Devidose 6 points ago +6 / -0

Picard didn't pass the first time, either, however he did graduate from Starfleet unlike Wesley who quit then wandered off with a creepy old man offering candy The Traveller who offered to show him the back of his van mysteries of reality.

Devidose 12 points ago +12 / -0

And the other reason is why I'm happy to hear rumours Tulsi Gabbard is helping Trump with debate prep for Kamala..

If this were a WWE style event the best possible way for it to play out would be for Kamala to enter the ring first to whatever music her handlers she picked, then when Trump came out he'd not only be in a full suit which is not the attire for wrestling, but also simply stroll down to the ring, then keep strolling around it to the commentary box and sit down. Then Tulsi would show up to her own music, run down to the ring, and the world would get a Kamala vs Tulsi 2: Bitchin' Boogaloo.

Devidose 15 points ago +15 / -0

Nobody in the Lower Decks crew should have made it past the academy. Starfleet is meant to be the best of the best, not an extended gap year for a group so belligerent and incompetent they shouldn't be put in charge of raking leaves in autumn let alone being stationed on an intergalactic starship that a handful of safety features from going back in time and/or destroying localised space.

Devidose 11 points ago +11 / -0

Picard season 3 doesn't exist, there's only seasons 1 and 2 then what is basically a spinoff/spinback with "In case of emergency break glass and do TNG again".

Devidose 41 points ago +41 / -0

People value intelligence

Also, side note. People value intelligence when it benefits them. Nobody likes being on the receiving end of an intellectual beat down but plenty enjoy being on the side that do it. See modern media and it's portrayal of "smart is sexy". It's almost always a smart character using their brain to outwit everyone else in the room while showing off to a love interest. Dr Who has done it for decades, Sherlock did it, Disney and Marvel have done it, and always with a support group in tow made up of pretty and pretty dumb characters who love to see their smart champion play wordsmith with everyone else and emerge as the biggest brain in the box. When someone else is smarter and this gets used against both the champion and his cheerleaders then suddenly smart isn't sexy any more, it's creepy, or weird, or ominous, or whatever.

tl;dr People value intelligence for selfish reasons.

Devidose 14 points ago +14 / -0

If I had an axe for every time I warned "smart" people not to do certain things and they had listened to me I'd still have an axe because the retarded MD I told not to do something then did it anyway and broke the axe!

Devidose 22 points ago +22 / -0

The longer answer I would give is: It depends on a lot of things such as how much smarter you might be compared to those around you, how frequent any differences may be demonstrated, and how, if at all, said differences improve over a period of time.

The short answer is: it ranges between tedious and infuriating.

And now for the sperg of text. When others can't do things that you find easy enough to be trivial it brings up questions why it's so difficult for them as well as why they can't improve, even when you already know the answer which is: everyone is different and has different capabilities.

Being able to look at a puzzle, or a mix of letters, or some other potential pattern and "just get it" is as pointed out elsewhere in the comments just a trait. It's how someone is and how they interpret and respond to stimuli. But when you then add various context to that situation it can go from solving a puzzle in seconds just because you can, to being told everyone else has spent the last 15 minutes trying to solve it and failing. Thus creating the comparison. You're not just "smart" at this point for solving the problem, you're now also "smarter" then others which leads to various issues from both sides of the comparison.

Frustration at others inability to do what you can and/or consider trivial will lead to resentment which can in turn lead to distancing and isolation. This can also come about by others feeling intimidated or put off just how much someone outshines everyone else and more so when it's clear through less effort than everyone else needs to put in. Even though it may be known it's not intentional or malicious behaviour the result is still the same, and there is very little that can be done to solve it.

Devidose 17 points ago +17 / -0

If it's allowed, yes. But it's going to be so revolutionary it will either need banned or its own category made.

tl;dr this is unironically going to lead to real world Deckers from Shadowrun.

Response time is going to drop significantly with this. The thought of doing something is going to be the input command, not the current thought which then needs an appropriate neural command sent to the hands to perform various actions that provide the input, those actions as I mention in the other post being subject to fuckups and delays.

RSI, twitches, itches, outside interference, shitty controllers, keyboards, mice, WiFi, and more, all replaced with the integrity of signal interpretation, which will have to be paramount in the first place, and transmission.

It's entirely possible this results in player performance leap frogging current game challenges, too, because right now games are designed with the limits of both user and hardware limits in mind.

At best we can learn to input/type faster alongside using additional input devices but we are still limited by physical features of both the user and the devices present. A mouse and keyboard means you can do several things at once, but we still only have 2 hands. So we can move in a direction, jump, turn, interact, and do so all at once or in various combinations. But we will still be limited by the game design just how much we can input those commands.

With a 20+ year old ps2 controller a user can use the left analog stick to move in any direction along the horizontal axis. But even if a second analog stick was provided that permitted true 3D movement within an environment, air or water, we don't have the dexterity for that level of finesse. A direct neural input however would because without needing to calculate how hard a button needs pressed or how much a second analog stick needs turned a human brain can interpret spatial data and create a vector to move along. Every single game that exists right now which offers superpowered flight is going to be redundant overnight with this type of input device.

Devidose 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's Batman, some of his rogues gallery would do that regardless of any money involved.

Joker: for the lols

Two Face: coin landed tails

Ra's Al Ghul: you're part of his next depopulation project

Riddler: you failed to answer a riddle, Jigsaw style from Saw

Penguin: probably one of the few that is motivated by money for moneys sake, but still psychotic enough to snap and take it out on a room

Poison Ivy: you stepped on a plant

Mr. Freeze: whether or not his latest experiment is working or not and whether you stand in the way of it or not

Kite-Man: hell, yeah.

Killer Croc: wants to eat you

King Shark: wants to eat you

Bane: probably the widest range of reasons but unlikely to ever be because of money

And the various henchmen for all of those are often enough more than happy to be violent for the sake of violence, otherwise they'd probably pick other jobs for money that didn't involve carrying enough firepower to level buildings.

Devidose 4 points ago +4 / -0

So why has the post/link been deleted? Or did more info come out which doesn't work with certain narratives?

Devidose 18 points ago +18 / -0

Would make sense, both the delay and range of fuckups from and including decision making to hand action are all but eliminated by something like this. So on the one hand it will do wonders for anyone with dyspraxia, but on the other it ups the ante on competitive input peripherals.

Devidose 18 points ago +18 / -0

Probably in the same way as trying to tackle someone holding down an attacker with a knife. So going after the frog while the scorpion gets ready to sting again.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

There's always a solution to the problem

Tell that to Solitaire 🤬


Not all Solitaire games are winnable, but the great majority is. On average, around 80% of every Solitaire game is winnable. FreeCell is the variant with the best odds, as around 99% of all games are winnable, for instance.

This is why I started playing Freecell instead.

Edit 2:

It is estimated that 99.999% of possible deals are solvable. Deal number 11982 from the Windows version of FreeCell is an example of an unsolvable FreeCell deal, the only deal among the original "Microsoft 32,000" which is unsolvable

I was angry enough with Solitaire being unwinnable at times I ended up teaching myself how to play Freecell.

Devidose 4 points ago +4 / -0

Swtor came up with a good way to get around weekly lockouts and dry loot runs. All gear, all of it, weapons included were shells which contained 2-4 components that have an item its stats. Wrists and waist only had 2 components IIRC while most armour had 3 and weapons had 4 where the 4th would also alter the colour of weapon fire and lightsaber blades.

Eventually BoA shells were added so that you could freely move things between alts, the only things that remained character bound were non BoA shells that came from content of which there were still many. These actual content shells also didn't usually have their appearances added to a collections tab like WoW does with transmog. While there is a similar system it's mostly limited to unlocks done with MTX currency, so raid appearances would only be something for the character present for the kill and lot.

However what the system did mean was that if you had more than one class, be it a dupe on the same faction or mirror class on the other faction, you could then gear them with BoA shells fitted with components sourced from alts, who could in turn continue gearing those shells to send back again later. This would include Tier components.

The only limits to this were the differences in primary stat some components would have so Str gear would be fine for JKG to JKS, or even SWJ and SWM, but any other class and subclasses would be using something other that Str.

Additionally the Swtor equivalent to rings and trinkets weren't BoA so those you would still need to source but in general it meant you could use alts to take care of sourcing and improving something like 10 of your 14 or so gear slots.

And I didn't always hate rogues. Its just that once Mangle was removed, and Brez was spread to multiple classes then every raid had no reason to bring a Feral over a rogue, because a bad rogue could outpace all but the best Ferals in almost every tier.

This is why I disliked Locks and Hunters from TBC onwards while maining a mage :p both ended up as literal 1 button spammer classes and with Sunwell offering a zone wide Int buff that made ArcInt redundant mages found themselves benched for what was often dogshit players but playing braindead and OP specs.

Devidose 7 points ago +7 / -0

WoW Raiding taught me a long time ago about the importance of someone willing to "step up" and be the bitch that deals with problems, because sitting around saying "not my job" just ends up in wasting everyone's time including yours. So while you might be lower on the chart and looking worse, the job is dead and the spoils remain the same. A lesson just as relevant when it comes to soaking an orb to not wipe on a boss as it does with putting in an extra chunk of work at work before it explodes into a bigger issue that you need to clean up anyway.

Me in TBC as the dedicated mage tank during t4 and t6.

For those OOTL, there were 2 raid bosses in TBC where a mage had to be the one tanking a particular mob as only mages could grab the defensive shield the mob cast on itself with Spellsteal which was needed to survive the spam of nukes said mobs would exclusively cast. In order to do this role properly a mage would have to sacrifice both raw power and general performance to stack Stamina on gear rather than actual combat stats. Most of the time mages would just grab every green/uncommon quality item they could while still maintaining enough Spell Hit for spells to actually work. Me? I knew all the ins and outs of TBC to the point I didn't have greens for my STA stacking gear, I had blues/rares and purples/epics because I had done both the homework of learning about these better versions but also put in a time grinding them because unlike greens which were random drops from every mob in the game, the rares were from rare mobs themselves. The cloth chest came from a rare dragon named Hemathion that needed flying to even get close to. The drops from Yor needed you to be able to summon the mob which was at the very end of a very long rep grind then an even longer quest after littered with RNG if the right mob would spawn from a cage and then drop the right item with the right set of stats.

Some may ask why I bothered min/maxing this much for just the two fights but the reason was by doing so I had a set of gear that gave far better survival than "just greens" and didn't diminish my combat output nearly as much. Greens would be fine for t4 but the t6 fight needed more health so those blues and purples meant a far smoother attempt than more casual raiders would have experienced.

Also of the 3 other mages we had 1 I wouldn't trust to bring back a wet umbrella when it was raining, while the other 2 were frequently busy so couldn't provide regular attendance therefore I was far more at ease just doing the job myself.

Devidose 8 points ago +8 / -0

Most fast food is overrated. They build for quantity, not quality.

Devidose 9 points ago +9 / -0

Then I started thinking back and saw that the rot started a long time before that.

This is the step a lot of people miss. Sure it takes something of them and theirs being affected to finally wake up to what is going on, but not many then take it beyond that event and ask whether it's been happening beforehand. Far too many will follow the Gell-Mann amnesia effect and compartmentalise a problem which offers the leading cause too much leeway in escaping appropriate scrutiny.

Devidose 5 points ago +5 / -0

it was sarcasm

I would hope people figured that out by the repetition at the start of your comment but then some miss the point of these things.

Devidose 15 points ago +15 / -0

What an extremely petty and uncompromising act in the face of cultural practices for someone who preens about being so welcoming and understanding.

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