AccountWasFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

then there is zero chance anyone else at a Letter Agency ever sees real consequence.

I wouldn't say zero, but the circumstances would need to be perfect for someone to be made an example of, but even then the punishment would almost definitely be all show and either instantly reduced to a slap on the wrist in appeal or practically erased "for good behaviour" or some bullshit. Regardless, they still wouldn't face justice, just a mere mockery of it.

AccountWasFree 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's amazing how stupid people can be to think that a 90s Democrat that ran on 90s Democrat policies was in any way "right wing". Partisans through and through.

AccountWasFree 20 points ago +20 / -0

People still think the state can be reformed and this is happening.

Here's a very basic question for people: Does anyone believe this agent will face any serious repercussions in the slightest? Worst case scenario, this agent loses his job. He's not going to be sent to jail. He's not going to be subject to what he subjected others to. And even if he does lose his job, chances are he'll just end up bumped into another agency. Gone from IRS to ATF or some bullshit.

The state LOVES people like this. They ADORE people who will break the rules in their favour. These are the kinds of scum that get promotions. And there are people who truly believe that the state could be reformed in their benefit.

The whole system is evil. It won't improve just because another team is wielding that evil.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

I firmly believe that COINTELPRO wasn't limited to select groups, but was also utilised against entire demographics for the purpose of destabilisation leading to secure voting blocks.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Season 2 was pretty bland except White Christmas, but the first half of season 3 was decent. I enjoyed Nosedive and Shut Up And Dance for what they were. And I didn't hate Hang The DJ in season 4, though its ending is a bit cheap.

That seems to be the thing with Black Mirror though, there was only really 1 good episode per "season", and maybe 1 or 2 decent episodes along side it. Everything else? Mediocre at best.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wait, which one? "Vivian's Secret"? Because I think that's like 9 layers of shitposting, though I could be wrong. I also think that it's also not meant to be associated with the Reddit anymore since the reddit mods weren't mods of the discord, so they shat their pants because they couldn't control it.

They're still not going to be like here, since it's on Discord and I don't think they really want to get banned and have to try and rebuild, but from my limited experience there's far worse out there, even in the "non-woke" groups.

AccountWasFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

While I do agree that the API changes are shit (RIF and Apollo are decent apps, Reddit are just cunts), it's pretty funny that KiA, who continually bend the knee at every opportunity they get, continue to shill for the site and protest in favour of changes that will help preserve the site instead of letting the admin continue to burn it all down.

KiA jannies are intent on maintaining their little fiefdom because like nearly all jannies, they have no other control in their lives and need that to feel like they have something.

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh wait, you already admitted you wouldn't even date the girl yourself (something far easier than dealing with a murderer). So you just want everyone else to do things you won't.

Not at all. I didn't even say that she should be able to get what she's asking for. Since when did this joint get so wrapped up in binary mentalities that saying "man, the consequences she's facing does in fact suck" equate to "she should be absolved of everything she has done"?

AccountWasFree 0 points ago +1 / -1

And how would you tell the difference between someone "monkey branching" and someone who's being earnest in their repentance?

AccountWasFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, I largely feel the same about convicted murderers. Pedophiles go into that category of "very few things I would deem as irredeemable", something I mentioned in another comment.

True repentance is important.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +5 / -3

It's not bait. You will simply never be the woman you wish you could be. To have that supposed power you believe women have. To be as omnipotent as you assert them to be. You will never have that. You will never be the woman you are so envious of.

AccountWasFree 2 points ago +3 / -1

Nah, I just believe that there's redemption possible for all of us, and that removing any capability for a way back removes any point to ever try bettering ones self.

If a person cannot heal from the mistakes of their past, why ever try in the first place? Why not just keep being the shitty person if it continues to benefit them? To blatantly use and abuse people as she sees fit? You think that she couldn't? That it isn't possible?

I already said that I wouldn't take her in myself, but for fucks sake there has to be something other than continued and unending condemnation, otherwise what's the fucking point of changing her ways? It's entirely possible to feel bad for a person without wanting to fuck them or to give them shit for free. It's not some failure to suggest that IF she is sincere that the situation is shit.

But let me ask you a hypothetical. Assume for a second that this person DOES in fact feel sorry. That she does in fact hold remorse for the life she has lead. That she truly does want to change. Put aside the belief, regardless of how probable, that she's lying through her teeth. How would she achieve that change without being a "siren"? How would she avoid being a "bad woman luring in men"? She's done a lot of shitty things in the past, but exactly how does one move past that and try to start healing? Or is there no redemption? She should just go find the nearest gun and suck-start it ASAP? There are very few things I would deem as irredeemable. Being a porn star isn't one of those things.

AccountWasFree 0 points ago +6 / -6

We can mock and in many ways that's rightfully so, but it does seem like she seems to have real and legitimate remorse. I feel sorry for her. What she did was still self-inflicted, and even putting those looks aside I probably wouldn't want to date her either. But she seems to have some level of self awareness that she wants something that isn't on offer to her anymore. That kinda sucks for people who do try and meaningfully change.

I dunno. On the one hand she made her bed. On the other, there should be ways back that don't leave people who legitimately want to change for the better behind in shitty places.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sounds to me like this dumbass still doesn't know about being a man or the inherent brotherhood that exists. Then again, probably a leftist dumbass that's constantly mired around the most toxic and hostile "communities" on the planet. Most men have plenty of depth, it's just not expressed in the most vapid ways possible like most women express themselves. Tough shit, zippertits. No amount of excessive self-grooming will change your narcissistic ways and your "depth" is barely even skin deep.

You will never be a man.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

a lot of guys just get slaughtered emotionally in dating

But that's dating. That's not the totality of male, or even human, experience. There is plenty of emotional depth that gets passed around in social settings, but most women (and a lot of limp wristed guys) will never even get a glimpse at that and shun it away from them. And what's worse is those guys like that then wonder why they're so fucking lonely and starved from brotherhood. There's a near 100% chance this zippertit is a raging leftist and running around in the worst circles possible and then wondering why those "men" lack any sort of fraternity.

This loser hasn't seen shit. She isolated herself and thinks it's "the male experience". It's not.

AccountWasFree 14 points ago +14 / -0

It's been happening for a while under the idea that those people clearly were just too damned stupid to be able to be understanding things like temperature.

The older I get, the more I hate the political parade that is "Academia".

AccountWasFree 9 points ago +9 / -0

What he ended up doing was bad, and yet I truly do hope he is resting in peace now. The man had a troubled life and was likely the victim of MKULTRA, which probably resulted in him turning to the options he did. He was unbelieveably smart and faced literal torture in his lifetime. I don't blame him for turning to the actions he committed.

Industrialised Society and Its Future should be read by a lot more people.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't support the schooling system in the slightest. Don't even think it can be reformed in any meaningful way.

Well it's clear you abandoned your humanity years ago. Which is funny, considering all your calls about the lack of humanity women have. Maybe this all stems from a deep seated envy? Is that it Imp? You wish you could be a woman? Know you never will be, so you hate them for what they have?

It's not. But you aren't doing a whole lot to move away from the idea that you think 2+2 does not equal 4 if a woman says it does.

I don't give two fucks what Trump Jr has to say.

So I guess that's a "no" on whether or not you're capable of having a normal conversation. Couldn't even get half a point with the relative privation, fallacy fallacy, non-sequitur, and appeal to authority. Enjoy yourself buckaroo. You will never be a woman.

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

No. It doesn't. It has to do with Activision as a company defending child abuse. It's not deep.

If women stand against child abuse, that doesn't suddenly make child abuse good, ya sick fuck.

AccountWasFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

It's not a dichotomy, you fucking lunatic. You don't like women? Fine, delve into the IdPol if that's your proclivity. But unironically siding with defending child abuse? You're sick. Nobody is forcing some "lesser" evil decision. You're entirely capable of condemning both, but on a topic about Activision defending child abuse, you freely and willing decided "I should defend these guys".

Nothing about this is rational of you. It's the definition of irrational, especially when your personal crusade never came into play in this topic until you forced it in here. Are you even capable of having a normal conversation without bringing your idolatry into the mix anymore, or are you truly that far gone?

AccountWasFree 6 points ago +7 / -1

You're literally siding with child abuse on this one, all because of your irrationality.

Drop the victimhood for 5 minutes and have a little fucking introspection. If a woman says 2+2=4, it doesn't make math wrong all of the sudden. But clearly, it might expose just how insane, and I mean actually insane as in mentally unstable, you have become.

What the absolute fuck happened to you that you got like this? Either it's a long-play troll, or you're severely unwell. IdPol did a fucking number on you.

AccountWasFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gonna guess American by chance of statistics, so let's hold that standard to you: You live in a leftist, bureaucratic and statist shithole ruled over by pedophiles, warmongers, and blatant criminals. I don't know why you're shocked at your decay. Leave, or deal with it.

It's easy to point out all the flaws and then appeal to a defeatist mentality. Not so comfy when it's applied to your circumstances though. So what are you gonna do? Shut your mouth on your issues, or are you gonna leave and go Somewhere Else™, a somewhere else that is never actually named or described in any meaningful way and just eluded to as some kind of paradise that we all know doesn't fucking exist?

I highly doubt you are all too ready to abandon your life and established station. After all, none of us and yourself included in that list are even remotely ready to even risk our lifestyle and stand against this despite the relative ocean of shit that has already come along. Shit needs to get far, far worse before people are willing to risk the comfort they have become all so accustomed to. And yet you would advocate to flee and become economic migrants to yet another nation that is on the exact same trajectory?

So here's the final question for you then, and one that you really do need to answer when you advocate this shit: And leave to where? Don't be vague, don't beat around the bush, don't get indignant, where should people go as economic migrants as decay continues to encroach that isn't itself being subject to that very same decay? Where do people go? Where is this location that isn't just a prolonging of further and further subjection to decay? Because people like you are all too eager to tell people to leave, but never where to leave to.

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