Arkana 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's especially hard to see when truth is omitted, but if you look in aggregate from a lot of places the missing details add up. It becomes very apparent when you notice them all starting to push the same narrative at the same time.

Arkana 7 points ago +7 / -0

Democracy always ends up being "The people in power are the ones who can most effectively manipulate the common voter." Spreading lies and hiding the truth make it far easier to gain control in a system like that.

Arkana 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yes, that's why he was recommended to run for Prime Minister by those oligarchs and Yeltsin. It's just that he wasn't as friendly to them as they expected. It's obvious that you can't just steal from a country forever, you actually need to build it up too.

Arkana 20 points ago +20 / -0

Recently this video came out which explains the Russian oligarchs who basically plundered Russia from 1990-2000 under Yeltsin. It was Putin that stopped this and arrested them, that's why they hate him.

Arkana 10 points ago +10 / -0

One interesting thing is that about 10000-7000 years ago there was a massive loss of males and then a huge jump back up but this didn't happen with females.

Arkana 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah same here. There are so many games that don't have even one kind of new or interesting mechanic. It all turns into one big bland mush.

Arkana 4 points ago +4 / -0

I assume they both come from the Roman name of Ignatius, which probably comes from "Ignis" meaning fire.

Arkana 10 points ago +10 / -0

"Nazi" as a term never had real meaning, it was an insult towards the National Socialists because it sounded like Ignatz which was a rural name, and based on the existing term of Sozi which was what the Social Democrats were called.

The NSDAP never referred to themselves as nazis, other than some ones who "wanted to take it back" because it was always intended as a slur or insult.

Otherwise it would only have meant members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, and that ended with WWII.

Arkana 37 points ago +37 / -0

"Yeah they're indoctrinating kids, burning cities, censoring dissent, and arresting people, but we shouldn't just group up to prevent that! We need to look good while they do whatever they want."

Arkana 1 point ago +1 / -0

I never liked him, even when he was saying stuff I agreed with about companies bad practices. He is an attention whore who just wanted the limelight and to feel right. The fact that he has gone for the trans bullshit is nothing surprising. If anything I hope his status helps wake up some onlookers who want to keep things "neutral" and deny reality.

Arkana 13 points ago +13 / -0

Women can act as good informants, and depending on intelligence, as spymasters. Who else is going to pay attention to every petty detail and not forget the slightest of insults but a woman. Just think of all the old women who looks out their windows and keeps tabs on every single neighbor out of neuroticism, but having actual authority and being trained for the job.

Arkana 42 points ago +42 / -0

The entire purpose is to destabilize society and undermine culture, only because they cannot accomplish what they want though force and overt action. Revolution will not work in countries that are too unified, so they must be fractured first.

That's why the US government has been calling "white supremacy" as the number one threat. They simply mean all white people are their enemy.

Biden administration officials told Fox News the "complex and shifting" domestic terrorism threat landscape has created "significant challenges for law enforcement," specifically on internet-based communications platforms like social media, "file-upload sites," and end-to-end encrypted platforms, which officials say combined can "amplify threats to public safety."

They want you censored and isolated, so you are the easiest to pick off.

Arkana 1 point ago +1 / -0

I got to see Elden Ring and Breath of the Wild 2 so I'm happy, that's all I was really looking forward to anyways.

Arkana 13 points ago +13 / -0

Your account is new and this is the only post you have made.

Arkana 9 points ago +9 / -0

I doubt it. It might be slightly less corrupted than the others, but that's not saying much. If there is something that is actually threatening in terms of news, it would never be allowed to get off the ground.

As time goes on it will get subverted like anything else and become controlled opposition or simply be dismantled. Until then it may be decent, depending on who is in charge.

Arkana 42 points ago +42 / -0

One thing you will notice a lot is people talking about Critical Race Theory, but never the original Critical Theory. That's because the link to the Frankfurt school's cultural marxism is just too evident. It is a direct connection between communism, jewish identity, and academia. To say otherwise would just be a lie. You only need to go look at the Wikipedia page to see that.

Postmodernism, women's studies, the sexual revolution and so called "Queer theory" are also direct descendants of that lineage. This has been largely ignored as a talking point in favour of looking at the race issue only.

Arkana 10 points ago +10 / -0

Exactly why the US only aimed to let in "Free white people of good character" for almost 200 years.

Arkana 5 points ago +5 / -0

From my very rough understanding of events is that they wanted even more retaliation at Hamas for their attacks, and Netanyahu was either unprepared or not as severe as many others wanted.

Arkana 17 points ago +17 / -0

I believe that if you just look at 15-35 males then it accounts for most of it. So it's more like 5% does 50% but I don't have the specific numbers at hand.

Arkana 31 points ago +31 / -0

Your account was made 6 minutes ago.

Arkana 4 points ago +4 / -0

The tweet is unavailable. Always use archives if you can, screenshots otherwise.

Arkana 20 points ago +20 / -0

The reason why companies keep lurching to the left cannot be solely some grand elite agenda, because there's no way somebody invited Devolver Digital or some of the other low-tier names that went hard left to the supposed Great Reset meetings.

They don't need to have been invited. They just need to have employees who were educated based on institutional indoctrination from things like Universities. There are very many cases of healthy young adults who go into college or some social circles and become entirely corrupted.

We learned this years ago, it's just that many people assumed they would "Grow out of it once they get a job and have to interact with the real world" instead the opposite is true. They are insulated and the rest of the world needs to bend to conform to them. Otherwise they get slandered and attacked on all angles.

Boycotts don't work because the whole financial system is poisoned from the top down. No amount of people rallying together can compete with their money against the people printing the money and doing the banking.

Arkana 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yeah, Street Fighter 5 was under a lot of censorship for things like R. Mika. Mr Wiz, a person working for Evo, pulled ads for DoA6 for being too sexy. Until he was later ousted from working there due to sexual allegations.

For the sake of advertisements there is a lot of pressure on developers to reduce the amount of sexuality in their games.

Arkana 43 points ago +43 / -0

Things like this are the final transition into a service society, the slow and gradual abolishment of private property. If you sell something the only way you can have control is if they need to repair or buy another, under a rental you have far more power over the person renting.

This is the gradual enslavement of society. Things being taken away from you, only to be given back temporarily and if you follow the rules and obey your overlords.

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