compared to the rest of the world and history, it's pretty gimped. mostly by bureaucracy.
True, but a gimped government with bad leaders is preferable to a powerful government with bad leaders.
his eyes aren't facing the same direction
it's popular for a reason. I haven't used it much myself, but I have a few friends that have used it a lot. in this case, it seems like a tool designed specifically to do what you want to do.
there are other game engines out there that will be more robust, but will also require more learning and work in general. in my opinion, this would be wasted effort if your goal is to just make a standard turn-based RPG.
I have no Idea what I'm Doing
in the spirit of the classic JRPGs of the 80s/90s.
I highly recommend rpg maker. It's a surprisingly robust my-first-game tool specifically designed to make old-school Final Fantasy clones.
already posted:
they're saying the plane was on final approach when it hit a helicopter, how does a plane even hit a helicopter? would they not have different approach vectors since the helicopter would be landing on a pad?
They'll probably focus on people who support hamas and other militant organizations that work towards genocide. In a just world, this would also include the Israeli government, but something tells me they will give Israel a pass.
how about linking the actual order?
written as an extension of the 2019 EO here
The best that I could tell, the order uses the IHRA definition of antisemitism:
Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities
However, it relies on existing civil rights law for teeth. It seems unclear if this will be used to prosecute anti-Israel movements like BDS, or just actual literal anti-semitic racism.
A dictatorship with a good leader is extremely rare, but highly prosperous when it happens.
Based Sun Wukong!
Yes, but none more lionized by the left than Stinkin' Lincoln or Obummer
hence their hatred of traps a few years back. They cannot stand the idea of a person crossdressing for aesthetic and not delusion.
we've had more impressive cutting mechanics since at least MGS: Revengeance.
also, fruit ninja.
That is not how the Constitution lays out the obligations and powers that the branches of the Federal gov't have, and it's not how the laws that specifically apply in this circumstance work.
you can thank Abraham Lincoln and Obama for the increased powers of the executive branch. Trump is only using the tools he inherited.
why do you have to ask a random basket weaving forum when you can just look out your window?
they downvote you because you told the truth
Imagine your kid told you he needed wings. he identifies as a bird or some shit, and therefore needs wings to be able to fly. Being a parent wanting to indulge in your child's playtime, you buy your kid some Halloween wings, but the kid turns them down, and tells you he wants real wings! that being able to fly is part of his core identity, and without wings he can't live a happy life.
Do you A) invests tons of money into experimental surgery that just implants a pair of movable wings on your kids back, but the wings will never allow him to even glide because he weighs at least 60 lb and would need wings the size of a car.
Or B) Tell your kid the truth: that he is human and is not able to innately fly. if he wants to fly, he can take up piloting, or even a hobby like hang gliding or parachuting, but innate flight will never be possible. if he's really so distraught at this, invest in professional help to bring him back to reality.
Groomers would have us believe A is the better option.
Sec. 3. Ending Reliance on Junk Science. (a) The blatant harm done to children by chemical and surgical mutilation cloaks itself in medical necessity, spurred by guidance from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which lacks scientific integrity. In light of the scientific concerns with the WPATH guidance:
(i) agencies shall rescind or amend all policies that rely on WPATH guidance, including WPATH’s “Standards of Care Version 8”; and
(ii) within 90 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) shall publish a review of the existing literature on best practices for promoting the health of children who assert gender dysphoria, rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or other identity-based confusion.
(b) The Secretary of HHS, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, shall use all available methods to increase the quality of data to guide practices for improving the health of minors with gender dysphoria, rapid-onset gender dysphoria, or other identity-based confusion, or who otherwise seek chemical or surgical mutilation.
Isn't this video from like 2016?
either it never occurred to the judge, or he absolutely knows that the gay father is the reason the child is gender questioning.
see customer cannot safely ride in vehicle
refund any money paid and move on
in a sane world, this would be the end of it.
and just like that, the DOGE has already paid for itself