As someone who was raised Homeschooled, they've been gunning at us for decades now. The ACLU has been Homeschool Enemy #1 for ages.
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Oh the sun shines bright on my old Kentucky home~
"Better to reign in Hell then to serve in Heaven."
Ever hear of a Smurf before? And that's the most benign explanation.
They're exposed to the ooze after exposure to either Master Yoshi, or whatever humans were presumably handling them at the pet shop.
Devil's advocate: The turtles have always been half-human mutants, so them being human shaped is the least objectionable thing here.
It's Different when they do it. It's Reprehensible when we do it.
Maybe it does need to happen, just to get people to realize they're never going to play fair.
That's horrifying. Makes me think of Jupiter's giant storm.
It's fun to note that even as they try to inflict this newspeak on us, they still can't manage to escape the reality of a biological binary.
It's Imp, what do you think?
Dan knows what's up.
People get hooked on vices because they hate themselves. People hate themselves because they're hooked on vices. It's a complicated relationship that can't be boiled down to a single damning factor.
Looks like St. Pat needs to come back. There's a bunch more snakes in Ireland to drive out.
It's turtles all the way down.
It's interesting. A bunch of these aren't even about inflicting violence, but how to safely take it. They don't just want to kill your offense but your defence as well.
Either we learned nothing from Tay or we learned EVERYTHING from Tay.
They already misuse the IPs they already hold. See every other title included in PS All Stars.
Y'know, the Jews might be God's chosen people, but that didn't stop Him from actively having foreign powers conquer them whenever they went astray.
Just sayin'.
She doesn't look completely terrible, at the very least. She's got a bit of a "Cartoon Network Mom" bod going on.
Compared to some of the crap they pull these days, this is downright inoffensive.
To make an analogy, you have to actually understand the nuances of what you're talking about.
Or Terra and Celeste, for that matter.
The 80s...
Dormant Feminism....
I couldn't tell ya details off the top of my head. It's been years since I was reading my parent's homeschooling magazines. But I remember all kinds of stories about targeted "wellness checks" and other kinds of "We just want to make sure the kids are being raised to OUR standards" bureaucratic bullcrap designed to hamstring parents who wouldn't dance to the government's fiddle.