If they're being paid by Blackrock or Vanguard, then it is money laundering. The banks print infinity money, hand out a lot of it to middle man organizations like Blackrock and Vanguard, who buy up stocks for companies, force those companies to pursue DEI in hiring and their products to keep being paid, the companies decline, as merit is destroyed and customers stop paying for their slop, but they keep getting paid by Blackrock and Vanguard to keep making the slop. It's all run off of fake money printed by bankers. So, not only are we taxed via inflation from the money printing, but that invisible taxation is quite literally funding the most malicious crap being pushed on us.
but they keep getting paid by Blackrock and Vanguard to keep making the slop
Almost. You think the mob does you favors when you cooperate? No, Blackrock and Vanguard are investors, they can put billions in your company or take billions out. They can do this through a thousand different outlets, because, each retirement plan is for retirees in a certain year, so they have like a hundred plans running all at once just on that. This allows them to manipulate the market with, ironically, "diversity." It actually is their strength here.
If you do what they say your stock goes up but they pimp out the value to themselves immediately. If you don't they engage a massive sell off and spike the value of your company completely. After the board revolts your out on your ass anyways.
These are mafia tactics. It's why "organized crime" doesn't exist anymore. It just went underground and into the CIA and FBI directly. Then each "clan" stakes out it's territory and everyone gets rolled up into one or the other crime family. Which is why the economy is monopolized to fuck and wages are shit.
Money laundering is to 'legitimize' money made from illegal means by passing it off as income/profit through another company. As an example, if you make $10,000 selling drugs, you make a little store and make it "sell" $10,000. After paying taxes on the income, you legally keep the difference in your pocket without anyone wondering why you suddenly have a new car.
Unfortunately that isn't super uncommon these days. A lot of AAA productions will list off every employee of every outsourced nonsense or producer company, and Indie ones will list every fucking backer from the crowdfund.
Its actually clever, because it guarantees most people will skip them and never catch these little things.
I've unfortunately worked in enough places to know you gotta hire like 3 or 4 jeets to replace someone who actually knows their shit. It's truly pathetic.
Back around 08-10 pretty much every VFX and 3D studio in the USA was losing money, going bankrupt, over working artists and not paying overtime.
They solution? India, China and Canada were offering HUGE tax incentives for studios to relocate and train the locals.
And that's what happened.. majority of the industry in the USA just left and now majority of the industry operates on a scale up and scale down model hiring for projects and firing once it's done.
Besides the absurdity and indian names.. cant they make 3 columns for the names?? Also.. if they are outsourced, it should be sufficient to just list the outsource company's name.
I wish I was a funnier person, because there's a "Devs wanted" joke in here, but I'm not sure if the (Indian) name Dev is even widespread enough for the joke to work.
Suppose that at least partially explains why it looks like every character's face looks like a melted plastic doll.
A veritable plague.
"Hey Kumar. Meet your new co-worker, Kumar. And your new boss, Kumar."
I'm convinced that AAA games are just elaborate money laundering and intentional company destruction schemes, a la The Producers.
If they're being paid by Blackrock or Vanguard, then it is money laundering. The banks print infinity money, hand out a lot of it to middle man organizations like Blackrock and Vanguard, who buy up stocks for companies, force those companies to pursue DEI in hiring and their products to keep being paid, the companies decline, as merit is destroyed and customers stop paying for their slop, but they keep getting paid by Blackrock and Vanguard to keep making the slop. It's all run off of fake money printed by bankers. So, not only are we taxed via inflation from the money printing, but that invisible taxation is quite literally funding the most malicious crap being pushed on us.
Almost. You think the mob does you favors when you cooperate? No, Blackrock and Vanguard are investors, they can put billions in your company or take billions out. They can do this through a thousand different outlets, because, each retirement plan is for retirees in a certain year, so they have like a hundred plans running all at once just on that. This allows them to manipulate the market with, ironically, "diversity." It actually is their strength here.
If you do what they say your stock goes up but they pimp out the value to themselves immediately. If you don't they engage a massive sell off and spike the value of your company completely. After the board revolts your out on your ass anyways.
These are mafia tactics. It's why "organized crime" doesn't exist anymore. It just went underground and into the CIA and FBI directly. Then each "clan" stakes out it's territory and everyone gets rolled up into one or the other crime family. Which is why the economy is monopolized to fuck and wages are shit.
That's not what money laundering means.
Money laundering is to 'legitimize' money made from illegal means by passing it off as income/profit through another company. As an example, if you make $10,000 selling drugs, you make a little store and make it "sell" $10,000. After paying taxes on the income, you legally keep the difference in your pocket without anyone wondering why you suddenly have a new car.
The entire Skull and Bones fiasco revealed that it is 100% the case for at least some companies and productions.
We only know about that one because it blew up so bad and spectacularly that they ended up revealing what is usually a background deal.
A lot of the earlier companies were started by the mob...
I'd trust the mob more than whoever is currently pulling the levers of society.
Imagine the smell.
The absolute stench.
I mean, ubisoft have like 5 third world branches currently, it’s not shocking considering their game quality has tanked.
Two hours for credits?
I remember when development teams could fit in a phone booth. Some of the best stuff to ever come out of the industry was during that era.
Unfortunately that isn't super uncommon these days. A lot of AAA productions will list off every employee of every outsourced nonsense or producer company, and Indie ones will list every fucking backer from the crowdfund.
Its actually clever, because it guarantees most people will skip them and never catch these little things.
I've unfortunately worked in enough places to know you gotta hire like 3 or 4 jeets to replace someone who actually knows their shit. It's truly pathetic.
And then hire the replaced guy back as consultant at 5 times the original salary to fix jeets works
You'd think it would have had lots of Japanese names, given they're so into being culturally appropriate...
''Indians are Asians right? And they are all the same anyway.''
The people who cry about cultural sensitivity. Selectively.
Back around 08-10 pretty much every VFX and 3D studio in the USA was losing money, going bankrupt, over working artists and not paying overtime.
They solution? India, China and Canada were offering HUGE tax incentives for studios to relocate and train the locals.
And that's what happened.. majority of the industry in the USA just left and now majority of the industry operates on a scale up and scale down model hiring for projects and firing once it's done.
Besides the absurdity and indian names.. cant they make 3 columns for the names?? Also.. if they are outsourced, it should be sufficient to just list the outsource company's name.
Probably their out sourced dev teams. Alot of Hollywood crap has pajeet teams doing CGİO
Pajeets collect 20% of the salary of a normal coder but do only 5% of the work
I wish I was a funnier person, because there's a "Devs wanted" joke in here, but I'm not sure if the (Indian) name Dev is even widespread enough for the joke to work.