by folx
AndurilElessar 7 points ago +8 / -1

She doesn't need to worry about abortion because she's fucking heinous, and no self respecting man is going anywhere near that stanking fat gooch.

by folx
AndurilElessar 20 points ago +21 / -1

It's ironic how these turds call white supremacists "boot lickers" when they literally just want to be left alone by the government, and society to live peacefully in their own communities.

AndurilElessar 7 points ago +8 / -1

You know I think it's kinda racist to just change the race of existing characters, then tell people who don't like it..that they are the racist. I know, sounds weird. It's almost like there's some kinda gas lighting agenda going on behind the scenes.

AndurilElessar 5 points ago +6 / -1

I read the first highlighted paragraph, and immediately knew I didn't want to see anymore.

The people who wrote and support that should be mostly peacefully removed from society.

AndurilElessar 5 points ago +6 / -1

When they keep pushing woke garbage that fails, you can stop questioning whether there's an agenda or not..And rest assured that there is.

AndurilElessar 5 points ago +6 / -1

Black on black violence is my favorite kind of violence.

by folx
AndurilElessar 5 points ago +6 / -1

So glad I stopped reading new comics years ago. I have not read pretty much anything after 1999, and therefore I don't know how badly everything has been ruined by woke faggots.

AndurilElessar 14 points ago +15 / -1

"and these liberal freaks need to stop imagining they know children better than their own parents do."

These faggots don't have any kids. That's why they are grooming yours.

AndurilElessar 12 points ago +13 / -1

I dare to ask what half baked study they linked to support their claims showing sexual education starting at 5 years old prevents abuse?

AndurilElessar 8 points ago +9 / -1

Trannies contribute absolutely nothing to society, but faggotry. So if YOU are a trans faggot who can't reproduce, or do anything aside from mod a Reddit sub..who really is the parasite?

AndurilElessar 9 points ago +10 / -1

Are there mods on Reddit that aren't faggot trannies?

AndurilElessar 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yeah, even some of the Japanese devs and publishers are starting to get pervaded by Western wokeness. Fromsoft put a bit of it here, and there in Elden Ring.

AndurilElessar 5 points ago +6 / -1

Reddit admins forced a tranny mod from r/drama onto the cringe anarchy sub, and it was hilarious watching everyone just shit on the faggot, but we all knew it was over then. I left Reddit after that..

AndurilElessar 4 points ago +5 / -1

Only "surprise" is that it's taken this long.

AndurilElessar 33 points ago +34 / -1

Hahaha the amount of faggot lefties coping hard on that post is priceless. Straight up lying about the place being a shit hole, because it makes the Democrats in charge look bad, and brings the liberal leftist ideology that has ruined the place drawn into question. Hilarious!!!

AndurilElessar 6 points ago +7 / -1

Caution..reading the replies to her posts is subjecting yourself to torture from the worst of the worst Twitter leftist faggotry.

AndurilElessar 26 points ago +27 / -1

Dumb criminal nig gets pulled over by cops..

Dumb criminal nig fights cops..

Dumb criminal nig gets gets killed trying to take a cops' weapon...

Antifa-"This is the cops fault! Because muh White supremacy.."

Everyone else with half a fucking brain-"Huh?"

AndurilElessar 2 points ago +3 / -1

This is what they did in some European countries. They stopped enforcing and keeping records on drug related deaths, crimes, and usage. So now all the Western liberal media can report their skewed statistics showing their drug addiction, crime, and mortality rates are down...Well, of course they are, you stopped keeping accurate records of it.

Also, these places just made a demographic of life long drug addicts that are now dependent upon the government to support their habit. Sounds like a solid plan. What happens when the government can't supply the needs of their growing numbers of addicts? Well, it doesn't matter because when those addicts lie, cheat, rob and steal to get their fix it isn't a criminal offense anymore.

AndurilElessar 10 points ago +12 / -2

These are the places pushing legalization/decriminalization of all drugs, then they wonder why drugged out crazy people do crazy shit.

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