-Pissed off the entire Harry Potter Fandom (their single biggest cash cow) by casting a black Snape, and likely doomed their insanely expensive Harry Potter TV series to viewership oblivion
-Delayed the release of the sequel to the Batman until 2027, despite the first one being the only DC Comics film they've released in almost a decade that made money.
-Confirmed that the black Superman film written by King-of-the-Race-Grifters Te-Nihisi Coates is still in development
-Completely fucked up the marketing campaign for the upcoming James Gunn Superman film that they're depending on to revive their DC film universe, which is their other major cash cow.
-Nuked a bunch of their beloved legacy programming from their already-barren streaming service and then licensed third-party streamers to make money from it instead.
I still can't belive how hard they dropped the ball with Multiversus. It could have been a slam dunk, but they just HAD to monetize everything and have the devs prioritize the worst stuff....
They literally patended one of the most original video game ideas of the last decade (the Nemesis system), killed the only series with it after two games (which only got huge controversy because they forced the Devs to add MTX last minute and screwed the marketing), then shut the company down.
But are still holding the patent for a few more years to deny anyone possibly contributing to the industry in a way that might benefit the consumer.
They absolutely hate money and people, they seem to exist to spite everyone possible.
I love Tubi. They have such a massive library of older stuff and obscure stuff like the short lived Police Academy live action show. Also the Vice Academy movies that I wanted to see at age 13
Tubi is quickly proving itself to actually be the streaming service every other one promised they were. I'd gladly pay $1 a month to use it if they ever wanted to charge.
Disney wants to win the streaming wars, so Comcast decides to run up the bid on the Fox purchase for shits and giggles and then bend Disney over on the Hulu deal.
Bob Iger is an idiot, so Disney buys both anyway for way more than either is worth.
Comcast takes Disney's money and uses it to go directly after Disney's bread and butter in the Florida theme park market and in animation.
Fox takes Disney's money and uses less than half a billion of it to buy Tubi and immediately become more profitable than the streaming service that Disney just spent over a hundred billion on.
Disney is getting fucked from all sides and they are the ones bankrolling all of it.
Iger was the worst decision Disney ever made, the man managed to single handedly tank every single IP that was built by others before him and even under him and for the ultimate fuck you, they brought him back after his toxicity was the reason everything started losing money.
The business should never have been hijacked from the Disney family to begin with. Not Iger, not Eisner, not Katzenberg. Eisner's tenure did print the company a lot of money (with their genealogy, what else would you expect) but it changed Disney from that "innocent" company who turned still drawings into masterful works of art into a predatory, omnipotent corporation that didn't even want you home taping their classics when they came on TV. A company that bought out its partners and competitors left, right and center all the while spreading its hooked tentacles into every facet of not just American life, but just about every other culture too.
They also took down a bunch of Scooby Doo. The only way to find some of it is the seven seas.
Warner Bros is actually going up for sale. Paramount just sold for $8 Billion. None of the big names have the money to buy them. It's as if they've all made really bad decisions and are paying for it.
Some shows benefit from that. Not every meal needs to be a thought out, portioned and high end dining experience. Sometimes you just need mindless comfort food without much effort.
Strictly formula shows are that for media. Something you can put on when you aren't watching anything and only vaguely watch it while doing something else without having to worry about "missing" something.
They've made "new" Looney Tunes shows every few years since at least the turn of the millennium. Some were original ideas (Loonatics Unleashed), others just tried to be "more" of the same shit but worse because it was sanded down and boring except when it was screaming like an ADHD zoomer.
But literally no one ever cared an iota about any of them. They seemed to exist to maintain the copyright because people couldn't even muster the care to hate watch them.
It's cool they're still around but I still think it's in everyone's best interest to become a data hoarder, buy an 8tb barracuda, and load that shit up with all your favorites. This way when it all gets cracked down on, we'll be able to successfully seed and distribute everything like we always have.
They just arbitrarily paywalled Babylon 5 for two weeks as well, just when I was starting Season 3, cocksuckers. Oh well, looks like that’s also on Tubi.
Warner Brothers is the stupidest company on the planet.
There's no way. Way too much top tier competition for the title.
So far this year alone, Warner has:
-Pissed off the entire Harry Potter Fandom (their single biggest cash cow) by casting a black Snape, and likely doomed their insanely expensive Harry Potter TV series to viewership oblivion
-Delayed the release of the sequel to the Batman until 2027, despite the first one being the only DC Comics film they've released in almost a decade that made money.
-Confirmed that the black Superman film written by King-of-the-Race-Grifters Te-Nihisi Coates is still in development
-Completely fucked up the marketing campaign for the upcoming James Gunn Superman film that they're depending on to revive their DC film universe, which is their other major cash cow.
-Nuked a bunch of their beloved legacy programming from their already-barren streaming service and then licensed third-party streamers to make money from it instead.
Again, that's just so far this year.
I think it was last year but they canceled the Wile E. Coyote movie
If they hadn't they would have just gender-swapped the Roadrunner and made him a girlboss.
Honestly, Ubisoft might have them beat for creating what appears to be a very real diplomatic incident between the country of Japan and Canada.
I still can't belive how hard they dropped the ball with Multiversus. It could have been a slam dunk, but they just HAD to monetize everything and have the devs prioritize the worst stuff....
They literally patended one of the most original video game ideas of the last decade (the Nemesis system), killed the only series with it after two games (which only got huge controversy because they forced the Devs to add MTX last minute and screwed the marketing), then shut the company down.
But are still holding the patent for a few more years to deny anyone possibly contributing to the industry in a way that might benefit the consumer.
They absolutely hate money and people, they seem to exist to spite everyone possible.
I love Tubi. They have such a massive library of older stuff and obscure stuff like the short lived Police Academy live action show. Also the Vice Academy movies that I wanted to see at age 13
Tubi is quickly proving itself to actually be the streaming service every other one promised they were. I'd gladly pay $1 a month to use it if they ever wanted to charge.
It really should be a bigger story.
Disney wants to win the streaming wars, so Comcast decides to run up the bid on the Fox purchase for shits and giggles and then bend Disney over on the Hulu deal.
Bob Iger is an idiot, so Disney buys both anyway for way more than either is worth.
Comcast takes Disney's money and uses it to go directly after Disney's bread and butter in the Florida theme park market and in animation.
Fox takes Disney's money and uses less than half a billion of it to buy Tubi and immediately become more profitable than the streaming service that Disney just spent over a hundred billion on.
Disney is getting fucked from all sides and they are the ones bankrolling all of it.
Iger was the worst decision Disney ever made, the man managed to single handedly tank every single IP that was built by others before him and even under him and for the ultimate fuck you, they brought him back after his toxicity was the reason everything started losing money.
The business should never have been hijacked from the Disney family to begin with. Not Iger, not Eisner, not Katzenberg. Eisner's tenure did print the company a lot of money (with their genealogy, what else would you expect) but it changed Disney from that "innocent" company who turned still drawings into masterful works of art into a predatory, omnipotent corporation that didn't even want you home taping their classics when they came on TV. A company that bought out its partners and competitors left, right and center all the while spreading its hooked tentacles into every facet of not just American life, but just about every other culture too.
Disney died with Roy E. Disney.
They also took down a bunch of Scooby Doo. The only way to find some of it is the seven seas.
Warner Bros is actually going up for sale. Paramount just sold for $8 Billion. None of the big names have the money to buy them. It's as if they've all made really bad decisions and are paying for it.
To be fair, once you've seen one episode of Scooby Doo, you've basically seen every single episode of Scooby Doo.
Some shows benefit from that. Not every meal needs to be a thought out, portioned and high end dining experience. Sometimes you just need mindless comfort food without much effort.
Strictly formula shows are that for media. Something you can put on when you aren't watching anything and only vaguely watch it while doing something else without having to worry about "missing" something.
I will not stand by this Mystery Incorporated slander.
...But yes, that does apply to most of it. It's just that Mystery Incorporated was so darn good.
You've seen the formula. The fun is how they use it.
That's too bad, my kids were really enjoying those old non-PC cartoons with their violence and shit.
Get Tubi
is it ad supported? I hate ads.
Yes, but even the paid streamers have ads now
Ever watched the "edited" versions of classic cartoons? They're completely un-watchable. Also highly questionable in what gets cut and what doesn't.
I never saw anything about the "New" Looney Toons cartoons, did they even come out?
They've made "new" Looney Tunes shows every few years since at least the turn of the millennium. Some were original ideas (Loonatics Unleashed), others just tried to be "more" of the same shit but worse because it was sanded down and boring except when it was screaming like an ADHD zoomer.
But literally no one ever cared an iota about any of them. They seemed to exist to maintain the copyright because people couldn't even muster the care to hate watch them.
How is it edited exactly?
The "acts of violence" are simply cut. Since most shows are timed with music? The music is also cut.
I found this handy site which lists most of it?
I think the newer Looney Tunes stuff is still on Max
It's cool they're still around but I still think it's in everyone's best interest to become a data hoarder, buy an 8tb barracuda, and load that shit up with all your favorites. This way when it all gets cracked down on, we'll be able to successfully seed and distribute everything like we always have.
They just arbitrarily paywalled Babylon 5 for two weeks as well, just when I was starting Season 3, cocksuckers. Oh well, looks like that’s also on Tubi.