CommieDefenseForce 28 points ago +37 / -9

I find it pretty sad that people actually still believe you can vote your way out of the problem. You can't.

CommieDefenseForce 17 points ago +21 / -4

Women aren't covered up because men lack control. That's what you were told by leftists. Women are covered up because women seek attention by flaunting their sexuality so keeping them covered ensures they aren't given validation by other men for their sexuality which helps to keep a woman's ego in check.

CommieDefenseForce 2 points ago +8 / -6

The Charter, unironically, needs to be abolished. Human rights are a terrible thing and have caused significant damage to our society.

CommieDefenseForce 7 points ago +7 / -0

What we need are lower taxes. Cut taxes by 75% of what they are now and then all of a sudden they can't afford this sort of shit.

CommieDefenseForce 17 points ago +18 / -1

What if I told you that your government hates you and all the things bad in this world are promoted by your government?

CommieDefenseForce 61 points ago +61 / -0

It's not self hating elites. The elites aren't you and they hate you. Your idea of country and people has no barring on the elite.

CommieDefenseForce 3 points ago +8 / -5

Women in politics cannot be right-wing. I don't know why this is so tricky for modern people to figure out. Never support women in politics.

CommieDefenseForce 8 points ago +8 / -0

A lot of dead Brazilians on that gore website. The South/Central Americans sure just don't give a fuck.

CommieDefenseForce 35 points ago +40 / -5

I heard DOM was looking for a new moderator but there hasn't been a reply to the ad he posted to the Hebrew Mods for Peace & Love recruitment site.

CommieDefenseForce 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think men in the west understand just how vile some of the content/media women watch is regarding men. Take a look at the MGTOW.win forum. You think that's bad? The stuff women watch about men is 10x worse. Combined with women in real life also treating men like shit and men having no ability to do anything about it such that they get walked all over, it's no wonder young girls can be so vile toward men. They're taught to be by every institution in society.

CommieDefenseForce 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think women started it but now it's also average men. The internet went to shit when the average IQ of internet users went from the top 1-2 SDs above the mean to the mean. Gaming and the internet go hand-in-hand ofc.

Would still be interesting to see. I'd also be curious on a income/wealth level of the people spending money on this garbage. It's probably like poor people too. Complain they can't buy groceries and spend $60 on virtual trash.

CommieDefenseForce 15 points ago +16 / -1

Whenever someone asks why do modern video games suck just show them this.

You know what we really need? A breakdown of all the people who spent money on these video games based on sex, race, age and nationality. I want to know who exactly is fucking us over. Is it the Indians? The White simps? The 12 boys? The White women? The teenage girls? Maybe it's just the Chinese and we don't even know it.

CommieDefenseForce 20 points ago +23 / -3

Synagogue owner mysteriously didn't show up that day despite being scheduled for a sermon. Now collecting a huge insurance payout just 1 week before doubling his coverage.

CommieDefenseForce 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not a fan of the 25 minute videos to explain something that could be explained in a few sentences tbh.

Both stories are pretty crazy. I was aware of the first one already. Second one is some serious dark shit. One of the greatest tests for men to pass in life is understanding their mother, wife and daughter are just like any other woman. Men who pass this test do well and the men who don't tend to end miserable or dead like this guy.

CommieDefenseForce 2 points ago +3 / -1

The types of murders men are involved in are often less heinous than women. Men kill other men cause drugs and gangs and shieeet. There is one segment of men that do commit quite heinous murders and that's the simps, aka men who murder on behalf of women.

Average man killing wife story. Wife suffocated the man's masculinity and made him feel worthless. Then she stopped fucking him and cheated on him. Man kills wife.

Average woman killing husband story. Husband was a great guy so she murdered him because she wanted a better guy and the husband was in the way.

CommieDefenseForce 19 points ago +19 / -0

It's not always the patriarch either. I've seen it be the matriarch just as readily. My family operates like that. The matriarch (one with all the money since her husband passed away) decides who you are and aren't allowed to like. Everyone reliant on her money just does what she says. The only people in the family that have any agency are the ones with enough money themselves to not need the matriarch's money. This dynamic is probably why many societies banned women from owning wealth because generally speaking I find the matriarchs far more controlling than the patriarchs.

CommieDefenseForce 3 points ago +3 / -0

Instagram is mostly used by whores & pimps and aspiring whores & pimps. That's about it.

CommieDefenseForce 3 points ago +3 / -0

UK Government: Okay, how do we spin this into blaming White people? Whoever comes up with the best idea gets promoted!

CommieDefenseForce 10 points ago +10 / -0

Turks are only killing other Turks due to Nazis and White supremacy. We must eliminate White supremacy so people stop killing others because murdering is cause by colonial white supremacist values inherent in Nazism. This is clearly White people's fault!

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