All you’re seeing is the inevitable collapse of AAA games. They’re too corrupted with bureaucracy and too stupid/arrogant to actually figure out what their audience wants. They are the legacy media of gaming, they will shovel the bullshit until they die out because it’s what’s China/ESG funding is forcing and what their all female HR teams hired “diversely” for. PlayStation has to be completely insane to keep funding cuckmann after concord flopped, let alone the other woke bs they’re funding. Xbox has completely eclipsed them in that regard and the game pass, sadly I don’t see how Sony survives another console cycle with the horrible management and terrible acquisitions. Makes me wonder if consoles in general will die out in the next decade or two.
Is it stupidity or malice? I always choose the latter anymore. There’s no amount of stupidity in modern society that can’t or hasn’t seen the damage caused by mass immigration and “cultural assimilation”. The only explanation is she doesn’t care, she wants the continuation of the insanity because of the longhouse effect. This is another example of the feminist Iroquois longhouse I keep mentioning. She was told by her matriarchal structure that discrimination and discernment is bad, she then formulates an impenetrable mindset based around that belief. There’s no foundation of this belief, no scientific basis, no religious basis, no historical basis, but because it is pushed by the matriarchal structure it must be enforced.
The movies left a lot out from the books, especially the 4th after. I’m betting it turns a massive profit, you forget the main viewership is teenage to middle aged women, there’s no way it doesn’t generate more revenue.
Game of thrones generated 2.2 billion in net profit for WB/HBO over 8 seasons. Harry Potter has a much larger captive audience and this would likely be at least 3x the revenue for them over 7 seasons. It’s entirely about the money.
Terfs like JKR tend to fascinate me, it’s like an open study on what went wrong with society. She would allow Britain to be fully genocided per her own political views but has a tantrum about men in dresses as everything around her is burning down. It’s how I came to the realization that feminism would rather end the human race than be inconvenienced.
“Modern capitalist society” you mean socialism with a few caveats where government will allow you to do business as long as you keep paying your bureaucrats and you don’t step on the toes of the monopolies the government instituted?
It’s funny, I stumbled upon a wiki on South Africa and they legitimately had “mostly peaceful” to describe the civil war that ended apartheid. It’s not subtle even, they’re just flat out lying and leaving things out because the layman will read a ChatGPT analysis and take it as scripture.
Video games went the way of Disney and Netflix. Really makes you question if minority investors in those studios can yank control from ESG funders through lawsuits, its abundantly clear the majority investors want the companies to bomb financially.
Every time I hear “it wasn’t as bad” the first thing I say is “then where are their descendants?”. I did some quick math on it a while back and if the white slaves in Africa had the same population growth rate there would have been over 120 million white people in north Africa alone.
It’s all intentional. This has always been the modus operandi of feminism and minority tyranny. They don’t want access to a space, they want to dominate it, access is simply the foot in the door.