AccountsAreFree 2 points ago +3 / -1

It was still run by the half-kia mods.

It's amazing they weren't bending the knee harder.

AccountsAreFree 19 points ago +20 / -1

Takes no work to look this stuff up.

Here's that thread.

But more than that, if you look to the sidebar, you'll see that the community is only 5 days old. From there, you can also click on the three mods of this sub. The last one doesn't exist, and the other two have accounts that are only 5-6 days old.

I think it's pretty safe saying that this is fake as shit.


There do seem to be legitimate accounts replying in support of the OP, who also has an account that seems legit, even if it's only 2 months old. On top of that, the mods seem to be deleting most of that which is critical of this situation.

So there seems to be a mix here, which can be taken as true for a lot of "satire" that falls under Poe's Law, because it's all good saying that it's just an elaborate joke when it ends up fooling the people who unironically support this kind of shit.

There's a good chance some of these people are doing this for bait. There's also a good chance there are people who unironically support this shit.

AccountsAreFree 10 points ago +11 / -1


/s for those slow enough to need it

by Daucus9
AccountsAreFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

And there are still creeps and weirdos who will be more focused on making sure you call him "they/them" than the fact he's a fucking pedophile. I wish death upon pedophiles, I'm not going to worry about some stupid little pronoun game. I have no respect for pedophiles, and the fact you're worrying about his pronouns shows you think that pedophiles still deserve respect.

AccountsAreFree 18 points ago +19 / -1

Ya know, I wasn't gonna say anything. But this slut unironically used her tits to announce she's sick. You don't get to avoid being called a slut when you pull stunts like this. There was zero need for this image, but of her own free will, she chose to do this shit.

I have no problem with cleavage (although hers can go away), but I do have a problem with unabashed thottery.

AccountsAreFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

Also, because I didn't notice it the first time around, who the fuck uses "gate keeper" but leftists and collectivist tards? The people who bitch about gatekeeping are typically the type of people who the gate should be keeping out.

AccountsAreFree 15 points ago +16 / -1

This is why I always hated the idolatry and fetishism of Japan in the face of SocJus topics. Because 95% of that kind of talk was from people whose exposure is entirely based on media, the vast majority of which would be anime.

Japan isn't immune to this shit. And the narrative that it was ultimately just lead people to not pay attention to the creep that was inevitably happening, and then there's outright blatant censorship.

AccountsAreFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

I'm rooting for the vax "to do its job" (lol, we all know Fauci isn't vaxxed). Either outcome would be decent to see the media try to twist.

AccountsAreFree 6 points ago +7 / -1

What about the prior comment was idolatry? Or better yet, do you think Peterson should have been pushed out for saying that compelled speech is bad?

Your statement is a non-sequitur to virtue signal about how you disapprove of Peterson. And yeah, I get where you're coming from, I'm not his biggest fan. But that doesn't mean he was wrong in that statement, nor that everything he says is wrong.

AccountsAreFree 3 points ago +4 / -1

Haven't you been on the losing team long enough?

Tell me you have no principles, morals, or ethical standards without saying you have no principles, morals, or ethical standards.

AccountsAreFree 3 points ago +4 / -1

Potentially, but "somewhere else" is a pretty big area. If she is moving altogether, it can also minimise the new owners from facing a bunch of abuse.

Not saying it's smart to announce it, but that could be the line of thought.

by folx
AccountsAreFree 22 points ago +24 / -2

Don't even have to spank them, just learn how to have a spine and say "no", and then actually mean it.

Problem is that too many don't want to discipline their children.

AccountsAreFree 0 points ago +1 / -1

Swampmembers like John Cornyn, Mitt Romney and Lindsey Graham may have a R next to their name but they clearly show through their actions that they hate you just like the average leftist does.

If I'm brutally honest, it's kind of hard to really expect anything less, and while establishment RINOs predates them, it's hard to see an alternative happening after the two Bush's were in office, considering just how blatantly they were shills for the establishment.

It's been decades since there was representation for the right, of any kind. Even the libertarian party had that fucking loser Gary whatever-the-fuck his last name was who shilled for more licensing.

It's enough to turn anyone sane against the whole fucking system.

AccountsAreFree 19 points ago +20 / -1

Only good thing Tom did was give us his son Chet, who (from what little celeb crap I see) seems pretty damn on the pulse for a bunch of topics and issues.

AccountsAreFree 3 points ago +4 / -1

The problem is public perception. Due to the media narrative that warps the nature of political demographic percentages, many on the right are willing to settle because they don't believe there's much chance to be that picky, when in reality it's more likely than they think.

That said, I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest that a significant portion who vote left do so solely because it's popular, and not because of actual policy. There are probably plenty on the right that think they can sway those kinds of people which is why they would be willing to at least see if they're that kind of person.

AccountsAreFree 8 points ago +9 / -1

Most people who still identify as Republicans are inherently naive for thinking that the vast majority of the Republican politicians are anything less than controlled opposition.

AccountsAreFree 3 points ago +4 / -1

Realistically, if at this stage you haven't developed a gut feeling that you can trust about this kind of shit, you deserve bad entertainment.

But I kinda gathered that was the gist of what he said, more curious about the response that was deleted.

AccountsAreFree 0 points ago +1 / -1

Anyone who suggests "I let my emotions get the better of me", which is little more than an "I lost control" argument, is suggesting they lacked the ability to stop themselves. My point isn't that his statement was or wasn't emotionally driven, nor was that his point either. It was that he lost control, which when it comes to text is a steaming load of bullshit. There's a hell of a lot more thought that goes into typing than what goes into verbally saying something.

Basically, it's pretty easy to let a "fuck you" out when talking. It's far harder to defend when you're behind a keyboard and have the time to type something out and the ability to review what you've typed before you send it. Do mistakes happen? Sure, that's typos, grammatical errors, or similar formatting problems. But it's not shit like "fuck you".

AccountsAreFree 7 points ago +8 / -1

"I let my emotions get the most of me"

You know, I could excuse that if you said it in person, or on a video chat, or audio or whatever. But the minute it jumps over to text? Nah, you could have stopped yourself. It's not that he "lost control". It's that he's receiving backlash and needs to mitigate it.

AccountsAreFree 0 points ago +2 / -2

Has anyone here said they should have that right taken away? No? So you're just shilling for a group for no real reason as you tilt against windmills in this community?

Nobody is saying that a legitimate group doesn't/shouldn't have a right to demonstrate. But we're not stupid enough to believe that PF are anything more than a show to attract idiots to a honeypot. Worst case, it's completely taken over. Best case, it's still infiltrated and every one of those LARPing stooges are on a list. COINTELPRO is a thing, and Operation Northwoods might have officially been cancelled but that too is alive and well under another name.

The reason you are so susceptible to propaganda is because you want there to be a chance to organise. And you know what? I agree. But I'm not stupid enough to believe that the establishment would ever allow that, and definitely not with a group like PF.

It's all a show to attract people like yourself.

AccountsAreFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

The beauty of the "but, robots" argument is that when you ask them what should happen if robots gain sentience regarding robot labour, they instantly fall into a hole of cognitive dissonance that few can get out of without radically changing their views or breaking down into insults because cognitive dissonance is uncomfortable for them. It's even more challenging when you point out that's practically the mindset that leftists assert were going on regarding black people and slavery.

AccountsAreFree -1 points ago +2 / -3

Wow, from accusing me of engaging in what you were playing as tantamount to EDIT: worse than sin itself (I misremembered how much finger wagging was going on), to "stop thinking in black and white".

Pot, meet kettle.

AccountsAreFree 9 points ago +10 / -1

This is what happens when you let governments get too much power exist.

Gone ahead and fixed that for you, because all government eventually devolves into this. It's only a matter of when.

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