Deconversion is the actual process of truly leaving all religious behavior and magical thinking.
Ironically, only an atheist would be so narcissistic and delusional to think such a thing is possible.
Psychology is filled with concepts and names of fundamental human mental traits that are magic thinking in all its forms, and while it doesn't name drop religion specifically it sets all the foundations for how religion comes to be. The Fundamental Attribution Error and Loci of Control are two that comes to mind immediately, and I'm sure I could pull more if given a refresher (its been a long time, I'm losing my education from disuse).
It is inherently anti-science to think such a thing is possible, because it denies Psychology as a whole to basically say "nu uh I'm more special." Which is the same traits they decry in religious folks.
Its in this way they leave themselves so open to that Leftist indoctrination, because they keep cutting off the branches (religion and God) while ignoring the roots (human instincts) that are easily hijacked once those branches are out of the way. Even worse, because they think themselves above it and absolved of the "silly superstitions" they pay less attention to those roots and their effects.
Its a real breakdown of Intersectionality.
Woman can't have unrestricted abortions, meaning Conservatives control everything despite things like BLM being allowed near uncontested power. They are self focused on what they don't have when they lose, despite winning in nearly every other battlefield.
Chinaman things is an absurd number of people bought something specifically because China Numbah Won and thereby the numbers are meaningless in relation to the quality. Especially with people using said numbers as indicative of it being both GOTY and "defeating the woke."
The Chinese are very nationalistic to a petty level. They will buy or attack things simply for appealing or not to them. Saying they even liked it despite buying it is equally likely to be false because they have such a history of behavior.
There is a reason why "Special Person" is one of the most popular backgrounds in Arcanum. There is a lot of fun to be had in playing a literal retard in these settings.
The problem always being, the line between offensive and not is far too dangerous to do it in any official setting and that line gets more vague by the day over what will piss somebody off.
Its like what Cards Against Humanity once was versus now.
Reading that study made my head hurt, and its no surprise that it was run almost by Ankita, Ohad, Gidi and Finklestein (everyone here would disregard it based on that if it didn't agree with you). Its complete garbage in formatting, meaning you cannot grasp anything about it without reading the entire thing (which you always should, but is bad form) and its written heavily to lead to its point.
And the first half I read before I tapped out is completely useless to its point. They make people aware of a problem, and then give them a totally neutral statement where that problem can be at play and conclude that because people see a problem its a specific DEI issue. And even then, its usually only numbers ranging from 10-25% more likely which is very low for such a leading setup.
It even pretends to have a control group when there is no control that its DEI specifically at play and not simple emotional priming.
What its getting at its likely completely true and that is why even in their shit study it shines through. But its just as homosexual to go "WELL STUDIES SAY" like a Leftist when its on the other foot, because, as is usually the case with theirs, its badly run and trying to make statements well above what it portrays.
Its also why you should always read the study itself instead of the article talking about it. Because the article hypes it up well beyond what it says, as always.
Of course it'll be a quirky chungus female type autist, which just means "doesn't care about social conventions like being polite" and "has an obsessive hobby."
It'll skip all the not-fun autist conditions of course, like the ones men have. You know, completely skipping hygiene due to that social convention disregard, eating the same thing for every single meal, hulk out retard strength, and needing to be compressed to calm down.
Like, a low functional autist would be a really unique character for any world. But they wouldn't dare accurately portray that, whether its the Chris-chan type mid-low ones or the "basically a feral animal" extremely low ones. Its always the version girls on tiktok claim to have.
Generally in Frostpunk you should be building districts to house all those similar buildings away from the housing to maximize Steam hubs effectiveness. Which minimizes the trouble of confusing them.
The real "took much work for no gain" in that game is the highly elaborate day to day life system your people go through, despite you having minimal ability to actually control it. All you can do is build (and destroy) roads in a certain way to force their travel paths and that's about it.
the best allies to us, like detransistioners
Detransistioners are usually detransing because they run out of attention and praise after the initial high and the cost of maintaining the delusion is too great without it. All the failed mental faculties are still in play, they just now bat for us.
This is like calling TERFs our best allies. Its completely faulty logic thinking that because they are zealously going after our enemies right now, they are now loyal allies.
In the same way many of the "former Leftists" will turn on us easily the moment we try to make any form of "actual Right wing" pushes that aren't just removing extreme Leftist nonsense.
You can't go very far in most modern anime these days without running into a brown girl of some kind. Usually Brazillian due to the oddly shared history between the two nations.
The problem is entirely blacks. Its the only race that doesn't get shown unless its an aggressively American and Westernized form, and then its just giant muscle dudes.
Japan's low crime rate comes from an aggressively monocultural society.
It also comes from an aggressively brutal and quick "justice" system.
People are far less likely to commit petty crimes if they know that being caught might have them rotting in a cell with no real ability to mount a "defense" within days.
Romancing Saga 2 came out just a few weeks ago and is currently dabbing on all JRPGs on the market. Even if its a remake of an SNES game, its just out there showing how easy it is to make the genre feel good.
Same with DB Sparking Zero showing how fucking gay "competitive" fighting games are and just throwing all its effort into fun story modes and as many characters as possible, balance be damned.
Its funny to see Skull and Bones up there, because that one flopped silently and that is somehow way funnier than some of the lesser ones. It was AAAA quality and literally no one cared and it just disappeared instantly after a few memes about "Pirates don't steal!"
I am glad to hear Wayfinder is fun. I had been eyeing it but literally no one talks about the game and instead goes on and on about the drama and redemption story.
Which sounds pretty awesome for them, but its hard to tell if its a good game underneath it.
I've never seen a Star Trek, but reading his description really jumped out to me as some Leftist's idea of how people who "don't hear god talk to them" become evil over it because they are obsessive dumb religoids. So I guess its spoton as what they always do.
The movie its a spinoff of is a woke mess carried hard by legitimately good actors like Colin Farrell making you forget all the nonsense in between their scenes.
Like, people talked endlessly about Riddler and Penguin bits and forgot that the movie literally had an AoC/Obama (depending on which writer was talking) expy as the Jesus figure they had to protect to save the city. Or that when showing "gang violence" they made sure that only the black one isn't in full face paint, so you can see that only the black one isn't pure evil and needing Batman bone breaking.
But despite that, Penguin was strong enough that everyone agreed he deserved a spinoff. Its no surprise however they brought the same baggage from the movie itself with them.
Its very slow and brooding, kinda like Batman, until the last chunk where it ramps up to overdrive until the end.
Its way too long, seemingly to try and dodge doing an origin story for Batman but still "setting him up."
Its almost certainly a female thing there. Both because women make characters like Maleficent their entire personality, and because Scar being so evil is what makes him so hot to women too. So in both cases, its to appeal to them.
In this specific case though, there is this extremely specific character shilling going on. Like, I keep seeing descriptions for this movie as "see how Mufasa became the paragon of good we all know him as."
I don't know about most people, but that's never something I'd call him. Not only that, but it really makes him so more generic than he was even in the original movie which had the excuse of his fucking death to not have the time to give him depth.
It feels like they are really angling for some sort of "Wise African Giga King" symbol to replace the dead guy from Black Panther, and to do that they apparently really need their unquestionably evil counterpart. Its also why they seem to only care about this specific live action movie enough to give it a sequel with its own continuity instead of a one and done.
You refunded the game because it had an intro? Lol.
If a game's intro is dragging on too long without properly engaging you, then that is a massive mark against the game and not the player. Especially if its over a fucking hour by your own admission. Kingdom Hearts 2 is still famous 20 years on for its horrendously long prologue and that's maybe 45 minutes if you never played it before.
This one will get better with mods
Pay full price for a broken unfinished game and hopefully some unpaid schmuck will come along later and make it worth the price eventually!
At least the originals most of us got for 5$ or less before needing some other guy to fix it for us, and those games were breaking new ground in a lot of ways to justify being so broken.
You disprove that in your next sentence. You acknowledge that you will always be suspicious that they are forcing themselves in our societies to manipulate them and thereby leaving them alone in the desert will never be good enough for you.
Yes that's the point, there are multiple avenues of support for various nuanced positions. They might be retarded positions, but it goes all over. Whereas anti-Jew sentiment starts at the level of "expel them from society" and only gets worse from there. That's what makes it extreme. Its a relative position, not a moral judgement to call it that.
Then you missed the entire Bush/Obama administrations when that was in fact one of the major camps.