Footsoldier 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even accepting the fact that there might be "unsupportive" parents, the last panel should come before the first.

Footsoldier 1 point ago +1 / -0

Latin Europe, referring to where the Romance languages are spoken. Although it's not commonly called that.

Footsoldier 15 points ago +15 / -0

FIFA 23 will be the last FIFA. Licensing deal has ended so the unwieldy and generic name "EA Sports FC 24" is the placeholder, I'm sure they won't keep it. I'm not sure what leagues they have also lost, FIFA was all about the licensing. Shame what happened to Pro Evolution Soccer.

But to keep this on topic: Will they also be including the FC Dallas under-15 boys team?

by folx
Footsoldier 16 points ago +17 / -1

They always hold their enemies to higher standards. They know they're scum. Anyway, Jesus said to always carry a sword. Sell the cloak on the back if you have to, if you don't have a sword. Kindness doesn't mean subservience.

Footsoldier 33 points ago +33 / -0

Remember the Nashville shooter? That was 3 weeks ago. Where is the manifesto? Maybe there's still time for Jack to become Jill and become a martyr before they go all out with the incel gamer narrative?

But one thing he was not, insisted a 17-year-old online friend calling himself Vakhi, was a whistleblower in the mould of Manning or National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden, who claimed to be exposing government wrongdoing. ‘This guy was a Christian, anti-war, just wanted to inform some of his friends about what’s going on,’ he told The New York Times.

Great reporting from the Mail as usual. Making something up in the first sentence and backing it up with an unrelated quote in the second. Serving the narrative effortlessly.

Footsoldier 8 points ago +8 / -0

I really wish they would stop reporting the opinions of whores on any subject, but I'm sure this easy clickbait gives them the most bang for their buck regarding advertising revenue so. Regardless, Mario and Luigi are already "latin" characters.

Footsoldier 3 points ago +3 / -0

Donna Perry, convicted of murdering three women prostitutes

I read that thinking, that sounds odd, a woman murdering 3 prostitutes?

Then I looked them up. Oh it's a "woman"! Now it makes sense.

Footsoldier 9 points ago +9 / -0

Psychology (which "criminology" is a part of) is riddled with academic fraud, as well as leftists.

Site listing retractions/fraud

Some leftist dogma shown to be false:

  • Multiple intelligences (even those with low IQ can been highly intelligent in some ways e.g. emotionally. Feel-good stuff. The reality is IQ correlates with conscientiousness)
  • Implicit bias testing and training for "racism".
  • Strong in-group preferences can be formed around trivial or arbitrary things (multicultural societies can succeed if we form a new identity. Reality: real alliances are genetically influenced.)
  • "Stereotype threat" (people behave how they are expected to, even if they don't believe in the stereotype. This means that the very existence of a stereotype keeps, for example, women working lower paid jobs, or black men committing crime etc. This leads to eternal leftist policy grifts as stereotypes cannot be completely wiped from existence, obviously)
  • IQ is not genetic.
  • 10,000 hours crap.
  • Prestigious journals equal prestigious articles (see Diederik Stapel - 58 retractions and counting).
Footsoldier 10 points ago +10 / -0

How many peer reviews are done by the author's mate who didn't bother checking the data collected?

Footsoldier 3 points ago +3 / -0

Watching Mankind win the Championship versus The Rock with the help of a Stone Cold chair strike is one of my favourite childhood memories.

Footsoldier 10 points ago +10 / -0

Americans are so lucky to have the First Amendment. Even with all the attacks against it, it still gives you a base to fight from. It's over for Europe. It won't be long before "intent" is removed from the definition of "hate speech" altogether. Even until that happens, as you can see from the other topic about the street preacher here, it's the process that's the punishment. It's better to keep quiet than go through that.

Footsoldier 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sorry but you can easily Google him.

He was lucky to get the appeal. If he had said what he said with a little more aggression (he had left the "victim" "distraught" by referring to him as a "man" or "gentleman" nine times - the fact that this was recorded proves that it was the reason for his initial conviction, and every news article left or right goes with that) the sentence would have been upheld.

Footsoldier 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course it was the "SOLE" reason he went to court. It was the only way they could get him convicted on a 'public order' offence. If he hadn't said his blasphemy, they would have to come up with something far more creative, completely beyond their capabilities. He's an experienced public preacher so he knows how to handle himself while dealing with aggression. But with 'misgendering' being added to the ridiculous list of things now qualifying as "threatening, abusive or insulting speech" he is going find it near impossible to talk back to the demons.

Footsoldier 4 points ago +4 / -0

The process is the punishment. The magistrates are volunteers, 'ordinary people', (apparently), they'll go with what the police and CPS (state prosecutor) says. The Crown Court, where he was granted his appeal, is headed by a 'proper' judge and saw his sentence for what it was. But the damage is done. He'll probably carry on public preaching but many of those who might want to follow his example will be put off.

Footsoldier 18 points ago +18 / -0

Each separately labelled mental illness is a shield against criticism. Very important for those with false egos.

Footsoldier 4 points ago +6 / -2

"Autism" was all we needed to know.

Footsoldier 3 points ago +3 / -0

TV is bad but advertising is ridiculous. Anyone have any inside views on the workings of marketing companies that led to this extreme adoption?

Footsoldier 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree, you're making a great case for you and your multiple personalities, all of which are sane.

I personally think it was the Boy Scouts and roast beef that won both world wars (and one World Cup).

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