In a country with a decent justice system, rocking up to court to claim that the many, many pictures of Hunter Biden breaking the law in many and varied ways would be a case that you couldn't possibly win.
In the US, a country busy turning itself into the richest banana republic in history, I genuinely don't know what way this will go...
Also a point to note: "That's not a bad idea" is essentially how British English expresses "that's a good idea".
I'd stay "stop colonising the language" but the only people this bunch want to annoy more than Americans is Brits...
Again, that's reflective of how this managerial coup tends to work.
The face of the organisation is the very last thing to get replaced. By the time the face is showing cracks the entire rest of the organisation has been lost to corruption already.
Agreed. Unless there's legal documents stating that the funds are contingent upon the name, all you've got is a moral case.
I cannot picture university staff being concerned with any kind of moral case, given the environment they have created to work in.
The single, solitary advantage of this is that by having a shop on the ground floor you don't get people gawping into the windows of ground-floor residential properties, because there aren't any.
Most people would solve this with a revolutionary product: curtains.
Also a point to note: Britain at the height of her Empire could barely afford it. It took us one hundred and eighty years to pay off that one.
The US, at the time a far smaller nation, simply could not afford such an extravagance.
Most of the time the point is to make it just difficult enough that you hit some other guy's store in preference.
Deterring someone who's determined to steal from your site and has the advantages of knowing what they're going to to, when they're going to do it, is a difficult and expensive process.
This is the Alejandra Caraballo that's been caught four? five? times just making shit up for impact, right?
The same Alejandra Caraballo that thinks hate speech online is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with ... unless it gets in the way of her calling for the harassment of Supreme Court justices, right?