CatoTheElder 1 point ago +1 / -0

The spear didn't come from the shields. The shields are to defend from the spears. The guy I was replying to wants to shoot the shields and not the spear chuckers.

CatoTheElder 2 points ago +4 / -2

Thomas Sowell

Sowell has said that he was a Marxist "during the decade of my 20s". One of his earliest professional publications was a sympathetic examination of Marxist thought vs. Marxist–Leninist practice.

Not very consistent are you? You would kill Sowell when he was a communist because you are a rabid low iq dog.

It's far better to choose people based on their immutable characteristics and change the mutable ones than to pick people based on their mutable characteristics and fail to change their immutable characteristics. The child of a white liberal can be taken and made into a white rightwinger, the child of a nigger will always be a nigger.

CatoTheElder 3 points ago +4 / -1

And that is the problem. They would gladly attack a group that never attacked them just for being a group, while ignoring their principles and the actual threat, the spear chucking barbarians.

CatoTheElder 5 points ago +5 / -0

joined 32 days ago

Lurk more.

CatoTheElder 17 points ago +17 / -0

It's just concern trolling.

CatoTheElder 7 points ago +7 / -0

She was AG in California. That isn't going to have any effect on the blacks outside of California. And it will be a cold day in hell before Trump wins Cali.

CatoTheElder 12 points ago +12 / -0

Felons can't vote. It doesn't matter one bit what the prisoners think. It's the blacks that have yet to be imprisoned that they are courting. And those blacks will vote for the black candidate no matter what. They won't even remember what Harris did as AG.

CatoTheElder 21 points ago +21 / -0

The Soviets came up with the holocaust to hide their deletion of anyone who served at the front and anyone who lived in a better society (see The Gulag Archipelago) . The USSR downplayed it because they didn't want anyone looking in to the holocaust and finding the 40 million missing people the USSR worked to death in Siberia.

Anyone who runs interference for the USSR is a commie.

CatoTheElder 2 points ago +2 / -0

But if you do something they will label you as a terrorist and then lock you up!!!

They are gonna label you a terrorist even if you do nothing but sit behind a screen being a good goy.

CatoTheElder 24 points ago +24 / -0

So simple even a Pollack can figure it out.

CatoTheElder 29 points ago +29 / -0

No the most hilarious part is he is named Shabbos, and the boomers still don't get it.

The only way it would be more obvious would be if he was named "Chutzpah".

CatoTheElder 2 points ago +3 / -1

Oh, you're from the chans? That makes you a fed. Then again leftist always project and you've been accusing everyone you don't like of being a fed.

CatoTheElder 3 points ago +4 / -1


FFS, Thiel founded Palantir, one of the companies involved in fortifying elections. You know, the company named after the stones that Sauron and Saruman use to control others. He, just like Trump, is part of the global elite. The globalist just make sure they control both sides so no matter who loses, they win.

CatoTheElder 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Lensmen Books by E. E. Smith. I'd just love to see a faithful adaptation of a universe where eugenics is good, the heroes are squares, and drug crimes are the same as high treason. Also hyperluminal anti-matter planets as weapons.

Of course this is only within the framework of the OP. I'd never watch a real adaptation of it, because it would be completely inverted.

CatoTheElder 18 points ago +18 / -0

We all know that nothing good ever comes from violence,

Bullshit. Violence has solved more problems in history than any other method. And when it is done right it solves those problems permanently.

CatoTheElder 9 points ago +10 / -1

Notably he started cracking down on anti-Israel sentiment after Oct. 7. He is working for the Israeli government. The only question is, is he paid or does he do it for free?

CatoTheElder 9 points ago +9 / -0

The neat thing is that on Earth drilling is limited by the tensile strength of steel. On say Psyche (an M-type asteroid with a diameter of 164km) a drill could go all the way to the core without even coming close to having problems. It would be incredible to get a core sample of it to see if is indeed a differentiated protoplanet core. Differentiation would mean that the very center would have an incredible amount of very heavy metals.

CatoTheElder 11 points ago +11 / -0

The global powers do not want a repeat of the America mistake. They do not want a new wave of Nouveau riche that they have to assimilate, confiscate or destroy. New land means new resources that will devalue their monopolies and cartels.

In the Age of Sail it took around a month to sail from the colonies back to Europe, two months round trip. Thus two months was the reaction time of the Empire for both communication and military force. This was slow enough and the colonies relatively poor enough at the time that the Empire didn't respond to the Revolution. This was their mistake as America had vast resources to exploit. Now there is no place on Earth that is not forty minutes from destruction, and less than twenty-four hours from other retaliation. Similarly anything within lunar orbit is less than three days from retaliation.

On the other hand, the minimum travel time to Mars with current technology is three months, with launch windows being every two years. The communication times vary from four minutes at opposition to twenty minutes at solar conjunction. The means that a rebellion starting on Mars about six to eight months after opposition will have around ten minutes to cut off communications to Earth and then there will be around a year and a half before any forces from Earth can arrive, and such forces will be arriving with absolutely no intel of what is happening on the ground. This is unacceptable to the powers that be.

Mars colonization will not occur until the transit times to and from Mars are less than a week, year around.

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