper term that dumb retard dipshits are looking for would not be "transphobic," but rather, "transmisic." I hope this helps clear up confusion."
dramatic inspiring music
[insert optimistic melodramatic commentary]
Of course it ends up being the same yawn inducing drivel as usual...
Stunning & Brave™
Anyone who bases their entire identity on their skin color or who they have sex with is an insecure loser NPC who's been brainwashed by communist propaganda. They might as well take their "spark" and use it to set their studio on fire. It's a much faster way to burn money.
So pathetic.
They should feel embarrassed every single time they say "white people have no culture!" and then blackwash a role just so they can feel included.
What's even more depressing is that there will actually be people who believe it's historically accurate because they're just that stupid. lol
It reminds me of the time after Black Panther was released when travel agencies began receiving a ton of phone calls of folks asking if they could book a trip to Wakanda.
It's absurd even today. lol
I've often told myself that if I was somehow able to go back in time about 10 years and meet myself, that if I told that younger version of me what would happen 10 years in the future, he would literally be heartbroken.
Not because of what's taking place — not at all — but because he would legitimately think that he becomes some sort of schizophrenic nutcase in the future.
Just imagine it:
Ok, Past Me, here's the thing, in 2020 we're going to get hit with a viral pandemic leaked from some lab in China that's going to be used to subjugate all of the people under the authoritarian rule of the Democrat party — which has been taken over by communists.
While this is happening, we'll also be in the lead up to an election where, along with help from the media, they're going to be complicit in encouraging angry white teenagers to use political violence and burn down down cities in order to intimidate people into silence.
Finally, they'll help their Chinese Asset Candidate, Joe Biden, who also has dementia and is a child sniffing pedophile, steal the election from our sitting President, TV Reality Star Donald Trump.
Many people won't do anything because some guy on the internet — who's been leading a group of people to fight against a cult of demon worshiping pedophiles who sacrifice children to Satan in DC — tells them to trust a plan that no one but him knows.
Another group will be lead by a very patriotic crack smoking pillow salesman, who actually seems to be a decent guy, but who has a habit of saying outrageous shit which doesn't really help.
Still, there will be a huge amount of other people who fight back because they see the fraud for what it is due to a ton of videos, thousands of witnesses, data, audits, statistical anomalies, opposition obfuscation, analytical experts and multiple historical firsts that are nearly impossible to achieve simultaneously.
Sadly, it won't change the results in the end because the establishment, along with all of consumer culture and news media, considers anyone who questions anything that those in power say as "White Supremacist Neo-Nazi's" — even minorities.
In fact, unless you're gay or black, you're not really allowed to talk about anything in 2021 because white people have been condemned as universally evil by nearly every institution in society. Even black people who don't conform are called white people. They've even decided to bring back segregation.
But anyway, I digress.
After our new communist puppet leader took office, he's begun the slow dismantling of the entire country and is now trying to force people to get injected with an untested Experimental Gene Therapy to fight that virus I mentioned earlier. Even though we don't know any of the long-term effects and they continuously cover up all studies showing that it may be harmful, we're being forced to choose between taking it or being ostracized from participating in society. There's even talk of putting people in camps to "protect us."
Anyway, you need to warn people and stop this! You can't let this come to pass!
I'm sure past me would have a lot of questions.
Thanks for the link.
I thought I may have been looking in the wrong place or it was somehow related. I'm not just going to make assumptions.
But yeah, guess I'm just a dumb ol' social guy.
People genuinely have no idea how often this shit happens.
What make it most frustrating is that it's shit like this that has created the belief that "muh white supremacy" is the biggest threat of our country.
Well, besides insecure activist assholes who are venting their insecurities while thinking they're the "good guys" for trying to purge an entire race, it's also because organizations and institutions never actually follow up on information. They just take it at face value because it was reported. So we'll see places say "Last year there were over 100 articles written about hate-crime incidents!" As if somehow something being written about automatically makes it true. I will never feel guilty for who I am or the color of my skin. I don't give a shit how much they try to force me to inherit the sins of the past. Their hands themselves aren't free of those sins either by any stretch of the imagination.
I'll raise my children to be proud of who they are and of their ancestors because there's absolutely zero reason that they shouldn't celebrate those who came before to bring them into existence today.
I won't participate in being the only race that's not allowed to love myself or my people. Anyone who has a problem with that can suck my balls. Stop projecting your own racist bullshit onto me.
If anyone really wants to know how bad this shit is, just go ahead and check out this website:
What's the archive link for?
Also, what's the excerpt from?
That mention of gas prices reminded me how pissed I am about Biden screwing us over and making us reliant on foreign energy again after shutting down tons of oil jobs here.
And he should not say what the hell people should and should not say. Mind your own damn business and shut the hell up.
Trans-women are not women. They're men dressed as women. if that's how they choose to identify, then by all means, do whatever the hell you want; however, I am not — in any conceivable reality — obligated to play along or to cater to your insecurities.
Those who are simply "trying to be their true selves" wouldn't have the need to incessantly run demanding that others cater to their insecurities if that statement were true. They're not trying to simple "be their true selves;" they're seeking validation and affirmation from everyone around them.
One thing I've noticed is that these same people — the overwhelming majority of whom are progressive left activists — who go around making demands of and trying to exert control over others, are only doing so because it's plainly apparent that they lack and meaningful control over themselves and their own lives. Instead of seeking help and trying to learn constructive ways to improve their lives and gain that control, they instead do the opposite: they tear others down in order to build themselves up.
They will never be happy following this path. They'll live in a perpetual present of misery and depression. I suppose this is likely one of the reasons that the trans community's attempted suicide rate is at 50% and over 65% of them have depression. What they're dealing with is mental illness of some form or another. These are people who have given up on themselves; regardless of how they pretend otherwise.
It's one of the reasons I'm absolutely convinced that so many now identify as "trans," "non-binary" or any other goofy make-believe nonsense. They're myopic idiots who were raised by shitty parents that let corporations do the brunt of the work for them by plopping them down in front of a glowing screen or by purchasing whatever consumer product the kid wanted that kept them out of their hair so they could do the things they wanted to do. Why does this make sense? It's actually pretty simple. Within a short amount of time of simply observing or associating with these people, anyone would quickly notice that their beliefs are like some bizarre amalgamation of accumulated stereotypes. Their views on women; on society; on men; on religion; on mental illness; on minorities; on sex; you name it and almost every facet of their lives revolves around consumer manufactured stereotypes. It's not a healthy foundation for any individual to begin with. It's why I'm so adamant that parents should keep all consumption of any type of disposable entertainment/social media, which bombards people with a never-ending stream of shit propaganda, to a strict minimum during a kid's formative years. This isn't just a problem for the trans community either, but many across the more left-leaning spectrum.
The identity politics that these kids have been inculcated with has decimated their core identity. They don't know how to deal with these things and turn to the only thing that's ever provided them with comfort and answers: entertainment/social media. They feel the need to "stand out" because simply being a normal good person isn't what's reflected in the world within the glowing screen that they spend most of their time in. They lack any distinguishing features that would set them apart and make them stand out as individuals, so they decide to appropriate a group identity and focus their entire personal identity around that instead.
I'm sure anyone can follow the line of thought from there. They externalize their "uniqueness" in stupid ways because all of the groups they now center their entire identity around demand intellectual conformity. If you've taken a peek into any progressive community you'll undoubtedly see countless people expressing frustration with the inability to express an opinion without getting dog-piled on because that opinion doesn't conform to the group dogma. Likewise, you'll also see countless others constantly apologizing, giving weird disclaimers to make sure they don't offend, mindlessly spouting random dogmatic activist slogans — you know what I'm talking about.
These people have serious issues. Seeing politicians and media continue to promulgate bullshit narratives to pander to insecure retards is not only absurdly stupid, it's also likely very pernicious to our society as a whole. The funniest part is that all of this was predicted in that link I posted a couple times about the 45 ways Communists would destroy western society. Their methods have undeniably been incredibly effective thus far.
I'll include the link once more for anyone who's interested:
Yup. That's what I'm already doing. Although right now it's just in a messy list form, it'll help to clean it, cite sources/examples and turn it into an ever-growing list that can be used to throw at consumer sheep whenever they say that people should trust the news — which still blows my mind that they do.
I was even able to add a couple more already, too.
- Downplaying the Hatian Border Crisis
- Pretending the "leaked" preliminary recount was representative of the actual audit in Arizona
I'm just going to keep building because it will be useful in an age of Information Warfare.
That's all they're looking for, too. Time after time we see them exclusively seek out confirmation bias to a particular belief. The funny part is that often times it backfires because they're retarded and Google for headlines for something and present that as their "See!? I was right!" But once you read their own article it completely contradicts the headline — as they frequently manipulatively do — and only reinforces exactly what you were saying to begin with.
There are some people who will simply never be reached. They're either too stupid or too far down the rabbithole that it would take some completely world altering event to change their mind. Even then many of them have egos so fragile that they'd never admit to being wrong.
It's a title. Get over it. I'm not going to write out a damn novel for a topic title just to cater to your insecurity. And don't try and tell me what I should and shouldn't say, dipshit.
Typing out: "People Who Are Against An Experimental Gene Therapy Biological Agent Chant "Fuck Joe Biden" As They Occupy And Eat At Experiment Gene Therapy Biological Agent Food Court In Staten Island" is retarded.
Don't blame me for you know understanding colloquialism. It's used for brevity. I've been calling it for what it is in almost every post I make.
Stop looking for shit to get upset over.
It's still an important type of progress when a majority of the things lost aren't things that we were responsible for losing.
Just like that link at the end of my first post, they've been setting the system up for this sort of authoritarian takeover since before WW2.
You mention that they only care because they're personally affected but I believe that also applies to a very large portion of all of us as well — we just realized it sooner. We only began to care when we were personally affected as well — whether that be through intrusions in our hobbies, cancel culture, invasive activism, or duplicitous journalist smear campaigns. No one changes over night, you know? The most important thing is that they do change.
Of course there's no way in hell that all of them are going to entirely switch their ideological beliefs but even if only a portion of them do then that's a portion spreading a message of freedom and Government/corporations staying the hell out of our lives.
I have no interest in gatekeeping such things because those things that you mentioned are far more important than me wanting to stick it to these assholes for being asleep so long — which at times I really want to do because some of us have been fighting this shit for 10-15+ years in various forms, which has all fallen on deaf ears.
I guess to put it another way, I think that at this point the vax/lockdown platform is intrinsically tied to their overall plan in general. As I said, it really is their golden ticket to perpetual power. I don't believe that there's some singular thing that can serve as a fix-all solution for nearly a hundred years of cultural indoctrination and brainwashing through propaganda and subversive infiltration of our institutions across the spectrum. All we can do is slowly undo the damage and elucidate the inimical effects it's having on our society as a whole.
Although, I do agree with you that we're essentially trying to reset the balance to zero more than we're trying we're gaining a "surplus," as it were.
There's definitely a large portion of people who I'd like to slap the shit out of for not paying attention sooner. Hopefully we can see this nightmare through to the light on the other side and look back and laugh at them in the future for their stupidity.
Anyway, stay positive, friend. Hopefully you get to do something fun and relaxing this weekend.
Isn't it hilarious how they cherry-pick and believe only the parts that match their make-believe fantasyland and completely ignore absolutely everything else?
So which is it? Do you believe the information that's being presented or do you believe it's all a sham? You can't have it both ways.
They're so mind-numbingly stupid that it's genuinely staggering. They constantly need to be told what their views are by people in media or some trashy tabloid in order to form their beliefs.
The thread you linked is a perfect example. It's filled with these retards projecting their own consumerism habits onto everyone else. They truly believe that people sit around waiting to be told their views exactly like they do.
The average dipshit in that thread has the IQ of a potato. Their version of "being informed" is parroting whatever the consensus is of those around them. If for any reason they're confronted, they find themselves completely incapable of reasonably defending their position without defaulting to assumptions, stereotypes, and make-believe.
If they're unaware of how to respond to something that someone presents to them, then they'll literally use Google of all things, desperately seek out confirmation bias, and post it as "proof" of them being right. The best part is that 95% of the time they didn't bother reading their own articles and are so completely braincucked, that they're totally incapable of distinguishing opinions from facts.
But I guess all of that is sort of concomitant to the mindless consumer retards of the left who perpetually eat up vacuous media manufactured hate-fantasies like a fat kid at a dessert buffet.
Most of them are a bunch of obsequious mental toddlers with the intellectual depth of a puddle of piss in the desert.
Action over apathy. Love to see it.
What's even better is you can hear the surrounding people who are vaxxed chanting along in the background. Although I'm sure there are plenty there who are probably grumbling and butthurt.
Like I said, if elites are going to try and screw us, then people should make their lives a living hell. The more people see that it's not just a "random person here or there" like the media portrays it as, the more they'll feel comfortable with using their own voice.
We all know that the election was stolen using mail-in ballots. Covid is the liberal's golden ticket to perpetual power and control, so showing presence in the real world, where big tech and media have zero control in minimizing just how many stand against this shit, is a vital piece to forming a strong resistance.
Never would have thought I'd see a day where freedom loving people were the insurgents in their own "free" western countries.
But the more you understand history and what led to this, the more it all makes much more sense.
This was entered into Congress back in 1963:
Man, people really are disgusting as hell. Who the hell has a fetish for spreading diseases?
Besides liberals, who fetishize mental illness in order to sit around jerking themselves off in weird struggle sessions over who's had it worse.
Emoji spam? Nice Twitter defense mechanism, fag.
If that's "three paragraphs" to you, then it might be time you opened a book. lol
Yes, insecurity — pure insecurity. "Don't use colloquialism! Muh drooler brain can't handle it and it makes me insecure!"
Keep projecting, insecure anti-vax retard. Go back to crying about how people should talk with your goofy zoomer leftist friends.