BeefyBelisarius 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's the 1964 war movie which is the first thing I think of when someone mentions a Zulu movie: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0058777/

And then there's the 2013 one from your list, which I didn't know existed before clicking it: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2249221/?ref_=nv_sr_1

BeefyBelisarius 21 points ago +21 / -0

They only kill fags because they don't want any competition when grooming and raping kids.

BeefyBelisarius 14 points ago +17 / -3

which is fixed into a frame

Have you never been to a hardware store? New blades are sold individually packaged. But that's not even the point, it's that banning things that looked scary in 80s ninja movies was retarded. Doubly retarded now that we can legally carry superior firearms in most places where silly ninja stuff is banned.

BeefyBelisarius 2 points ago +2 / -0

The difference here is that one particular country doesn't turn down anyone who has the ancestry they like. No matter what crimes they commit, they have one escape route that won't extradite them.


BeefyBelisarius 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ah, that explains why they were banning ninja swords when swords in general were already banned. Also weird that the 1831 pattern saber for general officers is apparently illegal for those officers to keep after retirement.

BeefyBelisarius 23 points ago +23 / -0

Where is the much-needed double-blind study with an unvaccinated controlled group on childhood vaccines, RFK?

We even already have an unvaccinated control group in the Amish, but for some reason there's little interest in studying them and their low autism rates.

BeefyBelisarius 7 points ago +7 / -0

Due to the nature of the right of return, they might just pass this so that they can laugh when technically it doesn't apply to any rule 16s. See, they can claim the right of return at any time, but until they do they can also hide behind the technicality that they haven't claimed it yet.

BeefyBelisarius 44 points ago +44 / -0

There never was anything organic about some random Malaysian being a right wing influencer from all the way on the other side of the globe. He's clearly just playing a role as controlled opposition.

BeefyBelisarius 18 points ago +18 / -0

Of course men write female characters better, because all they have to do is think of a man and then remove reason and accountability. EZ.

BeefyBelisarius 4 points ago +4 / -0

it is our lack of a free market that is preventing us from competing with the rest of the world

We will never be able to compete on cost because we have free workers with rights and we try to keep workplaces safe and our environment clean. Libertarianism has no answer for the fact that 3rd world slave labor risking their lives on every shift and throwing their trash directly on the ground will always produce for significantly cheaper. Sure, the quality is worse, but the people making decisions on where to have factories clearly don't care about that as much as keeping production costs low.

BeefyBelisarius 6 points ago +6 / -0

And once again, the middle eastern country they "saved" for democracy is suddenly a very dangerous place to be a Christian.

BeefyBelisarius 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yep, had me till the 4th paragraph.

BeefyBelisarius 4 points ago +4 / -0

That just means it's time to stop using Chrome. I recommend looking into Brave or Pale Moon.

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