Cyberguy64 7 points ago +7 / -0

You misunderstand. It won't be a lion with Morgan Freeman's voice. It will just be Morgan Freeman.

Cyberguy64 8 points ago +8 / -0

She omnicided her entire universe rather than let her sister have the throne. You cannot make a character like that sympathetic. It's simply not possible.

Cyberguy64 15 points ago +15 / -0

Isn't that just so convenient that people "just don't know" that they're gay/trans/etc, and need to be shown the light?

The concept of an "egg" is disgusting and predatory, and I don't know how people don't see this sort of coercive behavior and rightfully shun it.

Cyberguy64 32 points ago +32 / -0

I've never understood anal sex, homo or otherwise. It strikes me as the archetypical "I really shouldn't put my penis in that. However...."

...I guess in that sense, I can understand it. It still seems like a really stupid and disgusting thing to do, for all parties involved, no matter how you present it.

Cyberguy64 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is my biggest fear. I've been waiting for Paper Mario to recover from the tailspin Tanabe put it into since Sticker Scar. But it's all too easy for the lunatics in the treehouse to ruin everything yet again....

Cyberguy64 12 points ago +12 / -0

It's like telling a boy that he hits like a girl. Boys don't want to be weak and girls don't want to be rough or ugly.

Cyberguy64 4 points ago +4 / -0

I use the Brave Browser with the option set to play videos even when screen turned off. It's been a lifesaver for playing audio without having to worry about accidentally touching a link or burning through all my battery.

Cyberguy64 18 points ago +18 / -0

We are at the point of the story where the boy gets eaten by the wolf and the townspeople thank it for saving them.

Cyberguy64 10 points ago +10 / -0

Anyone who would actively throw out the canon of the material they're adapting never cared about the material in the first place. Change my mind.

Cyberguy64 7 points ago +7 / -0

Human curiosity is only surpassed by the human need to be correct.

Considering how comedically wrong people have been about dinosaurs in the past, I find it hard to believe that we had it exactly right in the 90s, and even less so now, with how corrupt the cathedral has become.

Personally, I think it's less important how accurate our understanding of Dinosaurs is, and more important how cool our cultural understanding of them turned out to be. I'll take a rad fantasy over "Ha ha, they're a bunch of dumb birds, you idiot!" any day. It's all academic in the end anyway, until someone actually gets Jurassic Park up and running.

Cyberguy64 3 points ago +3 / -0

If aliens exist, they exist. If they don't, they don't. That's kind of the long and short of it. Not really anything to get excited about with such vague info from untrustworthy sources.

Personally, I do believe there is more life out there, but that's due to my philosophies on why life exists moreso than any hard proof.

Cyberguy64 2 points ago +3 / -1

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the consequences of other people's actions."

Said other people can sit and spin, but I'm not supporting insanity just because it might have a splashback on the insane.

Cyberguy64 2 points ago +2 / -0

What, can't be bothered to start saving peoples' lives immediately? Gotta wait half a week to mentally prepare or something? What a joke.

Cyberguy64 16 points ago +18 / -2

Anyone who's ever read the Bible knows that "God's Chosen People" went astray like clockwork and consistently needed metaphorical slaps upside the head by The Big Man to put them back onto the right path.

In this cycle, Elon will be playing the role of the Prophet of God (lol) calling them out on their bad behavior. I really hope things turn around before we get dragged into the Conquered by Philistines/Exiled to Babylon phase....

Cyberguy64 6 points ago +7 / -1

On the one hand, I'm glad none of my favorite numbers made the list. On the other hand, I'm a little disappointed none of my favorite numbers made the list.

Cyberguy64 7 points ago +7 / -0

I've told this story before, but three of my siblings were adopted from an abusive home. They've all got serious issues because of how they were treated, but my parents had to fight the courts for years before they were willing to take custody from the psycho mother. Because obviously the biological mother is better, even if she's a neglectful abuser.

Of course, two of them are sisters, so Imp would probably approve of them being abused anyway.

Cyberguy64 35 points ago +35 / -0

Everything we do is Reprehensible. Everything they do is Different.

Even though I know this to be true, it's still exhausting to deal with.... It drives me up the wall how blatant they are in their hypocrisy and how little anyone cares about it.

Cyberguy64 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm watching my cousin play it right now. It's giving me real SMRPG meets Chrono Trigger vibes. Timed Hits, smooth battle transitions, teamwork attacks. It's got it all.

Cyberguy64 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm reminded of Something Truly Evil from World of Horror, once it has you in it's sights, all you can hope to do is persist long enough for it to get bored with you, or die.

Cyberguy64 55 points ago +55 / -0

I've reached the point I assume everyone is lying to me except for people I personally know and trust. There's no benefit in telling the truth and all the benefit in manipulative lies.

Cyberguy64 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm lucky. I can remote work and my boss is also anti-gene therapy, so it may not even come to that. But I am worried about what we're in for in the coming year....

Cyberguy64 12 points ago +12 / -0

It's always hilarious to see how offended the gods become when you point out their wrongdoings and show they're even worse than the mortals they look down on. Arachne was GodsOfTikTok and got turned into a spider for it. And yet somehow, people keep interpreting Athena as the right one in that story. Go figure.


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