which explains why the second part of the slogan reads "We're not asking!". Hell looking around I'm more livid than I thought I could be watching how appealing this idea is to pretty much everyone but the people getting screwed the most in this country. Something baby boomers and gen X professionals, new Canadians and old stock retirees or landlords and activists can all agree on, we gotta get rid of those young Canadians before they start getting angry.
"Oh but it's just mandatory civil service" is a refrain I see a lot of. As if 1) it's not a very small step to conscription and 2) press-ganging citizens into what amounts to national prison labor is any better.
"Sacrifice your life while your family works their asses off to pay for the welfare of foreigners who hate you and your culture!"
Not really a winning slogan.
which explains why the second part of the slogan reads "We're not asking!". Hell looking around I'm more livid than I thought I could be watching how appealing this idea is to pretty much everyone but the people getting screwed the most in this country. Something baby boomers and gen X professionals, new Canadians and old stock retirees or landlords and activists can all agree on, we gotta get rid of those young Canadians before they start getting angry.
"Oh but it's just mandatory civil service" is a refrain I see a lot of. As if 1) it's not a very small step to conscription and 2) press-ganging citizens into what amounts to national prison labor is any better.