Michelangelo also couldn't have nunchucks because apparently they spook limeys.
Also also, they renamed last airbender legend of San because bender means someone gay over there.
Nothings apparently off limits to 'deal' with us. Anyone else remember they let a guy with the exact name run in the same riding as max? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/maxime-bernier-rhino-party-beauce-1.5278902
We've had someone squatting on the subreddit and bragging about it, the electors change the rules to shut us out of debates, old ladies who go to the rallies are harassed and canada cheers it on. Why? Because they dared to talk about inter provincial trade and immigration problems before it was trendy? If only the multiple scandals our sitting government preformed got this reaction.
Anyone on tetherhooks for this to morph into '..and that's why we need age restrictions on older content based on how long ago it was made rather than the viewer'. Just a guess but the ruminations I see on how much more wanted old content is over new stuff isn't lost on these culture vultures.
Unless you think Transformers and Fast and the Furious are the best franchises in American movie history, because that's what China thinks is "top dollar quality."
As an aside, I see a lot of cinephiles who raged at 'cletus and Joanne' for buying anything Micheal Bay has made go really quiet when this is mentioned.
Dance for our entertainment- media organ grinder
I'm sad to report that most Canadians have either no sense of scale, the self assurance of an anime nerd who sure he's watched enough naruto to kick ass or both.
which explains why the second part of the slogan reads "We're not asking!". Hell looking around I'm more livid than I thought I could be watching how appealing this idea is to pretty much everyone but the people getting screwed the most in this country. Something baby boomers and gen X professionals, new Canadians and old stock retirees or landlords and activists can all agree on, we gotta get rid of those young Canadians before they start getting angry.
"Oh but it's just mandatory civil service" is a refrain I see a lot of. As if 1) it's not a very small step to conscription and 2) press-ganging citizens into what amounts to national prison labor is any better.
Reminds me of the movie 'Brazil'. Its not our incompetence, its terrorists! Anyone inquiring further? Terrorist sympathizers!
Think of the scummiest drug dealer, woman beater or psychopath and remember they always had a string of women, often times a whole revolving door well aware of their incongruities. Then think of all the well put together men who can't even get a date.
Is this really a man problem? Because if this is womens biggest red flag, it's telling.
It's hard to gauge between the totally oblivious, the in denial and those who would actively support being discriminated against.
I wonder what stance just kidding is going to speak out for in this, but she'll likely mysteriously become a deaf-mute on the matter.
Agreed, I really wish they'd gone with the rumored casting of tim Roth - he has that oily unpleasantness the character needed.
Funny they should ask since 40k seems to be at a crossroads with their primarch obsession.
When the saxons learns to hate you'll see these 'complaints' were a fruitless attempt to address the matter before the tipping point.
Maybe someone should tell the EU that no one asked them to be the world police /s
After wagging their finger and saying "a canadian is a canadian is a Canadian' while they let convicted terrorists keep their citizenship, our compassionate liberals are now petitioning to have elon musk's citizenship revoked.
Must be nice to have that kind of freedom of association.
I literally just watched a fairly recent French childrensseries, 'the long, long vacation' and it featured a sympathetic nazi. It's not some terribly foreign concept to think that not everyone in germany had their brains swapped to evil mode, if your not a reddit moron at least.
No he returned from Elba and when the inbred ruler installed in france sent the army after him they threw down their guns and cried out 'long live the emperor'. Then, after having half a dozen nations declare war on him personally and losing he was sent to die at st helena
They tried to send Trump to Elba not remembering how badly it went for them last time.
You think these people would learn to at least learn to only shit talk when it cant be thrown back in your face.
Is is anything like Canada? All the hand wringing and 'we've gotta do something's dry up as everyone scrambles to ignore or disregard the PPC. The only party who called all this and were deemed "fringe nutters" a title that most people still blithely paint them with despite the massive shift in public opinions.
Westerners in general have somehow gotten 'violence is never the answer' lodged in their heads in spite of history showing it's very much otherwise.
I just pictured him yelling "I cant breathe" while being levitated against his will and my eyes rolled so hard I inverted my field of view.
Absolutely pay attention to things like this, they have a weaselly insidious undercurrent to their language that always betrays their ulterior motives.