I’m curious as to why Sesame Street is considered a target now? Tf did Elmo do to the commies?
Just like how they tried to work with those truckers right?
Using your taxpayer dollars to fund the very administration you want to attack is…certainly a strategy
Same energy as all the leftists that want civil war. It would…uh…not end well for them
Many such cases, unfortunately
Multiple ways the parents failed the kid really. 1. Unrestricted phone and internet access at 12 years old
Why does a 12 year old know about being gay/having sex? Nobody downloads Grindr just to meet people. I have a suspicion that perhaps a teacher or other family member turned the kid to use it.
Who lets their 12 year old go missing for extended periods of time? Even if I trusted the kid and my neighborhood, there’s far too many creeps out there for me not to supervise or keep tabs on my kid
Everything doesn’t add up here
No respectable parent gives their 12 year old unrestricted access to the internet
Ah ok, weird angle to take with the “have caveman hobbies or else you aren’t a man”
I can work out on the weekdays and recreate the Battle of Geonosis in a diorama on the weekends. Doesn’t make me any less of a man really.
Almost as retarded as what the woman above said
I think it’s more important to educate yourself and formulate correct opinions. You also have to follow through with being extremely adamant about your position. When I met my wife she was a leftist, anti-gun, anti-religious person. I told her I could convince her she was wrong, and she listened. Now she’s right wing, shoots with me every weekend, and attends church with me every Sunday. It was just unfortunate that everyone around her failed her but at least she was intelligent enough to lend an ear to the opposition. Which is why I’m never afraid to hear a retard out, even if it’s only to confirm their retardation
Yeah, because sipping expensive alcohol and plastering petroleum on your faces is a much better hobby.
I wonder what she thinks about women that cosplay in some of the most revealing costumes I’ve ever seen in person. Surely that’s just “women exercising their rights”. Right?
This is just setting themselves up to try and hook a “chad” so they can turn him away from watching sports and make him watch their chick flicks and try on makeup. I’ve seen girls exactly like this and it’s pathetic. I enjoy sports AND my nerd memorabilia and the quickest way for me to disrespect your hobbies is for you to disrespect mine
And they have the balls to call Russian elections fake lol.
Pretty much one in the same
Probably about as narcissistic as the devs that pat themselves on the back for having their dream voice actor AND token diversity at the same time
I know I’m never going back to the franchise. They’d have to completely retcon the entire sequel trilogy and tell Hamil to shut the fuck up on Twitter before I would even consider giving them my money
Fuck, just give me $10 and the ability to tell KK to fuck off and I could’ve made them $40 billion
Plus the cost of that retarded hotel they dumped a ton into.
And that sequel-themed park that nobody cares about
It’s safe to say that anyone who likes Star Wars post-TLJ is not a real SW fan and doesn’t understand the franchise.
I’ve never been more confident in that. Anyone who loved the OT were sick to their stomach after every single hero was disrespected and wasted. It’s so painful to see these types of people gut your favorite franchises and wear the skin as a costume. Just clap for baby Yoda and consooom
Never believe any retard that actually says stuff like that. If women were dying to read comics, they would’ve done so when they were most popular and not when the movies were watered down to fit their short attention spans
Don’t all movies show too much in trailers nowadays? I swear you know 90% of the plot already going in. It’s like they think people are too stupid to grasp the concept of your movie unless you basically spell it out for them.
Women are the second party, the first party is the unborn human life that is at risk of being snuffed without their consent.
I bet the ratio of “I wish I was never born” people are far outnumbered by the “Im so glad to be able to live a beautiful life” people
I’d rather we classify pride rallies as terrorist organizations first.
I personally don’t care that they can marry each other. Whatever, doesn’t hurt me, but that’s where everything should’ve ended really. But that slope is indeed quite slippery…
Yep. Historically speaking, when you give the government an inch, they take a mile.
I imagine most citizens loved the Sedition Act to fight those “foreign spies”…when instead all they did was allow the government to openly circumvent the first amendment.
Granted it only happened over. 2 year period. But 2 years is a lot of time to prosecute and tuck away whistleblowers and political opponents. Not to mention it paved the way for the Patriot Act as well
Many such cases, unfortunately. I’m just lucky I met my wife by complete circumstance and we happen to both hate 90% of the people we interact with.
It really is just a general loneliness epidemic, and my guess is that social media in general is the driving force. People see morons with million dollar mansions and chase that dragon until it ends in disappointment. Women create a situation where they can be used and discarded by the top 5% of men, effectively locking themselves into a “patriarchy” of their own creation.
This on top of women EXPECTING love instead of earning it, leads to normal dudes in the middle struggling to find someone that isn’t filled to the brim with vitriol against men, general incompetence, or unrealistic expectations. Dating in 2025 as an average guy must be an absolutely miserable experience
Reminds me of all the pawn shops that were using Chilean illegals to steal expensive shit and resell it right in their stores.
Of course that was in New York, so instead of punishing the actual benefactors of illegal immigration, corrupt retards like AoC defend them to make sure their piggy bank gets filled. Nice to see actual consequences in a state not run by retards
Yeah idk, the only certain thing is that we have no real guarantee on what information coming out of there is actually true or not. I wouldn’t be shocked if most of them believe they are fighting for their country instead of the reality that young men are being sent to the grinder for a paycheck
That theory about the guy there purposely tanking Ubisoft so he can buy majority share at a discount makes far too much sense. This level of incompetence just seems TOO incompetent to be real