Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're assuming the worst of me knowing nothing about me.

I assume the worst because all you talk about is getting stuff from God and then not having to do any work unless you are "called on" to do it.

God will reward them for opening their hearts to a child in need.

What a wonderful system. They ruin their own child's life and they get a present for doing so. Thanks God, really incentivizing people being fucking retarded.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't have an argument, just call him a Nazi and I win

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

You think I care about the Supreme Court's opinion on pornography?

It was actually on the specific metric when it goes from Child Porn to Not in regards to simulation of such, a very relevant discussion on legality even if you disagree with their conclusion.

But no I didn't, that's what the last paragraph was conveying. You've already plugged your ears to learning or thinking and now are trying to pathetically threaten people into following suit with sad "you will look gross if you do this!" level discourse.

Fortunately for those in charge, useful idiots like you are a dime a dozen to vote for censorship if they package it in "think of the children!" paper.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah, fair. But given this is America, I doubt they actually follow those rules and don't just get shuffled around.

Adamrises 2 points ago +3 / -1

Its because macho men in general don't see the same women we do.

They are usually surrounded by women that are in "would" mode, and are putting on the airs to impress or seduce them. They were probably raised decently enough that by the time girls came into the picture they were capable of dealing with most of them. Heck, even if they aren't crushing puss they are still getting female attention for being a heckin' wahmen respector.

Compared to someone who was an incel at some point, or has been divorced, or has to engage with women in an arena that they think they can "mask off" who has seen the ugly nature that women hide away.

Its why the old joke on the MRA forums was that divorce is the first time most men actually meet their wives.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let's not waste the time and just treat them as children from the start, as the tantrum is a given of when not if.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's it, he's gotta be deported now

There are always some lines you just don't cross, and once you've shown you are willing to there is no going back in the bottle.

Once you've shown that you are even willing to entertain such a stance remotely seriously, you've shown a huge hole in your "principles" that cannot ever be ignored again.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

Only someone who is long removed from or has never worked at all near the bottom thinks "more people = better production."

Someone making X$ an hour is likely somewhat qualified and can take on the extra responsibilities of such a wage, including being a singular point through which all their work passes. They are making okay money, so they will be less likely to leave.

Two people make X/2$ are the bottom of any barrel being scraped and can replace this job any day if they get too annoyed. The responsibilities are spread thinner, as is any gained experience, on a likely fickle and underqualified employee.

Basically, it only works if you are looking a graph or spreadsheet to operate your company. Once you hit the floor you easily see the problems it creates.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Acknowledging the obvious argument I will make doesn't make the argument wrong, but good try there.

It is a clear line.

It isn't and the fact that you think it is shows how little thought you've put into it. You should try reading the Supreme Court case on it, you might learn something.

But I guess someone who goes with "hey, you don't want to look like a BAD GUY for defending this do you? Don't defend it, just let it happen" as a rationale doesn't want to delve into complexities and consequences. Better to just stick with "ME NO LIKE" as all legal basis.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Society is against me and my life, I owe it nothing and improving it is literally teaching it, and my enemies, that they can use me as they please and I'll keep coming back for more like a beta bitch. There is no "improving" our way out of this situation until many drastic steps are taken first. And not a moment before then.

I don't want anything extra from it, I want to be left alone by it. I want my forcefully collected taxes to be used for the purpose they are meant for, and then literally to be left to toil in my swamp in peace.

I thought you were one of the sane posters here

I'm truly broken that you are disappointed in me, whatever will I do. I suppose I should be a REAL AMERICAN and conform my principles and morals to what a random nigger on the internet tells me to think.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

While a neat idea in theory, I don't think its practical.

Because a very rural county might produce almost nothing in tax collection relative to its size, but has a lot of production of food, power, etc. that is necessary for the nearby highly taxable urban sprawl to function.

I just think taxes as a whole should be opt-able on an individual level. If someone doesn't want to pay for public schools, then they can't use them and their money won't be collected on that front. If the system can't raise enough money due to lack of opting in, then that is the market telling the government to improve to get paid more.

The only hitch is that roads aren't as easy to simply say "you can't use" in this regard, so that would need a different exception.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Medium term anorexia is "I forgot to eat today" which wouldn't even count as having it to begin with.

What next, I like women who are medium slutty (they sleep with their husbands regularly!)?

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

There is a space between slim and Eugenia Cooney. That's the difference between a normal skinny girl and someone who actually has an eating disorder.

And if you find Cooney attractive, you are the problem.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe that particular case is already illegal, as you can't take a child's face and literally paste it on an adult nude body. Which means the core of the argument is already set up.

I don't think its a foolproof one though, as the company that let the AI be trained on such images would then end up on the hook for something too.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's not even a fear, its the obvious next step. We are already knee deep in "everything anime is lolicon, all of it, because they just look too young for my tastes" being a real position a lot of people take.

No law or person has ever went "okay we got this banned, that's all I wanted and will stop right here" about anything ever.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

You are chewing on a poisoned apple. Just leave it alone

This line of reasoning equally applies to "don't defend it, let them criminalize thought crimes and things with no legal basis other than they don't like it." Because it never stops at obvious and justified.

Which is why its an actual problem instead of a "fun thought experiment" with an entire Supreme Court case behind it as being 100% legal once.

Adamrises -3 points ago +1 / -4

Gonna be honest with you chief. I've seen far more Jewish push to not mix with the goys than I have to actually do so.

If they were going for that angle they wouldn't consistently be such a fractional minority in every country they go to and it would be less blatantly obvious of their machinations by being the elite of everything.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

I still do not understand people who try to min-max their food as if its going to have obscenely noticeable effects.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

Anyone who still wants another Kingdom Heart after the disaster that was 3 isn't smart enough to spell DEI.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nobody owes society shit unless society provides back for them, and our society has shown continued willingness to not only fail to uphold its end of the bargain but also demand more in spite of it.

You can call it hoodnigger behavior, and it is, but you are advocating for beta simp behavior of sticking by your wife after the 9th affair.

At least one of these options ends with my life improving, instead of wasting it away hoping for applause about how awesomely principled I am.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is almost certainly a publicity stunt to try and drive some more traffic to their game after it probably fell below expectations, but its at least something and I'll appreciate it.

Its not even a terrible game this time, its just way too late to be just a vaguely better Souls Clone after we've all played ourselves tired of those.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now, this is a nitpick, but it's also kind of annoying that people are just shifting with the changing winds.

That's how it always works.

Half the people here were Lefties until the winds came for them and now ooo ahhhh they hate the Left sooooo much and we are supposed to welcome them with open arms.

Adamrises 5 points ago +6 / -1

No one who was actually either of those looked better. They were either skeletons with teething rotting from stomach acid or fatties binging and purging in rapid cycles.

Plenty of girls who looked good would happily claim to be for victim points though.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

If I lost my entire multi-million dollar house due to government incompetence on the level that was displayed here, I wouldn't be paying taxes again period.

Taxes are already a begrudging thing where you can vaguely see them being used for their stated purpose kinda. But in this case, they failed even the most basic of agreements for why we pay taxes to begin with.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

I will have to say, nintendo games have incredible resell value

Because Nintendo never drops price or puts anything on sale while its "current" and then barely re-releases anything until selling it at an absurd price later on their e-shop or as a full priced remake.

Which is then compounded by the fact that "collectors" are currently hyping up a huge bubble on retro games and have driven prices so high through legitimate manipulation tactics that Nintendo games literally increase in value overtime despite that not making sense.

The only reason people don't complain about this as hard as they should is because Nintendo also makes the easiest consoles to emulate, so basically no one even bothers buying their older games to begin with.

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