DNA1 4 points ago +4 / -0

There's an embedded video in the tweet. What he's saying is probably technically accurate and perhaps can be slightly more charitably summarized, but the optics and reality are obviously horrendous.

DNA1 20 points ago +20 / -0


Sheriff Ric Bradshaw says that because Trump is not the sitting president that he is not given complete perimeter protection, even though someone shot him just a couple months ago

He said if Trump was president then law enforcement would take protecting him more seriously

DNA1 17 points ago +17 / -0

This topic has been mentioned here before, notably at the beginning of 2023, but this is just a periodic reminder that it doesn't matter if you avoid the vax, fast food, or other types of poisons.

Just like weed killer, insecticides, fluoride, etc., you will be fed as your masters wish willingly or otherwise, with awareness or deception, and you will learn to "accept" it.

DNA1 9 points ago +9 / -0

Pokemon's Nessa trainer is the most famous recent example of dark skinned character being drawn with lighter tone.

(If the original drawing wasn't intended to actually make her whiter and was merely artistic license, the resulting woke Streisand effect resulted in many doing so intentionally.)

DNA1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Between this and the recent VG dump, you are doing God's work.

Biggest takeaway from this is that Google has finally gotten around to blocking uBlock Origin...and, unsurprisingly, Brave & Vivaldi being built on top of Chromium will merely follow in lock step.

More specifically, they say Vivaldi has committed to that future reality (2025) while Brave has been ambiguous. Brave would make a more forceful statement if they planned to be different.

There is time yet, but soon the moment to permanently switch to the various FireFox forks: Pale Moon, WaterFox, whatever. Maybe even FireFox itself, if you don't mind the super woke Mozilla organization (no thanks from me).

Shame, Brave is a very clean Chromium browser and much easier to teach my parents to use -- otherwise they'd be on Chrome. Brave's loss will be felt; "uBO" Lite is not an option.

DNA1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Alternatively, with the PS5 already acknowledged as in its end cycle

This statement is both true and not the first time I've seen it, but it never ceases to be mind blowing.

What a damnable system. Commiefornia Sony cannot go bankrupt fast enough.

DNA1 2 points ago +2 / -0

"DEI wasn't the reason this game was bad / shut down / didn't sell well" etc

Indeed, it wasn't. I hope Sony double and triple downs on it. Let's root for them to burn invest billions.

DNA1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know the "best of" lists are effectively AI or NPC-driven given modern day journalism, but Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is criminally underrated.

Didn't make either JRPG list (Saturn, PS1).

DNA1 1 point ago +1 / -0

And it's a Californian company called PCR Distributing, which operates several hentai brands.

Surprised it's not Irodori. Though, I guess if they wanted to sue then they would've done it a long time ago.

DNA1 2 points ago +2 / -0

The first disc is amazing and it gets really bad at the second disc because Square didn't pay for the whole game to be made.

I was apoplectic when first completing it, but able to concede on forums back then that the game would be crazy long if it didn't have the artistic shift (even if forced).

Of course, it's my favorite game and "more is less" definitely didn't apply to this title in my opinion, but that's an aside...

It's tragic that decades have since passed, and it turned out that era was the pinnacle of gaming, at least for me as an RPG fan.

DNA1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Xenogears has a fan remake - https://archive.ph/QfVzu

This Lahan demo looks impressive. I like the 2D sprite style and, even more so, the handful of YouTube comments acknowledging that nobody wants Square to butcher touch the IP.

DNA1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I meant to say it's unfair to compare all-time peaks given the shock factor, etc. as part of the setup, but I'm retarded so you're missing nothing in terms of what I actually wrote.

DNA1 13 points ago +13 / -0

Come on, now, comparing all-time peak to average daily viewers is patently unfair.

If you look at Steam trends within the last few days, it barely eeks out a victory against personal heavyweight favorites likes *checks notes* GemCraft - Chasing Shadows.

DNA1 2 points ago +2 / -0


  • Voters who favored his extreme leftist policies such as eco-terrorism could always back the DNC
  • Voters who favored his "right-wing" policies such as strong border control could always back Trump

However, neither represented some "niche" interests such as strongly going after Big Pharma (including raising anti-vax awareness), which will now swing towards Trump given unity party establishment and an active role.

RFK also brings lots of credibility on topics that Trump has touted but had trouble making inroads in the 1st term, such as strong anti-CIA sentiment and anti-censorship.

DNA1 2 points ago +7 / -5

Your 1st sentence is redundant. The loaded framing of your 2nd sentence merely enforces my point...what that is, you don't have to "get" at all.

DNA1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reddit KIA2 on the other hand... - https://old.reddit.com/r/kotakuinaction2/comments/1eopmoz/former_youtube_ceo_susan_wojcicki_dies_at_56_of/

Rest In Piss, Susan; I hope the last years of her life were excruciatingly painful.

If her remaining offspring in any shape or form resemble the sow in terms of ideals, then I hope they are quadruple vaxxed and follow in her footprints.

DNA1 13 points ago +13 / -0

I don't know the legalese around this, but ideally I'd like the lawsuit to continue for past damages.

DNA1 3 points ago +3 / -0

The intersex claim is true (as far as we can know), but still as irrelevant as when originally mentioned as justification shortly after the original controversy.

IBA decided the boxer had advantages that would disqualify for female competition - https://www.iba.sport/news/statement-made-by-the-international-boxing-association-regarding-athletes-disqualifications-in-world-boxing-championships-2023/

Despite what she says now to retain sponsors, Carini didn't immediately break down into tears and quit because she was outclassed in technique; it was because she knew (due to IBA precedence and IOC's inconsistency) that the fight was pseudo-rigged.

I don't know about the other (slightly newer) boxer controversy, but the intersex angle is immaterial. "Progressives" will use whatever angle they can to justify gender politics...and, yeah, most of those will actually be self-identified females that the IOC will green light. Testing determines biological qualification, which Khelif did not pass.

As for Angela, she is a spineless rat who cannot stand up for principles.

DNA1 15 points ago +16 / -1

Whenever the TERF problem pops up, many childishly support the transsexual opposition on the basis of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".

This is, yet again, a stark reminder that many self-centered women like Angela simply deserve to be punched in the face (hard) for life.

DNA1 7 points ago +7 / -0

I only access KIA2 via the kotakuinaction2.win domain. It doesn't have any icon next to user name and is much cleaner (the letters are jarring).

DNA1 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember reading about this scenario on ZeroHedge a few weeks ago, and it suggested she had to be the presidential candidate - https://www.zerohedge.com/political/kamalas-ace-hole-91-million-biden-harris-campaign-fund

But same article had 1 expert suggest that it might be open to interpretation by Federal Election Commission. Given the DNC's track record of successful corruption, I'm inclined to think they'll manage to keep the war chest even if she ends up being VP again.

DNA1 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't remember Occupy Wall Street accomplishing anything other than having a parade of protesters be openly mocked by champagne drinking executives from a balcony.

DNA1 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was also a recent court case by RFK Jr.'s founded organization Children’s Health Defense that was rejected. And one more, I want to say, along similar lines.

But don't worry, there will be some conveniently timed controversy around abortion upcoming - https://www.zerohedge.com/political/supreme-court-inadvertently-releases-opinion

Meanwhile, for those who weren't looking, the U.S. Scrotum also broadened the usage of experts' testimonies - https://www.zerohedge.com/political/supreme-court-broadens-use-expert-testimony-against-accused-criminals


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