BulbasaurusThe7th 20 points ago +21 / -1

It was all invented by disabled black trans lesbians. Just stolen by the Monopoly man.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

They don't even do it to get their own music out there. They get everything handed to them, from music, to dance, to fashion, to the persona they have to portray.

I mean, even if it was their own art, it would be hell. But apparently, when young people audition for these companies, sometimes they don't even end up doing the art form they wanted.
Let's say, I audition to become an actress. They see me and some agent says nah, I should be in a k-pop band. That's that, I either accept that, train and suffer and all, then maaaaaybe possibly I get allowed some acting years later down the line on top of the band. But if I refuse, then I get nothing.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

I guess so. Also, the thing is, we know this. We actually know about these things and people still fantard about these people. Like sure, the fact they ALL have eating disorders, get plastic surgeries galore (then a bunch get botched...), etc., but like UWU, they are so amazing.
From time to time, one of them kills themselves and toxic fans badmouthing them get the blame. But I will be honest, being constantly broke, starving, sleep deprived, simultaneously being forced in 24/7 contact with your coworkers while banned from being close to anyone else, being forced to change your looks, get mentally abused by management every day, etc. probably result in mental health so bad it's unfair to blame people talking shit about you.
Sure, it probably doesn't feel nice. But it happens to many people in many industries, but having a good meal, sleep and relaxing time with people you actually love fixes a lot.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

I... guess so? Never thought of it that way, but yeah, it's really fucked.

BulbasaurusThe7th 41 points ago +41 / -0

Worse. These K-pop stars are are treated inhumanely. They live in tiny, shared dorm rooms, aren't allowed to sleep, to eat properly, can't date, can't even meet their own families. They are forced to get plastic surgeries.
Their pay is nothing. They have to "pay back" the company for their training and of course for their living expenses (which are fucking sub par, so no way they cost much).
Their phones get randomly checked by their management, they are banned from driving.

Some girl band's fans held fundraisers because the company didn't provide them with clothes and while they worked basically all day (remember, they live together, often even with their manager and inside the management company's building) and were only allowed like 5 hours of sleep, they didn't earn enough to get their own outfits.

So basically these women, more often than note wokesters, support glamour slavery.
A few years ago they squealed over some idol dude being "cute". What did he do? He was finally allowed to meet his mother after YEARS, but he had to do it on stage, in the middle of a concert. Dude got emotional, like anyone would. They thought it was cute.

BulbasaurusThe7th 40 points ago +41 / -1

The left, where they call Trump a baby, but also they claim you have to support and love actual people who pretend they are babies and wear diapers for fetish reasons.

BulbasaurusThe7th 23 points ago +23 / -0

"They don't deserve this ever, but especially now."
Man. I swear to god, the way they pretend that armchair activism is such a big heroic act never gets unfunny. First of all, great heroes, such fight. Second, yes, my workplace also doesn't want me to loudly declare my politics to our customers. What a surprise. Libber journos also have to learn that you are there to work, not to activis'm. It's called adult life.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

Of course it isn't okay. But like this was a person who was smart and put-together enough to work his way up in academia. He isn't some half-crazed, foaming at the mouth beast that has a handler. This guy knew what he was doing and he was going to do it no matter what.
It's not like he was an absolute nothing basement-dwelling Chr is Chan who got artificially elevated regardless of what or who he was.

BulbasaurusThe7th 15 points ago +15 / -0

A bunch of them didn't actually go back. If I remember correctly, most of the ones mentioned in the book did not. The book was mostly about the fact that at this point, they can't, because they got things done too fast and they can't just be turned back.

So why is it that women are the ones to blame when a male pedophile does male pedophile things?

This is something I don't understand about your logic. You somehow visualise women being evil behind every single thing happening, even when men do it, just with the added element of "but women made him do it".
You diminish the evil of certain people if they were male, so you can blame women for it all.

Do you think he wouldn't have been a pedophile on his own?
The gay community also has an insane amount of pedophiles. Men who are 100% not interested in women. How is that women's fault?

BulbasaurusThe7th 18 points ago +18 / -0

This specific book is actually more about girls, often mentally and physically ill ones, pretending to be male to kind of "avoid" their problems. Like they think their issues fitting in stem from being born in the wrong body, instead of things like motor skill issues and autism.

I don't necessarily agree with you. In some cases, sure. But I would also consider avoidance of your problems in both directions. This explains why often they have criminal histories and serious problems before transitioning. They believe this gives them a whole new start. Oh, you beat your children or raped someone before? No, that was someone else, you are a new person.

Also, sexual fetishes. Look at grown men who dress and act like their idea of cute young girls and women dressing and behaving like barely pubescent boys. It's absolutely sexual fetishism, it doesn't show an actual picture of the opposite gender, but a highly fetishised one.

Dr. Money was also a man. You can't claim he had no freaking agency, but was both the evil mastermind and also the unknowing, mislead puppet of the evil women.

BulbasaurusThe7th 23 points ago +23 / -0

I read this book last year, because I was genuinely curious. It talks more about the narrative around transgenderism than judging it. It definitely does not incite violence or hate, it's about things like Youtubers selling it as this all-curing things. Coaching kids on what to say to get hormones fast. The absolute batshit facts like using hormones without a concrete end game and judging the effectiveness on... the person's looks. Hormones, that influence function, but all they do is look at if the girl got enough facial hair to her liking and if she likes her voice.

Many of the points it brings up are super interesting. Like some doctor, who claims mastectomies on young girl are okay, because they can just go get implants if they change their minds. Which is interesting, knowing the increasing talk about Breast Implant Illness.

The transgender lobby is a cult and I am 1000% sure it's rooted in some very sick fetish for children.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

They want to ban genders for less than half a percent being perverts.

BulbasaurusThe7th 32 points ago +32 / -0

They have time to be constantly there. Dilating and posing in women's clothes doesn't take up that much valuable online time. They worm their way in while we are at work.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

Do I think the royals should enjoy tax exemptions and special rights? No.
But I am not at all for the government/the country/people who claim to be speaking for the population simply taking away the property of others, rich or not. Why? Because I do not want that precedent to be a thing. Okay, today we do it to Prince Charles. Next week it will be some other rich guy, not a royal, but extremely rich. Then still a rich guy, but on a smaller scale. Then by the time you notice, it will be your property being taken because of some bogus commie reason, like "oh, you have TOO much and others need it more".

Then again, I am not British and this is just my opinion. I don't trust people who claim they should seize assets for "the greater good". It never actually becomes the property of everyone, but someone will act like a vulture and keep it for themselves and it's all rooted in greed and envy.
Again, I don't think Charles is a brilliant human and I don't even think he deserves immeasurable riches. But to assume that if it was taken from him, it would suddenly become yours is ridiculous.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

Absolutely fucking not. They won't take out the "moms" with dicks. Trooners are top now, they fucking rip you apart if you "misgender" a tranny that legitimately violently rapes children because it will hurt the feefees of the rest of the pervert collective.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

You can only say "we don't need you" if you are insanely successful. This is where comic books fail. Like how successful are these SJW pretenders? Can they actually afford this while they are broke and have no hope as it is?
Sure, they got socialised into this bullshit mic drop quip thing because of Whedon-talk and Twitter clapbacks, but those things only ever work if you have the power to actually do better afterwards. Otherwise, you just look like a mug.

BulbasaurusThe7th 29 points ago +29 / -0

This is the comedy version of #metoo. He was allowed to say whatever just like actresses could fuck themselves to the top, but now they want to ban others from doing the same. It's them limiting the competition.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

I demand my Dark Souls streams from the Vatican.

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

I cried a little when I saw that. Also, one day implants are a bit of a... questionable practice and even if they are done, DO NOT freaking bite like no problem right away. Implants need to have the bone properly grow back around them for proper, final stability. You can fuck it all up if you put pressure on them too soon.
Boogie makes me sad on so many levels.

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

Snyder was never talented and always came off as an absolute weirdo, change my mind.

Sucker Punch was one of the worst, most unintentionally funny movies I have ever seen in my life and I still feel my intelligence was insulted by it.

BulbasaurusThe7th 26 points ago +26 / -0

Your Wakanda melanin that gives you superpowers apparently doesn't stop bullets. Oh well. Better luck next time?

BulbasaurusThe7th 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, they talk about that shit on Twitter. They are crazy.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

Absolutely. In their mind, more is better, always.
They are also the same patients who don't understand you can't always do everything they want or if you do, it won't look like it did on someone else. They ignore the fact that your body has underlying structures and other physical features that limit what can be done.
Like lip fillers don't change the distance between your nose and your chin. The same size boobs look completely different with different width of the shoulders or waist. The size/shape of teeth are heavily influenced by your other teeth, the shape of your jaw, etc.

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