Tbh I dunno if I'd consider myself much of a Zelda fan anymore. I'm not interested in the whole 3D open world RPG thing, and the last Zelda game I played (ALBW) didn't wow me like they used to. What I want would basically be a pipe dream at this point.
Either a good, meaty 2D Zelda game or a Zelda game in the vein of Twilight Princess would be nice I guess but I don't see either happening for a while at least.
I gotta give Elon credit. I still view him as an opportunistic futurist, but he's been doing increasingly good work of late.
Thankfully nothing's stopping it from being repealed though.
Just because a regulation was found "lawful" doesn't mean much on its own, so if the regulators/legislators actually bother to do something, this can be rendered a non-issue.
If only the appointments could've happened in his second term.
The guy's just dumb lmao.
He just compared and conflated tenure (which are most strongly associated with either professors or rich high school teachers for) to the usual shittily paid teaching jobs. Nobody who works an actually shitty paying job wants tenure for that job when they could just have a better paying job, period.
Not to mention tenure does create that phenomenon, people do tend to get lazier when they feel safe and secure, it happens with anything like that. (Not saying that it's inherently a good or a bad thing, job security is obviously something desirable, but let's not pretend that teaching doesn't have a dearth of issues with regards to the general lack of competence in the profession and learned laziness in the talented few who can rest on their laurels). A lot of people simply take teaching jobs because of the sheer lack of qualifications for them. The amount of teachers I've seen who genuinely seemed to love teaching were always in the minority relative to the schools (and ironically most of said teachers tended to be male but I digress).
He's grandstanding to look good in front of his mom and the public and the reporter was a dumbass who framed her question poorly, but you can tell the guy doesn't have a clue about what it actually looks and feels like to be in most classrooms in America if he can pretend like most teachers are passionate about their jobs like this.
I don't really know, but I wouldn't be surprised about it if he was (especially after these tweets). I just subscribe to the idea of him being a massive retard sperg personally.
I don't recall him ever specifically espousing anything leftist in the past, though he was the type to go around blocking people like crazy. He's also a massive westaboo, perhaps one of the most among Japanese game devs.
He's a pretty notable game developer (or at least he used to be).
Creator of Bayonetta, Viewful Joe, Wonderful 101 and made the first Devil May Cry game.
Speaking of attributes we can mock a person for that they can't really control...
I've never seen a mention of Signal being created by the military.
You sure you're not thinking of Tor?
The military doesn't have its own secure applications/devices for these kinds of communications? That's very concerning.
Eh, I blame most departments of modern western gaming for being shit.
Games are often unoptimized, ugly, unfinished, buggy, terribly written, egregiously overmonetized, and I can't remember the last time I cared about an OST from a modern western game (aside from a few indies maybe).
Also doesn't get into poor game design, which isn't talked about much but I feel is one of the most important aspects of why games increasingly suck these days. Any aspect of the game should never (or very rarely) come at the expense of fun.
I heard about none of those except Captain America, and that one was only because of someone's review of it here.
Worrying about being perceived as some oldfag otaku is pointless, especially once you realize how shit/autistic most any /a/-type community's (or really any anime community's) tastes are.
Once you get past their facade/circlejerk, you realize they're just as shallow as any other anime fan, and often miserable and jaded on top of that.
Just like what you like and fuck whatever some annoying fag on the internet tells you you should like.
The last time I heard the word "ultranationalist" was in a Call of Duty campaign lmao
Really gets the noggin' joggin.
Damn, hopefully she doesn't sink the island.
That fat pig is still around?
In the Japanese works I've seen them show up in, blacks have generally been treated with respect.
Its ironic that the same courtesy can't be extended to them.
It would be hilarious if they end up either banning the game, or suing Ubisoft over the use of properties and likenesses without permission.
True, though I did say "most" for a reason. Their patent law is pretty rotten and the Palworld stuff is slimy. That's the only legal action I've heard from their Japanese branch in decades though.
That's fair, though most of Ninty's legal shenanigans that are complained about happens here in the states, and I don't think you'll find many people willing to defend Nintendo of America (which feels very different from NoJ)
Legal department =/= developers tbh
Now that it's relatively trendy and strong to be on the right, you should expect a lot less fencesitting and a lot more pandering in general.
Things feel genuinely different in the political environment compared to Trump first term, maybe it forced a lot of people to realize it wasn't just a fluke or something, possibly combined with the fact that people have had 9 years to see all the bullshit created by the democrats and the uniparty.
Try sending an email about it if there's a way to contact em.
I agree with you; I'm personally fine with the articles and content existing as long as it's not under some gay DEI banner/category.
I remembered devouring the LotR trilogy repeatedly as a kid. I must've read the Hobbit over 20 times, not even exaggerating. Not to mention a bunch of other large series at the time.
Then I tried reading the Silmarillion much later while I was in college... it was a snooze factory. Granted, that might've been partly the fault of the Silmarillion itself since it was finished by Chris instead of J.R.R., and the fact that it wasn't really made to be a "story" in the same way as the previous works from my understanding, but still.
Times like this I'm glad I use invidious.
Though I don't remember seeing anything like that the few times I went to YouTube directly.