I'd probably have gone off the deep end years ago if it weren't for my cousins and siblings being so tight-knit.
Has it ever occurred to you that comments like these are the reason all the "bots" hate your guts?
Don't bother replying, I already know the answer.
I still love the moment of fear Mauler had after E;R threatened to debate him on ATLA after Rags had called it trash and gotten the rest of EFAP to back him on that.
From what I understand, the issue was that the AI was coded to go for a high score, learned that the humans were deducting points when it did things that were unwanted, and took the wrong lesson from the experience.
"They can't deduct points if they're dead." Points at head
Yeah, that's why Gamergate is STILL being referenced as the trauma of journalists almost ten years down the line.
Evil cannot create. Only pervert that which Good has created.
...Imp? Izzat you?
"When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
-C. S. Lewis
Because they are literally living in a fantasy world where everything always goes exactly how they want it. They exist unchallenged in their little bubbles, so they react violently whenever the sharp edges of reality brush against them.
Why do you think there's such a push to make Batman look ineffectual these days?
Reminds me of the ill conceived Animorphs Transformers.
That being said, it looks more like a gimmick than anything else. And let's be fair. Crossovers are fun when they don't go full Rick and Morty Multiverse
And the sad thing is they couldn't be satisfied with what most people would consider a dream job. They had to be more than just influencers. They had to be Mandators.
I've been enjoying it so far. Played it all weekend. There's almost always a stockpile of needed pieces lying around anywhere the game expects you to do something, and if you're always collecting more Zonai Device capsules whenever you see a dispenser, you'll always have a surplus of gadgets to build with when you feel like it.
Once you get the autobuild ability, you can even spend a currency to generate the parts you're missing if it comes to that.
The way I personally see it, we're called to be gentle as doves, but shrewd as serpents. You don't pre-judge individuals by the aggregate, but you don't throw out the aggregate as useless information either.
"Devastating Implications"
You mean like the implication that lying doesn't always pay out? Why would a Christian organization be upset with such an implication....
They're generally designed as androids/gynoids in their robot forms, so it's inevitable simply as a matter of convenience.
"You fool! Laws are for honest people! If you're a crook, you sneak in anyway!"
-Fearless Leader, Rocky and Bullwinkle: The Potsylvania Creeper
Part bird people, part Metroid, part whatever else her genetic hodgepodge is after all the X eating.
I'm not saying it's women's fault.
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.